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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    This is what I was about to bring up when you insulted the great name of Double J. From 2002-2006 he absolutely should have been the focus of the company. He was a name people had heard of and was guaranteed to stick around. When Kurt Angle joined the company for multiple years he did the right thing and stepped aside. However being a focus of the company doesn't mean you have to be the Champion all the time. Look at Undertaker on Smackdown from 2002 to 2007 for example. The babyface Jarrett vs SEX feud is up there with WCW 2000 in periods of wrestling history I cannot watch because it was so cringeworthy, they had Monty Brown who looked on fire until Jarrett hosed him down because 'they didn't have heels lined up to fight him' even though Kevin Nash, Billy Gunn, Sean Waltman, Raven etc were either in or about to join the company, Chris Harris gathered steam until he faced Jarrett, they made Rhino look like the ECW monster he was until he fought Jarrett, Raven was Champion for a short while until he dropped the title in a non-televised match to Jarrett.... effectively all this culminated to a scene at Slammiversary 2006 where when Jarrett won the title off Christian people were throwing all sorts of shit in the ring. Not in the cool nWo heat way but in the 'We have Christian, Sting and Joe now so get off my screen' way. That said I loved TNA from 2005 to 2007 so he always has a place in my heart.
  2. Dave


    I refuse to watch those blood money shows but if his first two matches are anything to go by he's a naturally very talented boy and I'd be happy if he stuck at it.
  3. Dave


    In charge of live events, talent relations, booking advice etc he's exactly what they need. On TV reminding us of TNA however is the last place he should be.
  4. It expires next summer but he's free to strike an agreement with a team overseas in January for next season. He signed a five year contract in the summer of 2018, after signing a contract in 2017, so he had two big back-to-back pay prises. There was however a verbal "Gentlemen's Agreement" between him and Steve Parish he could leave in the summer of 2019 for a top six club. It made sense as we would need a big cash windfall. However what we didn't anticipate was Aaron Wan-Bissaka would have a great season and we'd receive an offer from him Manchester United that superseded any value we could have dreamt of a year before. So we no longer needed to sell Wilfried Zaha as losing two key players would have really hurt us. Wilfried Zaha understandably was fuming and handed in a transfer request. We begrudgingly said he could go if Arsenal met our transfer valuation but they never did. Then the summer after that we had Covid, the summer after that we lost about 14 players and desperately needed him, and then last summer nobody seriously wanted a player they could get for free in 12 months time. I hope he gets to experience Champions League football but I imagine wherever he ends up he will have to get used to a squad player role.
  5. Just read about how FIFA could chuck Iran out of the World Cup due to governmental influence and issues around inclusivity with women. Firstly, the thought of chucking a country out on human rights laws when you're hosting the tournament in Qatar is ridiculous. Secondly, despite them having these inclusive issues with women and football for 40+ years this has stemmed from Iran allegedly selling drones to Russia. So if Iran get banned I'd expect Harry Kane can put his rainbow captain armband in the bin behind because England shouldnt be allowed to go because of the UK deals with selling firearms to Saudi Arabia. Whilst the governmental influence is a fair point which caused India to be suspended, we're less than a month from the tournament starting and those players for Iran have qualified on merit and have no influence what happens at a governmental level. Even if you were to replace them with the next deserving team from Asia it would be UAE. Are we going to dig up there human rights records? The whole moral stance may project an initial healthy image to the world but for Fifa it would be like putting on an armoured vest that's had the armour taken out.
  6. Dave


    Wrestling fans on Twitter are literally the worst people. It must be so depressing being that aggressively negative all the time. I know a lot of women have made accusations against him and im by no means defending anything hes allegedly done. That said my take is if you don't want to watch him because of the things he did 5/10/15 years ago don't buy a ticket and don't watch the show. All the toxic energy that goes in to messaging employers at theme parks or his acting agency to stop him getting any form of work is borderline psychotic. I haven't seen the same energy towards other sex pests, domestic abusers, people who regularly DUI etc.
  7. https://news.sky.com/story/rishi-sunaks-partygate-fine-is-personally-wounding-for-a-chancellor-who-finds-himself-in-a-funk-12589284 I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned with Rishi Sunak given 'partygate' has been the word that's followed Boris Johnson in the last week.
  8. Dave


    Oh that's Joey Ryan. He got identified as a sexual preditor when all the speaking out stuff happened. The people on Twitter are content on finding him whenever he gets another job and bombarding his employers to get him fired.
  9. Dave


    He's a guy that wrestles most of the time with his hands in his pockets. When he first debuted it was silly funny and got people talking but after three years of it you're beginning to wonder if he's going to start something new.
  10. Dave


    Having CM Punk, Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Adam Page, Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage, Santana, your women's champion amongst others all injured at significant times in the last 12 months suggests to me that Chris Jericho has put some curse on the promotion. Let's be fair, nobody in wrestling is a 'raitings draw' and given the way people have consumed content has changed will probably never will be again.
  11. FM 23 beta now available... have a good evening!

