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  1. Deco

    Off Topic

    Yeah, you can work but once you work for or over your regular hours, the furlough gets cancelled. As I do bar-work I’m on a zero-hour contract and as I’m working less hours that means I still get a combination of furlough and my regular pay. I’m just not sure how they’ll calculate it. I get you, cheers!
  2. Deco

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    I’ve got to ask because I’ve just been properly confused by people at work. Alongside all of my studies, I work part-time in a club. I worked just under my regular number of hours during July. Does furlough cover the rest of my wages or are the hours I worked added on top of the furlough? I’m so confused.
  3. Deco

    Tips & Bets 365

    Recently a close friend of mine started placing ridiculous accumulators. He’s not going with gut feeling or a genuine approach. He went from backing sound games from the big leagues and European derbies to backing teams in the Vietnam Second Division and the Mongolian Premier League and asking me what I think of them. He’s got a four-fold on for later today featuring world giants like ‘Ham-Kam’ and ‘Paide Linnameeskond’. No, me neither. He’s wasting £10 a day on these and when they’re at a nice cash-out (one in ten) he refuses to take it and then sulks when it loses. He told me over the phone that he’s going to be upping his stakes too. Does anyone else have any experience with this sort of thing?
  4. Deco

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    So I had my theory test booked for the day prior to the lock down being announced in the UK. It got cancelled, and I've just gone in to book it again. I can't get one until the last week of August should I not want to travel into the centre of Birmingham or perhaps further afield. Makes me regret taking this driving malarkey so slowly.
  5. Deco

    Tips & Bets 365

    It turns out that my mother was lying. I asked her if I could see these e-mails for peace of mind and she refused and then got angry. So I’ve asked my dad and he admitted it was the first he’d heard about it. I actually give up, it’s a shows a complete lack of class by making that up.
  6. Deco

    Tips & Bets 365

    I’m more than aware of its nature, but trying to delve deeper now churns up a plethora of ‘fixed matches’ pages. The only money I owe is to the University.
  7. Deco

    Tips & Bets 365

    I must ask if any of you have encountered this. What I presume must be phishing scams targeting my parents about ‘bookmaker debt’s. My parents don’t bet and never have done, I’m the only person who does in our house but I’m in zero debt whatsoever. Has anyone else encountered this?
  8. Deco

    Off Topic

    To be honest I haven’t been told any. My dad is talking to me but my mother is being her usual snappy and condescending self. I’ve actually sat down and made myself a plan. I reckon, if I make some big sacrifices, I could have a few thousand saved after paying for and completing my Masters. After that I should have something lined up and, instead of getting my first car like all of my mates did, I’ll be moving out. It’s a shame but in that way I’m less fortunate. Meanwhile, my sisters are promised they’ll get a wad of money from the late grandad’s will to ‘spend on whatever they like’. Me? Not even a penny. Story of my life with them. Luckily I’m one of these fierce independent types and always make things work for me and then some. My savings went to them in the form of ‘rent’ - the remainder will pay for my Masters degree. I’ll have finished saving for that tomorrow as one of my best mates owes me that money for a multitude of favours and small lends. I’ve set myself a new savings plan up to start tomorrow, starting with a poxy £5-odd as that’s all I have for now. Keeping track of everything that comes in and goes out, I’ll be monitoring every little fold. By my 22nd birthday next June I should be well on the way to leaving them in the dust. I won’t likely come back unless I have to. At the end of the day I can relocate and do my PhD in History and the world will become my oyster. It should be good. Fingers crossed mate!
  9. Deco

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    So - an update. @nudge @Stan I went out for a very long walk this afternoon. I ended up going farther than I’d anticipated and had to find a trail back. I text my mother saying I’ll be home soon and then get lost with no signal. Get in and it’s the kitchen sink - apparently if I don’t abide by the ‘new rules’ then I’m going to be homeless. I then have every insult under the sun thrown at me before being told to find somewhere else to live. I send her a text and get the same response. So - it’s not looking good. One thing I do know is I’m getting closer to cutting them off when I do manage to afford my own place.
  10. Deco

    Off Topic

    I do! I work behind a bar, and I get a fair few shifts in. I’ve been saving my money for ages and had intended to use it for a car but things change. With what they supposedly want from me at this time I’d probably end up with a hundred to myself each month from that, plus whatever else I could whittle up. They’re strange. I can guarantee that tomorrow they’ll fully brush this aside if it doesn’t come up in conversation. Either way this is becoming such a regular occurrence and one I’m tired of. Will let you know what’s gone on in the morning.
  11. Deco

    Off Topic

    Unfortunately there’s not. The ones I could try would have me on a sofa or they still live with their parents. Joys of being 21! I’m the eldest: for some reason this is apparently a show of jurisdiction. Damn, I got a first in my dissertation and that was dismissed as nothing, whereas a near fail in her A-Levels was met with applause. The problem is that I could but it would mean taking on a large student debt to cover my back on my Masters. Otherwise I’d have gone sooner!
  12. Deco

    Off Topic

    So - I need a bit of advice. I don't get on with my parents. I've always had a very shaky relationship with my mother and am at a stage of breaking point with her. My younger sister has never had to pay rent, even when she had a job. As soon as I hit 16, I was expected to provide money for rent and did, even if it meant I had nothing for myself. I reckon that, having just turned 21, I've given them just shy of £10K give or take a little. That's a fucking tonne in my eyes, especially when I factor in that I have to buy my own food and things 95% of the time. This is despite using home as little more as a place to sleep and a place to keep my things. Suddenly, as the pandemic draws to a close, I find myself being actively threatened to cough up £60 a week rent as well as pay for everything else. I'm set to embark on my Masters degree and have my savings in place to pay it off. Yet, no matter how I push this, they now want to milk me of nearly double this. I have nowhere else to go but I refuse to put my education down for their show of greed and lack of understanding. As almost a way of making me pay, they keep turning off the wi-fi whenever I'm doing prep research for September. What do you reckon I should say to them? It's so childish.
  13. Deco

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    Thanks! @Stan @Pyfish @CaaC (John) @nudge I studied History, and I'm not entirely sure what my Masters is in yet. I've got to choose between History, International Relations and Terrorism, International Crime and Global Security. I'm probably going to choose the latter as I'll get to work with my dissertation supervisor again plus it's a unique Masters.
  14. Deco

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    I know I haven't been a member of the forum for long nor have I really engaged too much. But yesterday was a very happy day for me as I received my final grades for my degree. I've got a place on a Masters degree with a scholarship too, plus I got a solid first in my dissertation. Absolutely buzzing!
  15. Deco

    Tips & Bets 365

    There's definitely a trend. A guy I went to University with had deep pockets. He put fifty on an eight-fold acca at something like 178/1 with SkyBet about a month before the lockdown. He tried to take it for half-an-hour as the results were coming in and at one point he could've cashed-out for over £5,000. They rejected his cash-out right until the results turned in the last kicks of one of the games and then they let him cash-out for around £14. He wasn't happy and they cited 'technical issue' at him too. For me that £340 would've given me a nice bit of cash to put away towards my Masters degree in September. Profit margins are evidently too low on the bookies' end.
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