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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. The government have taken big measures since Thursday's car crash press conference but it is largely advisory and not enforced.
  2. Apparently some pubs still busy in London. Wouldn't know I haven't been outside since Sunday but government is going to have to force closure like in other countries. London should be in lockdown at this stage if the virus here.
  3. Patrick Vallance reckons we could have 55000 infected in the UK. What needs questioning is if we have that many among us how come when the South Koreans tested over 200,000 people in 2 weeks they only actually found 8000 had it.
  4. The US potential plan to give everyone in the country $1000 is interesting.
  5. Possibly because their rent would be paid under universal income if they were out of a job.
  6. All non-urgent operations in the UK to be cancelled from April 15th.
  7. You can't deny your own citizens entry but if there are no flights you can't get back.
  8. USA on course to reach 90,000 cases within 10 days. 6 million within a month.
  9. The lot of them look like they have underlying health conditions as well
  10. Trump has said gatherings should have no more than 10 people for the next 15 days. 2 weeks ago he said this whole thing is nothing as a journo said on twitter this is his Chernobyl where the bullshit and lies backfire.
  11. Insurance companies can't pay out. They'd collapse long before they managed to pay everyone. Only the central bank can save businesses.
  12. How would you notice unless you broke the rules
  13. The next sentence from Hancock is "within the limits of the advice given." Of course people who can't work from home should still go to work. The advice is if you can work from home do so.
  14. From midday tomorrow France will be in complete lockdown. No one allowed out except for essential reasons after a lot of people were defying the original recommendation. Government will save all businesses under threat. This will be London and the south east soon.
  15. This is why mass testing like in South Korea is needed and why the government and PHE are failing. It's better for public health, it's better for the economy if you just knew straight up is it coronavirus or not.
  16. They'll force them shut soon when the cases balloon in the next week. Today is just the gentle notice stage.
  17. They're only testing people who may need to be hospitalised at the minute I believe.
  18. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory. The French government are warning anti-inflammatories diminish the immune system and are a bad idea when you have an infection. They're warning against people taking ibuprofen. Whether that extends to natural anti inflammatories I don't know but I wouldn't risk it for a chocolate biscuit.
  19. Health Secretary Mat Hancock says herd immunity is not part of the government plan. Also expected that everyone over 70 will be told they need to isolate for the next 2 months.
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