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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I have to go to China for work next month for 12 days and I really don't want to :( 

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    2. football forums


      @Dr. Gonzo Oh yea, forgot to mention that, you'll want to download a VPN for your trip, a free one, so you can get past the firewall, most chinese people also use western apps via these so don't worry about that. 'VPN Cat' was good for me (and free).

    3. football forums


      @Toinho...You should've gone to Harrow while you were there.

    4. football forums



      ‘You get what you pay for’. Remember that becuase the Chinese  take it to heart and you’ll be ripped off the moment you step off the plane if you aren’t careful with your business dealings.

  2. Yeah its sad what’s happened to Scottish football, it used to be a much stronger place for football.
  3. Pretty mental you could have had Salah and KDB alongside Hazard, yet instead they’re hugely important to your rivals now.
  4. I don’t think Rodgers is a good manager at all, unless he’s got Luis Suarez there to paper over the cracks, so I’d be pretty pleased if you signed him. Your defense would probably get even worse
  5. I don’t think you can blame Poch too much for not winning anything. When he joined them they weren’t expected to contend or even be regulars with CL qualification. I think he’s done well at Spurs, he’s taken them up a level and changed expectations for the club while playing attractive football with a smaller budget than most, if not all, of the clubs around them. I think he’d be a quality appointment at United, so I hope he stays at Spurs.
  6. Gilberto Silva? But probably too defensive to come close to that sort of assists stat. When did Willian join you? I feel like he’s been here longer than Bobby’s been here for us & Coutinho’s not even in the league anymore
  7. I mean have you seen our league lately? It’s outrageously competitive from 5th place and higher. Last season Chelsea were 5th best playing a much more dour style of football, now you’ve got a new man in trying to build towards a much more attractive style of play. And he’s never managed in England before. Are you seriously expecting him to immediately adapt and compete head to head with City? A side who are ridiculously good and enjoying a period of incredible football and stability? HE’S NOT EVEN DOING BADLY! Sarri’s adapting pretty well. You look miles better than you did last season imo and a bit of bad luck for us and City and you’re right back in the thick of it. And I think you’ll make top 4, which will make bringing in top targets easier because players always prefer to move to CL teams It’s not been perfect, but expectations should be tempered to reflect reality. Chelsea weren’t great last season, the top end of the table (which is where Chelsea are, so they’re not failing to meet expectation) is insanely competitive, new manager with a complete opposite style of football to the tactics traditionally employed at Stamford Bridge, and he’s new to the league and so is the man who’s likely the most important signing of the Sarri era (if it’s to be a real project and he’s not just another quick fix). There needs to be a bed in time, even if Sarri is only in briefly to be a bridge for Chelsea moving to a trend of quick fixes with attacking managers. I think he’s being asked to do a lot, I’m not surprised there have been some hiccups.
  8. At least we've got Fabinho, who's played there before for Monaco and Brazil. And the best English fullback, James Milner.
  9. Yeah hopefully the knock to Trent’s foot doesn’t mean he’ll miss time
  10. 6 goals conceded. Alisson and VVD will take most of the plaudits. And rightly so, VVD is absolutely incredible. Aside from being ridiculously talented, he’s brought leadership and confidence to our back 4. Alisson has as well, and has shown astonishingly safe hands and great distribution and has this season already helped us win points and get to the CL. But I think this season Andy Robertson, Joe Gomez, and TAA deserve big praise this season. Andy Robertson is so fucking good I don’t know how we got him for so cheap. And yesterday both he and Trent created a ridiculous amount of chances from the fullback position, so they’re making contributions at the back and going forward. And when I say ridiculous I mean I remember more chances created by individual fullbacks of ours than I remember Napoli creating the entirety of the match (which again says something about our defense). Last season everyone said it: Liverpool need to learn how to grind out wins. We’ve done that a few times now this season, looks like we’re learning.
  11. Alisson paid for 1/6th of his transfer fee with that save today :) 

    1. football forums


      But it was shot right at him?! 

