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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Some good times have been witnessed on here. My personal recent favorite was the time Cannabis tried to organize some scammers to come meet him for drinks at a specific place during the WC in Russia. And the infamous "flamethrower" incident in Mafia Wars.
  2. Really good. Best Kaiju movie I have watched in a long time. Glad they took the story back to its roots instead of that skippy movie that's coming out next year. I rate this above Shin Gojira and that is also very good if you haven't watched it and like these kinds of movies.
  3. The old ones are good but dated for their time. Have to say that they had some of the nicest online gaming experience though and it was quite fun.
  4. With MGS you're given the option to go all out or be ultra stealthy. What you choose really depends on how you want to play the game, my personal preference is stealth as it really does challenge you in some particular scenarios. The reason MGS3 ranks so high for me in the list is that you don't even need to kill the bosses and you can use CQC (close quarter combat) and a tranq-gun to take them all out. While this seems easy its far from it because that system requires you to master it throughout the game as you progress and some of the zones leave you scratching your head on how stealth should be used. It's really one of a kind and its closes comparison is probably Splinter Cell and Thief in some ways too. You get rewarded for being sneaky more so than being ultra combative which you can be. And yes you can sneak up and choke, tranq or kill someone in MGS.
  5. Didn't really take to that as much as the newer ones honestly but its a good game too.
  6. Mel81x

    Making Music

    I had someone come to an audition the other day with Paramore's - Decode as their song of choice. Now, putting aside the actual audition, the fact that this song is in Drop C# is so weird because when you tune your bass to that it becomes all noodly and has a very weird kind of spring vibe to the strings. You guys ever have any weird songs like this?
  7. I think the real kicker is that Kojima was really at the top of his game when the first three came out and then it divulged into something of a story mess when 4 came out and the subsequent ones are just a messy story with a lot of tangled webs. If I had to tell someone to play them in an order of fun/good I'd go with the following order Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake-Eater Metal Gear (Original) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
  8. Don't tempt them.
  9. Good games but as mentioned before Konami isn't ever really going to do anything in terms of upscaling with them. Still, fantastic series and I have played them all. If you like some sneaking and having a go at not using your lethal weapons at all these are the games for you. Snake Eater is still in my top 10 and for very good reason too, it really is that good.
  10. If he wins this one I would like to request the admins to give him some special tag if its possible.
  11. If you look hard enough anything is possible (pun intended)
  12. This was something I did too and really enjoyed it.
  13. Sheep - Season 11 - Overall Scores Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 PD Totals Lucas 40 38 33 55 22 166 Dr Gonzo 41 32 34 52 18 159 Bluewolf 42 29 36 49 13 156 Caac John 41 29 25 52 27 147 Deadlinesman 41 33 34 35 1 143 Nudge 25 33 30 54 24 142 Stan 33 32 32 43 11 140 Tommy 19 34 30 47 17 130 Spike 35 25 25 38 13 123 Pyfish 41 30 41 0 -41 112 Beelzebub 36 23 14 37 23 110 Massive improvement across the board for all contestants with @CaaC (John) giving us the best difference of improvement having showcased a 27+ improvement. @Lucas leads the pack and is slowly pulling away. Will he be crowned champion again? Or will the last round give us a new season winner. New questions come out tonight in the other thread.
  14. Sheep - Season 11 - Round 4 - Scores Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 Totals Lucas 10 2 5 5 7 5 3 5 9 4 55 Nudge 10 1 5 5 7 5 6 2 9 4 54 Dr Gonzo 10 1 5 5 7 2 6 5 9 2 52 Caac John 10 2 5 3 7 5 6 1 9 4 52 Bluewolf 10 2 5 5 7 1 6 2 9 2 49 Tommy 10 2 3 3 7 5 3 1 9 4 47 Stan 10 2 2 1 2 5 6 5 9 1 43 Spike 10 1 3 5 1 1 1 5 9 2 38 Beelzebub 10 1 3 3 7 2 3 5 1 2 37 Deadlinesman 10 2 2 1 2 1 6 1 9 1 35 Pyfish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @Lucas comes back strong in this round to take top honours with 55 followed by @nudge and @Dr. Gonzo/ @CaaC (John) who aren't very far behind. These are really all very high scores for the round and we also cap this round with a perfect 10 for Question #1 and we nearly had two of them. Miscellaneous Notes I myself am not sure how many vertical poles there are on a rugby pitch but I am inclined to do with Deadlinesman's answer Choices from Jamaican Men's Athletics were quite varied considering they really have a big name on their side Technically almost all sports can be played in the summer but it wasn't a pure sheep round there Onto overall scores.
