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Posts posted by IgnisExcubitor

  1. @Mel81xs city right now.

    Couple of other states announcing schools to be shut down.

    @Premier League thing

    Agree with Stan. It's clear the league only took this call after they were forced by Arteta, Odoi, etc testing positive. 

     They were okay with it continuing otherwise.


    Also, saw the news that England's cricket series with Sri Lanka is now cancelled, with the English players expected to return to UK.

  2. First Corona virus death here in the country. A 76 year old man.

    The current series against South Africa will be played behind closed doors. IPL might be postponed.


    I don't know if this was posted here. But this a wonderful interview of an expert. Osterholm puts out some great (and scary) facts in a calm manner.


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  3. 29 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    A friend of mine got back from italy like 2 weeks ago, and I've been in contact with him about 3 times since and he is currently in hospital sick as a dog being tested. 
    I wash my hands after peeing, and generally before eating or after training. 
    I work in a bottleshop handling money for hundreds of people, I go to a commercial gym and a university. If I'm packing heat I genuinely think I will have infected hundreds of people directly.  

    Eating ashes has probably made your immune system stronger.

    On a serious note, take care. 

    1 hour ago, Tommy said:

    Ok, Coronavirus. This is going too far now. 

    Yeah, when I saw that news on the TV it almost felt as if someone from my family has fallen ill. I hope he gets well soon.

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  4. As someone who works in the demat accounts department, watching the bloodbath in the market yesterday was gut wrenching. Since yesterday, I have probably sent hundreds of messages to our customers to not panic sell, while listening to responses from gutted folks who have lost a ton.

  5. Holi celebrations for tomorrow being cancelled in most places in the country.

    On a lighter note, Indian festivals incorporating issues (silly or serious ones) as themes is one of the best things about them. We will be burning Holika tonight, and this one has captured the current issue in a rather silly but fun way.


  6. 16 minutes ago, LFCMike said:

    Bit mad that some reds would be open to the idea of selling Salah isn't it?



    Yes, it's the strangest stupidity I have seen online. And then Carra made that view mainstream by needlessly talking about it on MNF.

    The whole talk revolves around the idea of us getting Mbappe (not happening) or Werner. But even then, why give away such a consistent goalscorer. Boggles my head.

    • Upvote 3
  7. I don't know what Italy did (or rather didn't do), but they have done a terrible job in the handling of this disease.

    Most of our cases have been Italian tourists and Indians who have returned from Italy.

    On a side note, the biggest issues are people who aren't self isolating themselves, either because they are heavily dependent on their jobs (understandable) or the because they are absolute idiots and don't care (unacceptable).

  8. We have officially jumped to double digits.

    An Italian tourist was found infected. He in turn infected 15 other Italians in his group, and their Indian driver. All of them have been quarantined. 

    Elsewhere, the man from Delhi infected 6 others. Fortunately, none of the 40 odd kids he came in contact with got the infection.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Dreading what will happen, if and when this truly explodes here. 

    I have travelled by air between Delhi and Mumbai couple of days ago, and there was no checking - at least for domestic passengers.

    Of the three new cases that have been found, the woman in Telangana admitted herself to a better hospital after she found the staff in the earlier hospital not being careful enough.

    The other, a man, in Delhi attended a birthday bash in school. So now the entire school has been fumigated and the 40 or so odd children and adults that attended that party kept under isolation.

    Don't know much about the third, who has landed in @Mel81xs city. 

    The one good thing about this is that  idiots on WhatsApp have equated this with bird flu, and therefore the price of chicken has considerably reduced. 

  10. On 27/02/2020 at 01:50, Inverted said:

    Parasite - 9/10

    Just a brilliant movie. It really just is good on every level. It's gripping all the time at through, it's funny and hits you hard, it keeps you guessing, and I've been juggling different questions about it in my head ever since I left the cinema. 

    Looks great as well, it's brilliantly acted, and the music is equal parts hilarious and disturbing. 

    Watch his Memories of Murder and Mother, if you haven't already. Memories of Murder is by far the director's best flick, and one of the best serial killer movies out there.

    The Host is another good flick from the director, though a bit weird at times.

    I liked Parasite, as well. The observation on social classes was nicely done. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. What he did to Williamson was unnecessary, but borne out of frustration. If we take away the T20 series, then this tour as a captain and a player has been poor for him.

    The whole charade of Kohli changing his ways, that started from last year's World Cup, was a nice little PR exercise - which included that stunt where he and his actress wife scolded the littering guy last year.

    Anyways, at core he is a brash boy from Delhi. When things are not going for him, that side of him will always show itself. It doesn't help him that whenever the team doesn't do well, people start talking about Rohit and Captaincy. Rohit is by far the superior captain.

    It will all depend on the IPL and T20 World Cup. If Virat fails in both of those as a captain, then we should except more noises made for Rohit.

  12. @Azeem

    This is my last post on this.

