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The Liquidator

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Everything posted by The Liquidator

  1. Cant be true...... Can it? And would we want him? https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/wilfried-zaha-wants-chelsea-transfer-13023745
  2. I forgot to give a good word out for our Polish goalkeeper Marcin Bulka. That boy will have a career at a high level and should have all older goalies at our club looking over their shoulders. Most impressive.
  3. Few things from last nights effort. Firstly and by far most importantly if we don’t find someone to stick the ball away it’s going to be a season where we leave Stamford Bridge shaking our heads more often than not. I have singled out our one footed CF since around half way through his first season and by now we would hope he would be showing signs of improvement. Alas, last night a few days after a performance that gained praise from his manager, Morata put in a shocker. I see us having plenty of problems, but by far our lack of a natural goalscorer is the biggest worry. I picked up on the running back towards our goal when holding a high line in a previous posting here and again last night we saw our midfield nowhere near our defenders when the footrace reached our goal area. Obviously Fabregas cant run, we already knew that. Barkley plays further forward than the other two which means we must focus on Jorginho, who I must say looked leggy last night. While he looks the part with the ball at his feet, it’s going take a few more games for me to be convinced he is all he needs to be without it before I accept him for that middle midfield birth. I asked where Kante would fit in? Well last night I felt the answer was made plain. Time will tell how this manager solves it. I wanted to write a little on Barkley. Last night I was involved in a huge discussion elsewhere on the merits of having Barkley at our club. There are some who believe he would have been better off somewhere else, at maybe a club who would more suit his style of play. That’s a style of play we have seen him produce before at Everton. I believe there is more to him than just that and I think we saw some of whats left to be exposed during last nights game. I do feel Barkley would prefer Giroud infront of him as I think Giroud would be easier to find and more of a chance of receiving the ball back from him. Much has been made of this managers fav line of give me players and I will improve them, which fans of his fire from the hip as thou it’s their winning gun. I put forward Ross Barkley as the player this manager needs to show in his best light. Most good judges accept there is a top player in Barkley. I am sure those who’s decision it was to bring him to Stamford Bridge are expecting Sarri to work his magic he likes to speak of. Willian: Last night the Chelsea boards were full of allegations of skulduggery fueling clubs to chance their arm in bidding for our sometimes brilliant sometimes benchwarmer Brazilian. Interesting stuff. Lastly C H-O, Now I have watched this boy grow up on CTV and he, like many before him have excelled in his own age group. Last night many a pundit had their dicks out after the game nailing their one eyed snakes to the boy for success. Please let me give you his game in two descriptions. One, runs down left flank and cuts inside onto his strong right foot and attempts to curl ball into far corner, something he has done regular at his level. Two, runs outside of defender on left flank checks back in a outside circle passing ball back to supporting midfielder or left wing back. That's his game. Now I do not dispute for one minute there is a raw material there, who if nurtured correctly has every chance at becoming a top player. I am just pointing out, once his current talent is exposed to our opposition his cutting in on his right foot will be snuffed out with ease. Fingers crossed he has more about his game yet to be made public as we sure need a home grown to come good.
  4. @Bluewolf I'm sorry Bluewolf, you are someone I have already made a decision on. Please enjoy your pot noodle n yawning session. Fingers crossed on a successful season for our club.
  5. It would be wonderful if England won through to be champions. One just wonders if we have peaked too soon?
  6. The steam off Simon Johnson's piss knows more about Chelsea football club than you will ever know. But you continue to spout what you think is right. No one cares
  7. That's the first sensible thing I have EVER seen you write ~ Keep it up!!!
  8. https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/chelsea-open-matias-vecino-transfer-talks-and-bid-355m-for-mattia-caldara-as-they-step-up-search-for-a3899016.html Read n learn & then shhhhhhh
  9. Yes the lack of a striker who will put away the chances I guess we could create on the break will probably burn us over the season. I have always said players who sign for a club In England from abroad should get a full season to acclimatize. We need to hope our one footed CF will be more prolific this season. It's alarming the amount of good chances he failed to put away last season, but with a little bit of confidence, maybe he will come good. For someone who says he isnt interested in the transfer market, Sarri's list of players he wants has suddenly started to resemble the length of his predecessor. Matias Vecino and Mattia Caldara anyone?