    2. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      We had Mignolet and Karius, a competent goalkeeper is worth their weight in gold (or oil, whichever is more valuable) to us

  12. It seems like May's actions will always be in what creates the most chaos. Pretty mental how much money the government threw at ads to back this deal that they've then decided to shelve.
  13. Yeah anyone saying they didn’t care much was lying. However if you look at me in that thread I start chatting shite about Everton throughout. In a WhatsApp group with my friends (blues and reds) it was heated and hilarious all week before it, capped off with them not rolling over for us at Anfield for the first time, and then that fucking hilarious winner... I think it’s reignited the rivalry a bit.
  14. I don’t think taking this piss out of Everton generally is the same as saying you or @Cannabis are at fault for the tweet that we’re taking the piss out of. Lots of shit is said about our fans on here and some people say “well not you lot on here” and I think all of us know our posts well enough to know I don’t think you’re typical blueshite bellends.
  15. That tweet & your post don’t seem like jokes at all. Ones a tweet about wanting to lose to City, ones about how you don’t give a fuck about if we win the league. Usually jokes have this element of a thing called humour
  16. Did you just call one of the few Scousers on here a Norwegian, playing into that LFC Norwegian glory hunter crap? Because he’s Scouse. In fact of the 3(?) people originally from Merseyside on here... do any support the so called “people’s club?” Because by my count we all support Liverpool.
  17. Too bad he needs to be at a club with H E R I T A G E
  18. €a$¥ for them not to worry about, as they'll probably pay UEFA some money and that'll be the last we hear of it until the next time it's reported that City have broken rules again.
  19. His agent has said if Manchester United want to get rid of him, they won't be "mutually terminating" his contract - Mourinho will be getting his pound of flesh for being sacked. Honestly though, the Mourinho tenure at Manchester United is going just swimmingly. From spending around a billion to not really show much for that expenditure, then complaining about the quality of the squad, to saying that United's heritage is basically in being shite - which is hilarious, falling out with players and throwing them under the bus, and him saying they'll need a miracle for their billion pound squad to make the top 4. Now he's said last season was a success because they finished above clubs that have greater potential than them... ignoring the fact that it's his job to make sure that Manchester United have potential, or ignoring the fact that he used to mock managers/clubs for small-mindedness (remember that "specialist in failure") stuff. This is all quality entertainment.
  20. Oh yeah, I don’t understand left wing Euroskeptics at all though, but they certainly exist. Jeremy Corbyn for one. But yeah, no idea why they’ve let the right wing Tory brexiters take the lead on how to market Brexit. Not that it matters why, enough of them voted leave. I think because the referendum was really a vote for the status quo vs mystery option that isn’t really defined, a lot of people voting leave just used their imaginations to determine what Brexit is.
  21. I’ve literally just come back from visiting my family and it’s not like I can’t keep in touch with them every day because it’s not 1970something and things like the internet and mobile phones exist. Also since when are tories a fucking race?!
  22. Euroskeptics making emotional arguments rather than substantive policy arguments has been so effective. Look at Nigel Farage, a man who's been elected as an MEP numerous times and he's never once fought for better British representation in the EU, he's used his position to collect a big salary from the EU while continuously trolling the entire European Parliament, essentially just using the position for soundbites as to why the UK should leave the EU. There's always been very little substance behind what he says on Europe and the EU, but he's humourous and charismatic and has managed to sway a lot of people into believing him just through being able to make people laugh and by seeming relateable despite telling lies about the roles of EU regulations and their effect on Britain. Although I think everyone should view Farage as a hypocritical dipshit based on his views on: tax avoidance (which is okay for him, but not for others apparently) and what he'll do if Brexit is a dismal failure (by his own admission, he'll just fuck off to the US).
  23. Yeah that's fucking excellent meme-ing. If your club's social media management can't put out some top quality memes, you've got a lot of improvement necessary both on and off the pitch at your clubs.
  24. Or Rees-Mogg moving headquarters of his businesses to Ireland... really demonstrates great confidence in British industry now that we’ve voted for “our sovereignty” to fuck off out of Britain. Disaster capitalists have wanted no deal from day one.
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