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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Azeem

    Off Topic

    I love this place
  2. Are there any chances it's intensity drops in the summer because of the heat cause they do require precise environment to survive and spread
  3. Azeem

    Off Topic

    Went to the doctor, i have mild tonsillitis i did guessed that when i was having pain when swallowing anything hopefully it goes away soon
  4. @IgnisExcubitor I'm one of the biggest critics of judiciary here i know how easy it is to file a wrong case, defend a culprit etc and it's the same everywhere in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh let's be honest i will appreciate if you don't give Indian courts acquainting Modi as a proof of his innocence it's like saying our leaders aren't corrupt because the court favoured in their way. Again when i hinted at the current US-Taliban negotiations where Taliban are acknowledged as a party to the discussions and possibly will be forming government in parts of the country i don't know what associating with them means ? That he told to negotiate with them right in the start which they the US eventually did. And on the Musharraf part those were freedom fighters. Bro the way Christine Fair got herself celebrated is well known, i mentioned about the demographic changes in POK apart from that i haven't seen any census reports about the massive rise or drop in demography like i provided census reports in two separate articles over the years to show Hindu population has increased not deceased. Let's agree to disagree on that Not equating with anything man, just pointed out that a lot of people were killed by Bengali separatist and it is well recorded. I'm a bit offended man since you suggested me as a bigot, Ahmidiya not being Muslim is well addressed by Muslim theology of every school of thought, and not considering them Muslim doesn't mean you automatically are mean to them. I had Ahmediya teachers and some mates and i used to discuss with them about how they claim their beliefs to be align with Islam when there are clashing doctrines. You did say that bring scared of that or protest or riot is stupid but i agree with rioting and protesting beyond a certain limit is stupid but I'll ask again is/will there be any way for someone to avail citizenship if they fail to meet the requirements of NRC for no fault of their own by and large ?
  5. Another cases reported here needs confirmation.
  6. Can it be something like the virus hides/disappears and doesn't go away in the first place ?
  7. @IgnisExcubitor It's not about journalists i don't like, i follow many people including Naila Inayat, Indian ones but little bit of search shows one someone is presenting half truth that goes for majority of information out there.
  8. @IgnisExcubitor Again I'm not endorsing forced conversions or justifying them in any condition I'm just pointing out that just like India where you say that Muslims aren't target of pogroms rather these are two sided riors, the incidents with Hindu girls aren't community backed and not always start as one sided religious persecution and lots of new cases each year according to you isn't true at all. Yes there are flaws in judiciary which fail to provide justice to genuine cases but your earlier posts which hint that there is systematic ethnic cleansing in Pakistani 14% to 2% i.e is simply emotional based and false Thousands of flocks ? There are many nomads who settled in Rajasthan, years after partition just looking for a settlement apart from those there are some who settled in India but thousands each year ! As for Imran Khan I'm sure your seeing Taliban America negotiations and when did he associate himself with him ? He took a picture that's why ? India has a chief minister who called for taking Muslim women out of graves and raping them and if he hasn't associated himself with right wing ideology then a picture certainly isn't going to. Ahmediya are not allowed to present themselves as Muslims around the Muslim world that is not Pakistan specific issue, you fail to understand that Ahmediyas publishing their work as Islam is the bone of contention not them following their religion. They are certainly not treated as second class citizens yes they certainly face discrimination by segments of society but they enjoy their rights like any other group. They even have strong missionary activities sometimes even overly passionate like Christian missionaries. I compared them with Mormon because of your " they are not Muslim enough for you " comment it's not unique to Muslims was my intention. Plenty of stuff on Google on killings by Bengali nationalists but i don't want to dive into that, it will be insult to the victims and again you just did your community killed more which is so sad. Seriously Christine Fair and Serin! i can quote tons of articles about ' pogroms of Muslims ' in India by but than they will be equivalent of you quoting Christine Fair and Senge Serin to me, again i provided you census reports and articles for the increased population of Hindus by Indians if there are census reports that show what are change in demographics from then and now, the only changings were in Zia era if i remember correctly but they were quite minimal and they weren't aimed at Hindus, some Muslims from elsewhere settled there and the locals had no reservations. You missed my point I'm not talking about Muslims from these countries or any ' refugee ' I'm talking about a Muslim and a non Muslim who lives in India and fails to meet the condition of NRC, is there any difference between them in order to gain citizenship afterwards ?You did acknowledge that whatever the official documents NRC will use many poor people will be effected by it regardless of religion so i wouldn't say being scared is stupid.
  9. Found something on this https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8050519/amp/Japanese-tour-bus-worker-recovered-coronavirus-tests-positive-AGAIN.html It looks like body antivirals do not stop repeated infection how effective would a vaccine be ?
  10. What are the chances for someone who recovers can get infected again ?
  11. A member of parliament has died in Iran due to corona
  12. @IgnisExcubitor I didn't say it's ok if it happens to happen about land disputes etc i said that sometimes Muslims and Hindus in Sindh when have some personal problems and they try to settle it and it get dragged as religious issue when the intentions are not religious, like there are tons of feudal problems within Muslims as well in Sindh and Punjab Ahmediya are like Moroms among Muslims you should read about Moromons, they beliefs are not accepted among all Muslim sects much like how Mormons are rejected as not Christians by Christian communities. They are not allowed to publish their Quran outside of their communities but are free to do anything within their places of worship. Yes they have faced persecution but they that doesn't paints all of the picture. You're bringing up something that happened some 50 years ago in Bangladesh with the 1971 war where plenty of people were killed by Muqti Bahani and other Bengali nationalist groups backed by India so I'm not gonna dive into that, the thought of presenting the idea that ' my community ' killed less than your community is disgusting. Please if you can present some non Indian sources for the demographic changes in Pakistani side of the Kashmir ? cause the demographics of Gilgit Baltistan and POK are well documented Hafeez Saeed is in jail right now but yes i accept even though like you giving a free pass to Modi that ' Indian ' courts found him innocent ( we all know how good the judiciary system is in this part of the world ) Pakistani courts found him innocent too but still he should be in jail. Yes there are issues in Sindh but they way you are trying act like there are organized ' pogroms ' ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Pakistan posting some random facebook group is far from truth. I can post Pakistani Hindu's twitter accounts many of them member of parliaments and journalists who present a far more more balanced approach to this. And that picture is from 2015 he faced criticism for that right fully so and that guy is not supposed to be a member of the parliament he has been abandoned by political parties for years now. That 14% in 1947 was 12% in East Pakistan and 2% in West Pakistan the 2% in the current day Pakistan has increased not deceased i provided two links for that. Let's just say a Hindu, Christian etc is unable to produce the required documents but under the CAA he will be able to apply for citizenship as a persecuted minority from Pakistan, Bangladesh etc because that's where they will be deemed from but if a Muslim isn't able to produce the required documents can he also apply for citizenship ? because once declared an illegal immigrant CAA is certainly not the way for them to access citizenship in. I'll say it again until NRC is drafted or debated the uncertainty will create panic naturally.
  13. @IgnisExcubitor I will not counter these extreme persecution posts since a) you are obviously very emotional about it b) many times these are personal matters like land disputes, money matters and people use the Hindu vs Muslim card to settle them c) you're defending Modi from Gujrat 2002 riots even when his role as a government official not being able to handle these riots is questionable enough while accusing Pakistan of systematic persecution of it's minorities even when none office holder In Pakistan has even been accused of promoting these communal riots that do occur. d) you're quoting Naila Inayat as a reliable source she is like Masih Alnejad of Pakistan @Dr. Gonzo can tell you more on this while dismissing anyone critical of Modi as unreliable Glad you didn't try to defend the exaggerated statement of 14% to 2% which clearly missed many ground facts. As for you do acknowledge that many poor people don't have these documents to prove that they are legal what if a Muslim even if he is living here for generations is unable to produce these documents what are the chances he will be deemed illegal immigrant from these countries you mentioned and be state less ? If it's uncertain and can't be judged until the bill is passed then how can you make such Muslims feel safe when such uncertainty is looming over them ?
  14. A Short Hike really good indie game
  15. Azeem


