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The Liquidator

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  1. Till the competitons end. Hope you n family are well
  2. I feel Todd's words yesterday, poo-pood by Klopp, will sound like sweet music to all owners of EPL Clubs. How old is the Premier league, 30? I don't think we have had so many ideas in how to raise revenue put out there since the clubs back slapped each other holding out for Sky to cough up for that very first TV contract. What do they need to pass something new, 14 clubs? I would have thought 12-15 would be in favor straight away as, say for a all star game, if going by Baseball, those low clubs will be expected to only offer one player each. Money for old rope. I remember relegation play-off's in the past, grounds full, home n away. Don't see why it can't be brought back. If the little clubs don't want the big clubs to start a Euro league, they need to anti up more revenue and relegation play-offs is an easy sell to an audience. I am sure Todd will get some stick, but for me its about time someone ruffled a few feathers n woke up a stagnant EPL.
  3. Well who would have thought it? The Yanks have a touch of the Russian Roulette about them. While I knew he needed to be moved on, I never for one minute felt the new lot would have it in them to one, Sack him so early after the cash spending and two, see what I could see with him being a charlatan who upset more players than Jose and for being a so called tactical genius, who brought some of the very worst football a Chelsea team has produced in decades. Those Chelsea fans who have found shock & disappointment with the last few days tend to have their hearts n minds clouded by what TT did in the media room during the tough times we endured when our government removed our owner as a nothing weapon against Russia. While he became a media darling and painted himself as a wonderful human. Sitting in the stands watching his teams cough n splutter has left me no doubt this is the correct decision. You all sat there with me, if you think anything else of his football you are blinded by how he made you feel with his words. Some would have you believe of the Seven forwards at the club at the end of the season, Five asked to leave, spouting the manager as the reason why. Its obvious he told Lukaku one thing and did the opposite. So much more I could write, but after 7,000+ posts in this thread since the sacking there is no need to do a autopsy. Maybe we have an answer now why we bought 32? There does seem to be plenty of evidence the new man has been penciled in for a while. Many of you have picked up on this before me in the thread and we all know some of you have proven contacts. SpaldingSam post on Billy Gilmore is excellent and a real eye opener. PatrickStephansX point on the Arsenal USA fiasco after the game has to be one of the posts of the thread. I remember Matt Law talking on a Podcast hinting of Patricks very point and I understand he touched on it again these past few days on that American Podcast. Maybe that truth will come out over the coming days. Potter is the new man and I will offer my thoughts on him in his thread. I can't help feeling Potter is an appointment by owners who accept they are not experts but are happy to take the recommendations of people they believe are experts. That for me then brings into question who they believe are experts? Like many Chelsea fans since Potters appointment I have been researching as much as I can trying to get a feel for the bloke. Of course most are talking him up for the job he done at Brighton, but for me what stands out from his time at Brighton is he had exactly the same problem as TT with lack of goals for a long time. Other raised eyebrow findings, he is a coach of many formations and tends to play players in different positions from week to week. That maybe lack of personnel, but we have had enough of that ourselves. I flagged up TT doing that far too often. Its a brave appointment, one a top club would only make with novice football owners. Potter has to convince his veteran squad members early or he will struggle. As far as us fans, we need to be told clearly what his remit is. I can handle a re-build, but I want to be told that's his remit.
  4. Saw it coming a mile away ~ Fancy paying out for that banner
  5. So much could be said about the weekends game. Yes we got away with one, but for me when the manager fucks up before the game again, you have to wonder would losing been better for the club? He has dug himself onto a hole over the two left backs. He insisted we got Pep's left back and now finds himself needing to bench him for lasts season fit again wing back. A decision will need to be made on the goalie. Been obvious to me for ages, only now people are catching on. 24 signs a long term contract, but yet again his short temper should have seen sent off. He needs education on keeping calm and letting his football be his weapon of choice. Lastly the manager is being set up by the media who love to stick a microphone under his snout while he bumbles on with pathetic excuses. He was almost crestfallen when told the difference 21 made to the game and the bullshit he spoke of 21 not being ready yet should be translated into, but I have to pick the guy I paid 60Million. Playing as poorly as we have this season, its quite amazing how many points we have gained. What happens is we play well is a question I would like to see answered. Most impressed with 33, looks very much at home at our level. 10 did very little again, 23 tried hard and I wonder if he would be better with a free roll between the two lines.