    1. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Is it good? I'm honestly scared to play any FM games because of how addicted to them I was as a kid xD

  12. Dave


    Adam Page suffered a concussion on Wednesday. It's like the company is cursed.
  13. He can dissolve parliament but its something that hasn't been done for around 100 years. There was also quite a lot of pressure on him to step back from politics the older his mother got so I can't imagine him wanting to get involved in parliamentary matters.
  14. I haven't shared this before but ive never been so depressed about the future of this country. I have a fairly stable job that pays well but if my mortgage was up for renewal I'd have to sell as there's no way I'd be able to make repayments at 6%. I live in what was until about six months ago an attractive place for people in there 20's and 30's to buy because we have fast trains to London. Not any more. There's so many houses up for sale either because landlords have had enough or people need to downsize urgently. I've already had to make 'smart sacrifices' with my quality of life in preparation for the energy bills to come in but were so reliant on electricity its really difficult to do so. I've never needed to live on credit cards but I think by next year that's a likely situation. I've never been anxious about the future but this is the first time I'm beginning to feel it. Even when Brexit happened and Covid started I felt confident that 'in five years things will change' but I don't get that vibe any more. I feel I may have been naive and over estimated the competency of all the top seeded politicians in this country. It saddens me the things we used to take for granted my Son may not have the luxury of doing when he grows up. Like shopping trips to America because the £ was so strong and drinking regularly in the choice of any pub/club. Pints were close to three pounds when I was 18. They're now around seven pound + where I grew up and I know my yearly wage hasn't doubled. That's a minor example but you get my drift.
  15. Great to have a legend of the club back If it wasn't for the 2009/10 teams efforts to stay in The Championship there wouldn't be a Crystal Palace so its nice to see the core of that team in Julian Speroni, Paddy McCarthy and Sean Derry on the coaching staff in some capacity. Also it's good that Danny Butterfield and Clint Hill are coaching elsewhere.
  16. The defence are just trying to discredit the character of the victims. It's a cheap tactic. Obviously when you take a step back you realise that being sexually promiscuous has absolutely no bareing on whether she was raped in an isolated incident. But when you have highly skilled barristers chipping away at a jury you can see how people can get swayed.
  17. Dave


    Two Impact Midcarders returning to WWE this week. They must be crying with happiness that Hunter didn't watch anything they've done for the last two years.
  18. Dave


    @Devil-Dick Willie @6666 I promise I did not email Jim Cornette under the alias of 'Andrew'.
  19. Dave


    Brian Last's comment about AEW never being designed to be succesful ties in with what @Devil-Dick Williesaid a couple of months ago about it being a 'Wrestling Nerds Fantasy'. You'll get a lot of 'dream matches' but you shouldn't expect any substance beyond that. If this unofficial 'Booker of the Year' title meant anything then Scott D'Amore would win it anyway. If you took D'Amore, Jacobs, Gail Kim, RD Evans etc out of Impact and replaced Tony Khan, QT and the other jobbers the weekly AEW show would improve tenfold. The wrestling world absolutely needed investment in 2018 outside of WWE. Its just a shame the only person willing to invest was Tony Khan.
  20. Dave


    I didn't think I'd enjoy all the gimmick matches but they did really well. Sheamus and Gunther should be in the running now for feud of the year. I'd never get bored of watching them two repeatedly smash each other. Impact had Bound For Glory this weekend. They seem to be heading in to the direction of NWA where they're hiring elder people who don't have ambition/aspirations of moving on to WWE/AEW/NJPW. I enjoy Impact PPV's but it is deflating seeing people like Lucha Bros, Brian Cage, LAX, Ethan Page, W Morrisey etc get popular and then inevitably leave. At least with Eric Young, MCMG, Kazarian, Bully Ray etc there is that safety net. I wonder if Maria Kanellis openly flirting with Tony Khan about a return to his dead ROH show was the final straw that made Scott D'Amore realise that its just as profitable to keep churning out the older people and there's a safety net with them not moving on too.
  21. Dave


    I thought a lot of them were works as I thought there was no way grown adults that have a public image would be so pathetic. Sadly I was wrong.
  22. Dave


    Another fight in AEW. This time between Andrade and Sammy Guevara after they had a lame modern day MySpace spat. Andrade seems to be doing all he can to get fired at this point. I was looking forward to see what Andrade was capable of doing away from WWE but the more time goes on the more he just comes across as a mark for himself. He's been unhappy at some point in NXT, on Smackdown, on RAW and now in AEW. When it's happened on four seperate rosters maybe you do need to look in the mirror. He hasnt had the best creative but he also hasnt done anything that makes you think he deserves a push. His stuff with Darby was funny for the wrong reasons. He seems to value himself as a modern day Ric Flair and if that is the case he needs to stay in CMLL as in America it hasnt worked out. As for Sammy Guevara, it's not the first time we've heard he's pissed somebody off and I imagine there's others that we don't know about. Of all the people that have cooled off in the last year he has to be the biggest drop. He went from being the prune that beat Miro to having people wanting him released. More worryingly for AEW it's another example where Tony Khan cannot get a grip of his locker room. He needs better people around him to oversee and diffuse stuff like this.
  23. To be fair to the Fulham players if some twerp that look like Penfold made me stand still for 40 minutes in training whilst he walked off to do other things I'd down tool until he got sacked too.
  24. This isn't a dig at Monchi but some people are just suited to a certain club. He spent his entire career at Sevilla, created several great sides, and when he went elsewhere it just didn't work out.
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