    This country's Political class and even authorities like police can be corrupt and shit, but I can vouch for our Judiciary. They have stood up against the mighty Gandhi family (Not Mahatma Gandhi), huge corruptions, scandals and what not. They have even stood up against the present government several times. 

    Our judiciary even cared for the terrorists' rights while trials, may it  be the Pakistani Kasab or the Indian terrorist Yakub Menon. The courts gave them their full rights. So, that is one of few good and functioning things about India. It's judiciary. 

    We can agree to disagree on Imran Khan but Pervez calling groups like LET, Jaish patriots makes me sick to my stomach, especially after what we have faced from those terror organisations. 

    I didn't mean to insult you with the Ahmediyas bit, but why would anyone deny them that right. Most Indian Muslims here deem Ahmediyas as Muslims. Some of my Pakistani friends from Orkut days, consider them Muslims. Why deny them that right. It doesn't affect others if they claim to be Muslims. This is similar to heterosexual people telling gays they can't be together, because the concept of love can only exist between a man and woman. 


    Lastly, for people losing out in the NRC, they will have the provision to appeal first to the tribunal and then to the three courts. There is plenty there to help a wronged person.

    • Upvote 1
  13. @Azeem 

    Never said pogram. I said there is a serious issue. Even systematic one, where non-Muslim girls are picked up. That list I put up is big enough, and that's just of 2019. I agree there could be other conflicts, but at least the courts should back them, when it is proved that they are raped. No civilised world grants 14 year old to her rapist. At least, you accept the failure of your judiciary and we both agree with that.

    Yes, thousands do come here. In fact 40000 refugess are going to be made Indian citizens in the state of UP alone in the first batch of CAA. Most of which are Pakistanis. 

    Imran has associated with Taliban in the past. You can chose to ignore that or as you say he was working for the greater good. Just like how Pervez Musharraf called terrorists patriots before admitting that Pakistan army is proud to help them. You can chose to ignore that, too.

    If you don't take the likes of Sering ( he  originally hails from Gilgit Baltistan and is a POK activist) and Prof Fair (an American who is equally critical of India and a celebrated academic) seriously, then I don't know what to do. The other sources I have are all Indian, which you will just not accept. 

    You can't equate Bengali nationals from Bangladesh with Indians. They were predominately Muslims. They wanted freedom from you guys, because they are culturally and linguistically different. That they suffered so badly in their freedom struggle to get an Independent nation is sad. Not who killed more. One side was fighting for freedom and the other was the oppressor. And the oppressor committed ghastly crimes. All history books show that, except for maybe the ones in Pakistan.

    As for the Ahemadiyas, forget the whole world, I know plenty of Pakistanis online who are kind and consider them as Muslims. Even our country's Minority minister, a Muslim, considers Ahemadiyas Muslims. Only bigots everywhere deny them the right to be Muslim. 

    Lastly, regarding NRC. I didn't say being scared is stupid. I said rioting over nonexisting law is stupid.

  14. @Azeem

    It's not just random Facebook pages or journalists you don't like, the point is not them. Point is the victims. I presented a list of names of minor girls. And that's just from 2019. So many.

    The matter for conflict can be anything. That doesn't give you the right to systematically pick up non-Muslim girls. I can even post the video of one your own talk shows where they discussed this issue. A Pakistani citizen describes how Hindu and Christian girls are sold for as cheap as 50 bucks, simply because they are non-Muslims.

    The other core issue is law and judiciary. Atrocities happen everywhere. Even here in India. But for a court to deem marriage of a 12-14 year old child to her rapist as legal because she had her periods is the glaring issue. That happens nowhere in the world or civilised societies. 

    If you can't see any problem in that, then you won't understand why non-Muslims from Pakistan flock into India by the thousands every few months seeking protection. Imran Khan may have disowned Miya Mithu but he still holds a great deal of power in Sindh. Imran once upon a time even courted the Taliban and said his famous Good Terrorist - Bad Terrorist line, so him publically disowning Mithu now is just convenience.

    As for Hafeez Saeed. He keeps going to prison when FATF hearing comes up and steps out thereafter. It's understandable. You guys don't want to go into black list of FATF, so we see this charade.

    Now for the Ahmeddiyas. It's disturbing how you casually say that they cannot print their Quran outside their communities. Therein lies the problem, when you consider your own citizen inferior. I am pretty certain Mormons don't get punished by law in US for propagating or practising their religion. We have our own problems with caste, and at times discrimination but I have never seen the law or the judiciary asking lower caste people to not practice or publish their stuff. Your country passed a constitutional law declaring Ahemadiyyas as non-Muslims in the 70s and they officially can't call themselves Muslims. Don't compare them to Mormons. No US government will do that to Mormons.

