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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. I'll give Nier:AT a look into when I finally get past BotW. Also, that G-Darius vid brought back great memories.
  2. Anyone had a chance to play Nier:Automata? Almost done with my backlog which has considerably shrunk now and was thinking of picking this up.
  3. Just finished reading it and the insight into how speed and accuracy nearly conned everyone is great. It really is amazing what lengths some people go to just to get an edge on people even if its a micro-second of an advantage.
  4. Esports 'set for £1bn revenue and 600 million audiences by 2020' https://www.bbc.com/sport/39119995 With the way its grown over the years its no surprise how much money its generating and how much of an audience its going to garner in the coming years. I can even see new players in the market from a hardware perspective as I think companies that provide peripherals are starting to stagnate a bit.
  5. Just finished watching Iron Fist and have to say it follows the same line as Daredevil. The fight sequences are nice and the story keeps you entertained till the end. Can't wait to see what they do in season 2 now. All the references across the show to people like Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil were a nice touch as well.
  6. tell you what if someone can show me where this silly piece of news came from I'll use it to pick my day up. NB doesn't even sell Liverpool merchandise in India haha. As for our purchases in the summer, I'd like to see us chase a workhorse striker and shore up our defensive section. Its funny that the same problems which plagued the team when they made the run and ended up second are still around and the club has never properly addressed it.
  7. Mel81x

    Work/Jobs Thread

    You're right about their chais, I don't often find myself in a Starbucks because road-side chai-wallahs have ruined it for me and their taste is far better than what you get in a store. If you want a great cup you should visit one of these guys and it will blow your mind.
  8. Got a chance to play Breath of the Wild on my travel home this weekend past and its actually a very fun game and the world provides so many little oddities that I find myself just experimenting instead of playing the big quest. Have to say the new Switch is a well crafted console but I am still getting a little used to the fact that the controls are a little further apart than I'd have like them to be (that bezel really wasn't totally necessary). If you've got big fingers avoid this console hybrid at all costs because I can imagine someone having a really hard time hitting the buttons and using the little +/- buttons at the top.
  9. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/03/no-mans-sky-gets-the-full-featured-photo-mode-it-so-richly-deserves/ Shame its still a shitty game
  10. Considering how fawesome Shadow of Modor was I can only imagine good things for this title. To turn the topic a bit here, are there a lot of XBox owners on here? I wanted to ask what the exclusives are that they are looking forward to this year? So far, I don't see M$ doing anything that's truly exclusive out there but then again their strength has never been anything exclusive but their online play that I have ever thought is a console-must-buy. The reason I ask this is because Project Scoprio is not far away now and while that is the case nothing that M$ has put out in press-releases screams anything less than lack-lustre. On the flip-side you've got titles in Sony's hands for the start of the year and then some. Think they have a GOTY contender already in Horizon and that new Android-Human game, name eludes me and I don't want to Google it, that is coming out soon as well.
  11. Always wanted him to end his career with us but when you look at all he has accomplished its no surprise to me at what he achieved. One of my favorite moments was when he hit the penalty in Istanbul and it got stopped but he didn't and got the ball in the back of the net. We never really replaced him imo.
  12. Finished Nioh, started on Horizon Zero Dawn and will probably start the new Zelda next week. Can't say much about Nioh other than its terribly hard when it chooses to be and leaves you in the lurch having to farm which I didn't like and think it took away from some of the boss fights which should have technically been very hard but all that farming just levels you up and then it becomes a cakewalk. As for Horizon, the word gorgeous sums its up. The controls are fluid and although the game does suffer from some weird issues like Silent Strikes from over 10 feet away it does have a good feel to it.
  13. Mel81x

    Work/Jobs Thread

    I have a lot of experience with Scrum Masters considering what I do is more development work and I work as an Informaiion/Enterprise Architect with some dabbling in the UXA side of the business. I'd say about 90% of the time I really love what I do. Code and solution intricacies are what keep me at my present workplace but the part I don't really care more much these days is the people management side of things which tbh isn't as black-and-white as the solutioining. Unfortunately when you get to do the kind of work I do then managing expectations doesn't just come with having deadlines but also holding people's hands which can be a bit challenging at times. Thankfully I have only ever once in my 11 yrs doing this job asked for someone to be taken off a team and I hope the trend continues.
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