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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Rick

    Hip Hop/Rap

    Thoughts on Brockhamton? I've listened through all 3 saturation albums and I think they're very good.
  2. Add a GK and that would be a sexual team. we definitely need to strengthen the midfield. Keep in mind we will likely lose Can, so we would be left with Henderson, Wijnaldum and Lallana in CM....so we devinitely need more in that area. Lemar will plug the creative void that Coutinho will leave behind. Get in Donnarumma.
  3. Klopp has said last night about "obvious problems" with the defensive aspect of our team. Well Jurgen, it's your job to fix that. January should be used to strengthen defence and find a decent CM. Mignolet will make it to the end of the season as our number 1, even though he doesn't fucking deserve it.
  4. Oooooh a 9/10 for I, Daniel Blake eh...thsts one I never got round to seein h but I think I'll have to remedy that.
  5. Did Shay Given really suggest Newcastle going for Alexis Sanchez if they get a cash injection? There's stupidity, then there's that shite.
  6. Ngannou with a scary finish on Overeem...Stipe must be worried after that. Loved seeing Alvarez win too, and what a fight it was. Always guaranteed a show when it's a Gaejthe fight.
  7. It shouldn't but wouldn't it be a nice excuse not to spend money...
  8. We better not prioritise Goretzka over a top CB. That should be first thing on the liat. Give Saints the money for Van Dijk or Lazio the money for DeVrij
  9. You better not have actually laughed at this you twat.
  10. He was getting better. Started this season really well, but has drifted back to mediocrity in the last few weeks. It might just be a bad patch, but it demonstrates how lacling we are with quality in the cm position. Im annoyed to lose him, but mostly because hes going for fuck all when we could have gotten 20-30m off somebody for him.
  11. I was worried in the second round when GSP looked knackered out, but the ending was awesome. Chuffed the legend is back, I was wrong about him staying retired.
  12. Some good news is that Mane is back in training and Klop says there is a small chance he features tomorrow. Excellent news having him back, and hopefully Lallana isnt too far behind. We really need his energy in the midfield.
  13. Sick of Henderson being our captain. Compared to Gerrard, he's a fucking joke of a captain. Does nothing to affect games, pulls out a decent pass every ten games but piss all else. Should be a squad player and nothing more.
  14. I must admit, his Sunderland and Ipswich sides were a fucking force to be reckoned with.
  15. Sturridge needs to be given a run of games now.
  16. Rick

    Walking Dead

    This show is bollocks. I have watched a shit ton of it because my mum loves it but it has never impressed me. I don't mind slow paced shows, but when the writing is this poor it just makes it nearly unwatchable. Negans first appearance was the only interesting thing to happen to this show since season 3 with the mayor. The battle at the end of season 7 was one of the worst things I've ever seen in a tv show. Cheesy, badly written, little excitement.....all in all, a fucking joke. This show is massively popular and I don't understand why. Compared to game of thrones or breaking bad it's complete piss.
  17. The Snowman - 2/10 Fucking bollocks. Stiff, disjointed performances (Val Kilmer...awful) and a terrible execution if the source material. It felt so low grade, and considering the cast, it should have been much better. A wasted opportunity.
  18. He'll get away with more in this league, but still, it's ridiculous.
  19. Just saw him disable comments and remove his profile pic from his Instagram, feel bad for the guy.
  20. As much as Lovren frustrates the tits off me, the one thing you can say is that he tries his hardest and gives every last drop of sweat for the club. I feel bad for berating him as much as I have, at the end of the day it's 'only' a game of football. The abuse the guy has had to endure after yesterday has went too far.
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