  6. Haha, you need to work on your put downs Stan... Using one that's just been used against you, to better effect, shows your juvenile. No matter, I'm done with you.
  7. I think the rumours are 100% true. As much as the manager states we are a club in transition, I believe he has lost many players minds who, as he states, are looking too much at their phones hoping their Agent can get them away from the club (It's actually him). This morning the word is 10 & 22 gave word to the club at the start of this window they no longer wish to be around as they want regular first team football. Read between the lines on that gives you the truth. I didn't like his line up last night. His substitutions were all wrong (as usual) and why we have decided against a 5 is beyond me. Still, all questions will be answered through the season. Aren't we all looking forward to those.
  8. Well me ol Hector, you are always in here crying the bitch over something Chelsea are alleged to have done. I would have thought your own club has given you enough to rub your cock about of late after 30 years without. Yet, here you are again in our thread with this windows bitch about FFP. Where my Harry Enfield GIF? Loads N Loads of MONEY.
  9. Of course you fail to mention what this is about and caused you to "think" n throw your toys out of your pram. Even your clubs number one cheerleader admitted straight after that game your club got away with one. When your adult enough to admit that, then maybe you will be worthy of reading. Till then, Carry on Thinking
  10. Strange fixture which made one feel after the game the mad coach should be banished to the stands for all matches as his players showed some true grit to lead and hold onto a lead with just the Ten players without any histrionics on the touchline. So much to be said, from a goal keeper who I am losing more confidence in after each fixture, to madcap Leicester fans crying the bitch on the radio after the game. 16 for me is a liability who is costing us more on more and its time to try the other bloke again to see if he can hold his career together. I guess we will see the managers answer if 1 disappears on loan. 16 at fault for their goal, beaten at his near post and for me his decision making is for shit. I believe he is a fine shot stopper, that's about it. Obviously 23 getting a Red so early in the game completely changed what we were about to see. Like every other Blue heart I felt for him as he trudged off the pitch. You can see how much he wants to represent us and while the manager told the truth after the game, I fucking hope he was more positive in 23's ear when he spoke to him. With Palace gagging to have him back I hope he gets the chance to stay so our last memory isn't him leaving the pitch before half time. With 16 & 23 covered the rest of the players sure ernt their pay cheques and 3 points. I sat in the stand growing more n more confident we would win (with eleven players it looked a sure thing). For the most part because of our players, but Leicester fueling my confidence as they struggled to look anything like past Leicester teams I have seen in the past. While Vardy beat the high line a number of times he obviously has returned to his Fleetwood shooting boots as a Shovel n Cows ass sprung to mind each time he missed. Barnes is a player, and should get out of there first chance he gets. I want to mention 29 who is getting plenty of stick for lack of goals. His performance at the weekend was whole hearted leading the line as well as any of the real CF we have had in the past which gave space to 17 he might otherwise not found. He worked his socks off and while he didn't get on the scoresheet, he was one of the major reasons we got a positive result. I firmly believe there is a great player in him who knowing our luck, will come to fruition somewhere else. Talking of 17.. Wow hell of a signing. Listening to the radio after the game Leicester fans crying the bitch over the decision to award a foul on 16 by Barnes. You won a fucking FA Cup on a bent off side against us so they owe us at least another nine 50/50 calls till u should get one.
  11. The 15 we have got for Emerson is exactly 15 more than anyone thought we would get. The worst defender at the club (Average going forward) and a very unlike Moyes signing. With Sky SN knocking the bollocks out of Aubameyang's Arsenal goal against us at the new highbury over n over these past couple of days highlighting Emerson defending, I am very surprised this West ham deal looks to be coming to fruition. Talking of Aubameyang. Said to be a done deal? We shall see. CHO's people pushing for a move not a loan, stating they do not believe the manager plans for there player. I wonder how many will leave before the window closes?
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