  15. I think a remake is warranted only if the original had such poor tech or sales that the remake helps that (which is rarely ever the case). The other reason to do a remake is anniversaries for dev/publishers or the franchise has gone cold and is getting a new version so they do remakes. There are very few companies that do this right and Naughty Dog is not one of them. Why redo TLOU at all, it was a great game already and made them so much money and a tv show it makes no sense. With Capcom and RE I can see why. The originals were on really poor tech and they do remakes rather well because they totally change the way the game plays so you're not getting the same game/overall story. With RE4 I was so disappointed that they never went back and did the original demo they did at the Tokyo Game Show where Leon used a torch through the entire gameplay with a gun and if you lose the torch you were basically playing in the dark.
  16. Off to do round scores and then overall scores and finally we get to the last round with what I hope are some easier questions than this round haha.
  17. These final questions always bring with them an explanation and there were a few this time around. 10. If the sheep had to pick one of the CURRENT contestants to judge a pole-vaulting competition which one would they pick? Nudge - 4 Tommy (as she probably knows her ways around poles better than us.) Caac John Lucas Nudge (me, obviously) Tommy - 2 Dr. Gonzo Bluewolf Bluewolf - 2 Beelzebub (bcz he was the initial judge in the first Olympics way back in BC times) Spike (he saw the first, he will see the last) Deadlinesman - 1 Deadlinesman (Me because I have a massive pole) Spike - 1 Stan (Poles can have spikes, so Spike.)
  18. Almost had two sheep rounds here. Almost ... 9. What is the length of an Olympic pool in meters - 25, 50, 100 50 - 9 Stan Tommy Caac John Deadlinesman Dr. Gonzo Lucas Spike Nudge Bluewolf 100 - 1 Beelzebub
  19. 8. Name a sport that can only be played in the winter Skiing - 5 Stan Dr. Gonzo Lucas Beelzebub Spike Ski Jumping - 2 Nudge Bluewolf Ice Hockey - 1 Tommy Football - 1 Caac John Bobsled - 1 Deadlinesman
  20. 7. Name a sport that can only be played in the summer Cricket - 6 Stan Caac John Deadlinesman Dr. Gonzo Nudge Bluewolf Beach Volleyball - 3 Tommy Lucas Beelzebub All Sports - 1 Spike (fuck that you can play all summer sports in winter, 100m freestyle? harden up and deal with the negative -10 waters of norway)
  21. 6. Name the country with the greatest number of medals in fencing. France - 5 Stan Tommy Caac John Lucas Nudge Italy - 2 Dr. Gonzo Beelzebub Switzerland - 1 Deadlinesman Georgia - 1 Spike China - 1 Bluewolf
  22. 5. Name a martial-art that is also an Olympic-recognized event? Judo - 7 Tommy Caac John Dr. Gonzo Lucas Beelzebub Nudge Bluewolf Taekwondo - 2 Stan Deadlinesman Boxing - 1 Spike
  23. How hard can it be to count you ask? 4. How many vertical poles are there at a Rugby world cup match? 4 - 5 Dr. Gonzo Lucas (just wondering if this is a trick including the flags) Spike (unless you count those cushion pylons they have in the corners then it is 8 ) Nudge Bluewolf 2 - 3 Tommy Caac John Beelzebub 18 - 1 Deadlinesman [(4 posts, 14 flags) and I actually knew this! )] 8 - 1 Stan (including the flagpoles at the try-line)
  24. 3. Name a country with the most gold medals in floor gymnastics Russia - 5 Caac John Dr. Gonzo (What the fuck is floor gymnastics?) Lucas Nudge Bluewolf China - 3 Tommy Beelzebub Spike USA - 2 Stan Deadlinesman
  25. 2. Name someone from Jamaican men's athletics other than Usain Bolt who has won a gold medal in the 100x4 men's relay. Yohann Blake - 2 Stan Lucas Asafa Powell - 2 Tommy Deadlinesman Nesta Carter - 2 Caac John Bluewolf Kemar Bailey-Cole - 1 Dr. Gonzo Busain Uolt - 1 Beelzebub No Idea - 1 Spike Usain Bolt - 1 Nudge (fuck the rules)
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