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Happy Blue

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Everything posted by Happy Blue

  1. Of course its the vaccine, young sportsmen around the world are dropping like flys with heart problems ..watch this video
  2. Thats not correct in the UK, over 70% of deaths are double jabbed and 87% of the people in hospital with covid problems are double jabbed too ..natural immunity is 15 times better than the vaccines and you won't end up like Aguero with heart problems
  3. Think I'd struggle to make 4 kids with that
  4. Whats the evidence that it wasn't? ..he had zero heart problems at City, he had regularly scans due to his injury's, gets doubled jabbed and shortly after has the heart problems many others have had after the vaccines
  5. I did ..60,000 care workers sacked today on Remembrance day, people died for your freedoms that are being taken away, they are clearly taking the piss out of you all, so that's more old & sick people who are going to die off in care homes due to being under staffed, can you not see whats going on? ..they are going to do the same with doctors & nurses leading to more deaths.
  6. Yes, the vaccine has been causing alot of heart problems around the world in younger people too. open your eyes mate, why are they forcing this on us for a flu that has a 99.99% survival rate?? sacking 100,000+ doctors and nurses because they won't take this vaccine they know they don't need or trust ..the world's gone mad, especially Australia which is now a dictatorship, I can see civil war around the world if they mandate this, it's a human rights violation at very least
  7. Aguero is double jabbed and currently enjoying his new heart problems like so many others, for a virus with a 99.99% survival rate and natural immunity being 15 times better than the vax, why would you get it?? ..it doesn't stop the spread what so ever, makes no sense at all how they are trying to force people to get vaccinated especially when 90% of the people in hospital with covid are double jabbed, a healthy person has a better chance of fighting this naturally with your own anti bodies and immune system like god intended
  8. Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) have been “disappointed” by their arrival at Newcastle as they are looking to buy Inter Milan, according to reports. Doing a u-turn already?
  9. lets not derail the thread any further ..back on topic i've never once said we sell out every game, midweeks we are notoriously bad so we agree
  10. United have always had massive, massive support ..yet City still holds the attendance record outside of Wembley when we was just an average team like you are now ..to get the glory fans from around the world we are going to have to win a few CL's but locally i've already seen a massive increase in kids wearing City tops, not so much united anymore, your already losing the next generation of fans
  11. That's just because you dominated for 20 years, everyone around the world supports you, our support is still more local yet .. sadly if we continue to dominate we will end up with the glory fans like you but if you continue to win nothing in time your support will drop significantly
  12. Hope she ok mate and makes a full recovery, stay positive
  13. @Stan this guy explains where your inflated covid deaths numbers come from .. @The Premier Steve's he answers your questions too
  14. You are free to believe what you like fella ..for now
  15. That makes no sense at all, by that logic you are afraid of covid so got jabbed just admit you are afraid ..it's just common sense, if you don't need something don't get it, you are more likely to get run over by a car, do you fear cars? more people die in the middle of sex, you better fear sex lol ...just be a man and stock up on lemsips and stop crying to your GP, you will be just fine like 99% of the population
  16. i'm not affraid of needles or covid, it's just not logical for me to get it, i'm already protected ...top btw, i think you are the most underrated fisherman on here, you come across as serious but are indeed taking the piss
  17. Your covid figures are not correct, they cant be. the survival rate is 99.98% on average, something is not right here is it? ..whats happened is people who have been dying of cancer and other illnesses have caught covid and it's finished them off they have then had covid marked as the cause of death to inflate the figures, they did it to my mum who died in march 2020 and she never even had covid, pneumonia was what the hospital said she had, death certificate says covid That is what i was saying is it's rare to die from the vaccine, but there still is that chance and with the foetal stuff i was just pointing out you are injecting dead babies in to yourself for a flu
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