    Please, don't compare Mukti Bahini (freedom fighters) with Razakars. That's like comparing revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh and Bose with the British East India Company. Violence of Razakars has been well documented. All one has to do is Google about them. Some of them still continue to be punished by the current Bangladeshi government. Razakars killed 300,000 to 3,000,000 people and raped 200,000–400,000 Bangladeshi women under the orders from Pakistani army. Their high profile trials lasted till 2013.

    For demographic changes in POK , if you need neutral sources then I would name Senge Serin (Director of Institute of Gilgit Baltistan Studies in US) and Professor C Christine Fair, a professor in Georgetown University and a defence and South East Asia expert. Incidentally Professor Fair is also highly critical of Indian governments and Indian Army.

    Lastly, you still don't understand the CAA and NRC laws.

    CAA speeds up the citizenship process of Non-Muslims fleeing from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. 

    It has nothing to do with other refugees. Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan or anywhere else and  Non-Muslims from other countries can still apply for citizenship and get it. 

    NRC is a national registry for Indian citizens. Several countries in the world have them. But our NRC hasn't even been drafted yet. It will be drafted and then debated. To be scared of that or protest or worse riot against a nonexisting law is stupid at best.

  15. @Azeem

    The persecution could be about land deals or houses. Still doesn't make it okay to abduct women and minor girls, rape and convert them, simply because they are non-Muslims. 

    This discrimination extends to even groups like Ahemadiyyas (who aren't Muslim enough for you guys) by making their discrimination legal. They can't even recite the Quran. How fucked up is that. 

    I have not defended Modi's or any government inaction during riots. For Gujrat or now. I have countered the charge of participation or pogram, which they weren't. He didn't cause it or help it, as many claim. Hewent through a legal battle that lasted for more than a decade and was acquited everytime in all levels of courts and commissions. These cases happened under the former opposition rule, who were hellbent on punishing him. What happened in Gujarat was riots from both sides, after a train filled with Hindu pilgrims was burned by a Muslim mob, killing 56 men, women and children.


    As for Pakistan officials, there are similar or worse roles that I can too speak of several incidents. Or even the Razakars your army unleashed in East Pakistan (current day Bangladesh) or the demographic changes implemented in POK or cross border terrorism unleashed on us. We all know how your lot treat (or rather protect) scums like Hafeez Saeed.

    I don't know who Masih Alnejad is and you can choose to ignore Inayat, but will you also deny the existence of all those minor girls who are being abducted, raped, converted to Islam and then married off to Muslim men? Girls as young as 10 or 11. Or even Mia Mithu, the scum who terrorises Hindu and Christian families in Sindh, aids forced conversions and enjoys full protection from the law. He is supposed to be a elected member in National Assembly (so much for no officials). In case you don't know him, here he is with your Prime Minister.



    By the way, this is just the latest list of new cases.



    I didn't exaggerated any statements regarding population decline. Go back I have said 14% in 1947. My only mistake was not adding West and East Pakistan. It was all Pakistan in 1947. There has been a decline in both those regions, while in India the Muslim population has doubled.

    As for the last bit, why do you think only poor Muslims will suffer?

    Poor person irrespective of any religion without any documents might suffer through NRC. But again, for HUNDREDTH time, NRC hasn't been drafted yet. When it will be drafted these things will be discussed at length in the Parliament. These things will be considered, including having provisions to take court's help if a person is deemed illegal. 

  16. Yes @Azeem, it's far from perfect, as Naila Inayat regularly reports about the forced conversations.

    This one was the latest. 14 year old Christian girl Huma. Worst was the fact that the court approved her marriage because she had her first period.

    Or the case of Hindu girl Mehak Kumari (who is being threatened with death for refusing to accept Islam after forced convection) or several others which Inayat consistently highlights. 

    Of course no country is perfect, but with respect to these events CAA might help these people, which makes it a good law. A necessary law.

    As for the NRC. No one knows what documents would be required, because the NRC hasn't even been drafted yet. 

    We have several legal documents we use for government purposes. But it is also true that the poorest of poor might not have those documents. 

    We do have a census every decade, which could be used.

    All this will be discussed in the parliament, when the bill of the law is brought there. But that hasn't happened yet.

    Which makes these protests even more stupid. So basically they are protesting against a humane law that helps persecuted refugees and another that doesn't even fucking exist yet.

  17. Law not applicable to them, because Myanmar was not part of pre partition India. Hence not bounded by Nehru Liaquat pact. Same goes for Christians or Hindus from Myanmar. I have stated above.

    But Rohingyas can apply for citizenship. Nothing to stop them from doing that. Just like persecuted Tamil Hindus from Sri Lanka applying for citizenship and usually settling in South of India (Sri Lanka wasn't part of Prepartioned India). Or the thousands of Tibetans that come here regularly and settle in North East. Or the large Muslim Afghan population that come to Northern states. The law remains the same. Anyone can apply for citizenship. Nobody has stopped that.

    CAA only quickens the process for those refugees fleeing religious persecution from countries that were once part of India.

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