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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-water/desperate-venezuelans-swarm-sewage-drains-in-search-of-water-idUSKBN1QS2SN?utm_source=reddit.com Sounds pretty horrific tbh. Guess a small and corrupt country shouldn't have their economy based around oil exports and only oil exports and use a dictionary definition of socialism as it's blueprint.
  2. On the one hand, I feel a bit bad for her because this is really all David fucking Cameron's fault - I think he has to go down as one of the worst British people in the history of Britain for this. On the other hand, it's her fault (and her party's fault) that we've spent 2 years of negotiation with the EU just utterly wasted and are 17 days from No Deal.
  3. Her Brexistential crisis is clearly taking a toll on her.
  4. I miss @Storts

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. football forums

      Happy Blue

      Why did Teso and Marc get banned??

    3. football forums


       I didn't even notice they were gone.

    4. football forums

      Happy Blue

      storts has completed the Hierarchy list, his work is done here! 

  5. I’ve only played it on my brother’s computer and I’m shit at it, so I never made the mun. He knows what the fuck he’s doing. When I play it’s basically astronaut disaster simulator.
  6. I'm pretty sure they've got ownership interests in more than just "a business" - I think it's multiple businesses.
  7. It's a really fun game, but it's hard as fuck. It's definitely a game of trial and error.
  8. I think they should sack Silva because it's a stupid thing to do and it would mean another year of rebuilding there.
  9. I always liked the way Honda bikes looked, but I feel like I never fit right on their sport bikes. My fiancé wants me to get a bigger car than my Mazda 3 hatchback. Any thoughts on decent sedans?
  10. So what do Chelsea do if they tell Kepa he's been fined and he wags his finger and says "no"?
  11. Hahaha this is the best response to that tweet:
  12. I'm also not keen on a second referendum for the same reasons. I thought the first referendum was stupid and a bad idea for the electorate to make a decision on - and ultimately if the result goes against the original referendum's results... it only really highlights that referendums are stupid. But like you say, what other choices do we have. The EU's saying they're not going to renegotiate a new deal - so there's the May deal that pretty much nobody likes. We could go with that... but nobody likes it. We can delay Article 50 and postpone Brexit, but if the EU is truly not going to negotiate a new deal... that gives us a choice between no deal or the May deal. So that's putting us back in the same position, but only delaying the chance for this to be finally resolved. The third option is parliament withdrawing Article 50 and just ending Brexit... but it's unlikely MPs will do that, because they don't want to deal with the yOu ArE sUbVeRtInG dEmOcRaCy crowd A second referendum is the best of 4 bad positions our government can take imo.
  13. Tbf, most players have never experienced anything like that. It was a truly bizarre moment. Azpilicueta's statement which was basically "well it's not really my problem, and I didn't even see it" was a shambolic statement from a captain. I definitely agree with @Smiley Culture that the Chelsea players on the pitch share a degree of culpability here, and if not all Chelsea players on the pitch... then definitely the senior players. If it was my club, I'd want Kepa gone along with Azpilicueta and virtually everyone else.
  14. Dr. Gonzo


    I stopped doing that as well. Honestly vaping feels unhealthier.
  15. Yeah that sounds fucking shite. Worst that happened like that with my direct family was some fuckers stole my ma's hubcaps, in true Scouse stereotype fashion. They didn't steal my dads , she was so pissed off about that. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE DO WITH STOLEN HUBCAPS, THEY'RE NOT LIKE PARTICULALY USEFUL! Then the police came and put these strange orange replacement hubcaps on her car until she got actual replacements put on. So I thought ours was a bit funny, rather than fucked up like yours.
  16. Two people broke into my uncle's house to burglarise the place... while he, his wife, and his kids were home. They were scared shitless, but the burglars were more scared shitless to see there were people in the home and hightailed it the fuck out of there. I'd be more worried about a murderer or a rapist breaking into the house, but I suppose if you're desperate enough to steal you might be desperate enough to do some very fucked up things to avoid getting caught. And in the North West I think most crimes like that are gangs (especially these famous victims, I suspect) or (for more normal victims and not rich people) a neighborhood junkie or crackhead stealing shit to fence for drugs. Neither of whom you'd want around your family really.
  17. I'd probably just rely on insurance, unless I had some particular one of a kind sentimental type of item. And even then I'd probably still just rely on insurance.
  18. Mental that it’s happened to him twice, wonder if it’s the same group of burglars
  19. Dr. Gonzo


    Well done. I’ve gone almost 3 weeks in a couple of hours
  20. Dr. Gonzo


    Oh yeah, it's no doubt a terrible habit.
  21. Dr. Gonzo


    Yeah it's already linked to popcorn lung... which is arguably worse than cancer. And it might cause cancer as well There's worse habits than smoking. You could be snorting coke off a toilet seat (you'd also probably be addicted to smoking if you're doing that as well).
  22. Flying around like Iron Man was really cool, but exactly. Every fight felt pretty much the same.
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