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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. They weren’t mathematically out of it either. Mathematically a lot of teams aren’t out of it though.
  2. Whoa did I win member of the year?

    1. football forums


      Fingers crossed it’s the last fucking thing you win this year.

    2. football forums


      1 down, 3 to go B|

    3. football forums
  3. Dr. Gonzo


    Pretty poor promotion tbh lol
  4. Dr. Gonzo


    I don’t understand why Mayweather even bothered to fight that Japanese kickboxer. I mean I guess he’s well paid for about 2 minutes worth of work - but did anyone think the kickboxer would win? Sort of a joke, even compared to the McGregor fight
  5. I’m honestly not sure if this season is real or if I’m in a coma and this is all one long realistic dream. Guess I don’t care which is the case, this is pleasant. I hope it keeps going.
  6. What we need is a tactical mastermind that takes all the confidence from the side and goes to rivals set up like a conference side. Because to be a tactical mastermind, the trick is to just put as many men between the ball and your goal as possible.
  7. Moreno is absolute dogshite, surely he must know that. In the Europa League final he was basically playing for Sevilla with how dogshit he was. Probably wanted to win a medal for his hometown club. He’s not even our 4th best left back and he’s one of our 2 senior left backs.
  8. Stevie's the reason we won a CL. Also the FA cup final the year after was a bit special. I don't think Gerrard's a bottler at all - if anything he carried a lot of Liverpool sides to more than they probably should have achieved on paper. That 2009 side was good, shockingly good midfield especially. But I don't think it compares to the current side - better attack nowadays, better defense, shitloads of depth. The current side is so good. It's a shame Stevie had a free kick goal disallowed for reasons I'll never understand in 2009 against Stoke. I don't think I'll ever forget that bullshit refereeing for as long as I live (assuming I don't get Alzheimer's or dementia or something). Might have made that season end entirely differently. I thought the last year side was comparable to the 2009 side (although obviously we did worse in the league) because despite the defensive frailty in the first half of the season, the firepower up top was just too much for almost everyone we came up against. Maybe it had more flaws than the 2009 side. The current side though is a hell of a lot more complete though.
  9. I'm obviously hoping you don't and you and City fall off the pace early and we get a bit of a cushion built... because that'd be obviously ideal. But I think you will keep pace with us this year... and so will City. Having seen us piss away golden seasons before, I'm not going to believe we can win it until we win it (if we ever do while I'm alive). City's blip I think is only a major concern because of the own high standards they set for themselves last year. They're still incredibly strong. Your attack is terrifying and you're solid at the back - and I think one of our biggest accomplishments this season was taking 3 points off you, because even with no new additions Spurs look a bit better than last year as well. As Klopp always tells the press though, we're in a good moment... and for as long as it lasts I'm going to enjoy it. We're playing really impressive stuff right now and we've still got half a season to go, but this might be the best Liverpool side I've ever seen in my entire life.
  10. We’ve been top at Christmas twice and fucked it up in the last 10 years. No point celebrating now. Obviously pretty pleased with how good the squad looks though.
  11. Dr. Gonzo

    Ladies feet

    What if she was the fittest bird you'd ever seen... but her feet were ugly as fuck and bigger than your own?
  12. People getting upset with the EU for using the upper hand they have in the negotiations are silly. The EU had the EU’s best interests in mind, of course they’ll negotiate from a position of power when they have the upper hand.
  13. Ha! It’s remainers fault that the EU has had far more leverage than the UK in Brexit negotiations?! They had the upper hand the whole time, the leave campaign never gave a coherent vision for Brexit and promised we could pick and choose the benefits of being in the EU and the benefits of being out of the EU. Right from the off, our best hope was getting something like the Swiss or Norwegians.
  14. Well I think Suarez was the best player in the league in his time with us... I don't know if that meant he was the best striker in Europe. He was obviously up there though. I mean at the time, wasn't Messi playing as a false 9? Technically if the best player in the world is playing in your position... chances are they're going to be the best in that position, regardless of how good you are.
  15. I think Hazard is fucking brilliant - I don't think he's the best player in his position.
  16. Oh yeah I remember seeing that Gini was playing at the back and thinking "what the fuck is happening?" If anyone can play on either side of Van Dijk and do well, I would like to volunteer to play for Liverpool during this festive season. The only exercise I really get is when I ride my bike every morning and I don't exactly push myself that hard, I drink too much, and I probably wouldn't pass a premier league drugs test - but I'm up for the challenge.
  17. The only ones I think were the best in their position are: Steven Gerrard tbh.
  18. Back 3 would be pretty weird with our defensive injuries.
  19. Maybe because it's a team sport and not an individual sport? Although Gerrard sometimes made it seem like an individual sport. Suarez also was an incredible player making us look as good as he did with Brendan Rodgers at the helm.
  20. I actually am in support of Everton making the move to the Bramley Moor Dock. The proposed financing means the Liverpool City Council won't be giving Everton a handout & it's well known the docks are a part of the city's long term regeneration plans (although apparently the city might lose it's UNESCO status because of the regeneration plans - which I think is weird). At the same time, it'd be a shame to lose another historical stadium in Woodison. I'll miss the shitpit.
  21. Fuck that, I don't want Robbo going anywhere. They can have Moreno though.
  22. That weird one is very cool though.
  23. Robertson is immense, I'm so glad we have him. Great news to have tied him down for the foreseeable future.
  24. Dr. Gonzo

    Ladies feet

    Every day we stray further from God's light. Nah, jk, there's way weirder fetishes than foot fetishes, I'm pretty sure. You can tell by going to your favourite porn search engine and typing in fetish and seeing all of the shit people wank to. Some of the shit there is significantly weirder than just liking feet. But if we ever get a thread on fucking women in the armpits, I think that might be when we've strayed too far.
  25. Yes your job and personal experiences are a more valid interpretation of the British economy than the British GDP I don’t think it’ll be fatal. I just think it’s needlessly going to create a recession and lead to austerity measures to benefit only a few. Theres already plenty of Brits who’ve seen better economic opportunity abroad, and I think that’s a shame. For as much as I’d like to come home, I can’t really justify taking giving myself a 1/3rd decrease in pay. And I just see no reason to be hopeful the same people who’ve failed so dismally to negotiate with the EU can negotiate good trade deals in the WTO shark tank.
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