  10. Another nothing game, but a few interesting points. Jorginho looks the part, however it does spring the question where does Kante fit in as one would presume Jorginho will start in the middle of a three. Looks like we have become a zonal marking defence at corners. It was painful to watch as Inters runners darted infront of stational defenders reminding very much of Liverpools defending at corners in seasons past. I am sure I dont have to remind anyone how that was exploited by all comers. This is something I'll be taking a firm interest in over the next few games. The screaming of Sarri throughout the game telling the defenders to get up the pitch reminded me of AVB cutting his throat before his season started. This is nothing new from Sarri from what I have been told, so lets hope the defenders we have can adapt quickly as our 18 yard box line has been their friend for the last two seasons. Maybe this is why we are chasing the CH at Juventus. We will see. The high line which Inter chose, like most clubs when faced with this, to run past with either a ball over the top or ball threaded through causing a foot race between forwards n defenders brought about another alarm. The distance between our defenders in the foot race and midfield once they had chased the ball down was shocking. Lost count of the number of times the ball was pushed back by Inter onto their free midfielders. Our three Midfielders were far worse at this than the guys who covered those positions in the 2nd half. Like all clubs at this time we sure need the games coming up and the returning players from the world cup. From what I saw of Arsenal, they are much further forward than us which might make the Dublin game illuminating.
  11. Ahhh I really got you over the months mate ~ See this as your chance to catch a few back? ~ Id shhhh if I was you. your far too easy ~ Remember?
  12. I am sorry feller ~ This posting is exactly why we dont get on ~ I agree with nothing of this spiel ~ It's as thou you have swallowed the Guardiola load and now spitting from his song sheet. By the way, our most successful season? We got knocked out the CL early which allowed us to win the league on the last day of the season. Remember who knocked our brilliant style of playing team out of the CL ~ & who went on to lift the Trophy? Yeah, enough said
  13. Now I can accept that! I just hope people can see what I am poorly trying to get across. I spent my younger life following my club around the country watching them lose while I along with others would win on the terraces. Yeah, like you I was a dreamer. All I wanted was Chelsea to be successful. With a mixture of Roman and Jose, our club became a winning machine and I for one, never want us to change. I am uncomfortable with this appointment. All our successful managers during this golden period were already winners. This bloke isnt and while I am open to us playing a more attractive style of football, if that is the detriment to our Trophy cabinet becoming like Arsenal Liverpool n Spurs, then count me out.
  14. And you would have us made into a cabaret act brought on after the seasons trophies have been handed out on a highlight reel for punters to say arhhhhhh aint they pretty. That's what Liverpool Arsenal and Tottenham are. By the sound of things you and Bluewolf are happy for us to stop being WINNERS and become a nearly club. Sarri? He Better Fucking Win!
  15. And there we have it..... Arsenal Tottenham n Liverpool all rolled into one.
  16. Gents, while it looked like he could string a few passes together against a nothing side, let wait till Jorginho faces up to Huddersfield & finds out, when their players put his ass in the dirt and the referee waves play on, returning to tell to get up, that its no picnic playing in the middle of the park here. Then and only then will we know what we have on our hands. Of course one is hopeful. Golovin would be very nice, but another light weight ~ For over a decade Arsenal were accused of being too light weight in both midfield and defence ~ My worry is we loose too much steel\strength for the benefit of pretty.
  17. He is tipping the coach n Napoli rather than anything to do with our current squad of players. We will see
  18. Plenty of our players stating the atmosphere about the club is the main difference the new manager has brought so far to the club. Some said at the end of last season Cobham was Toxic around the 1st team. If true, the FA Cup win is slightly more remarkable than we thought. Noticed Hazards brother responded on one of the social sites by putting up a negative when asked if Eden was on his way to Madrid this summer. We will see
  19. Rubbish game ~ Nothing more than a PR show ~ Complete waste of time on a football level Had as much meaning as England thrashing Panama, other than a few of our players being exposed as being no better than Perth level of play. The new signing looks like he can string a few passes together, but we already knew that. David Luiz interview after the game is probably the best thing to come out of the trip. All the young players who got game time are not good enough yet and should look forward to a loan or two.... although one of them might be kept around so he signs a new contract.
  20. Dont worry mate, it hit right between the eyes where it was aimed at, although I would like to be pissed too
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