    How big is the Davis Cup/Fed Cup ? Do players take it seriously or it's way down on the priority list ?
  16. Azeem

    Off Topic

    My itchy throat is killing me
  17. @IgnisExcubitor Considering if NRC is implemented through out the country, how do you actually prove that you aren't an illegal immigrant ? how far do you have to prove your legal residence i.e father grand father etc ? Considering that people living in slums etc in this part of the world don't have any official documents despite living in the place for generations how will be that dealt with ?
  18. That 14.2 % figure from 1947 was the combined figure of East and West Pakistan, East Pakistan now Bangladesh had the overwhelmingly Hindu population. The Current day Pakistan's Hindu population has increased over the years, not to say that society is perfect or like that https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/pakistan-bangladesh-non-muslim-population-citizenship-amendment-bill-bjp-1627678-2019-12-12?__twitter_impression=true https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://wap.business-standard.com/article-amp/current-affairs/hindu-population-in-pakistan-has-grown-at-a-faster-pace-than-in-india-119032600520_1.html&ved=2ahUKEwjZ65639vXnAhWrMewKHfE5B5sQFjACegQIDhAP&usg=AOvVaw2xo67pwOlSA0YSst6OcMwj&ampcf=1&cshid=1582950669281
  19. Credit to the authorities here for handling the outbreak, seeing we have a border with both China and Iran and quiet a lot of people travel to and from these countries it's surprising we were one of the last countries in the neighborhood to have a confirmed case and they also recovered. We clearly don't have the resources and the facilities to handle a mass outbreak god forbid if it happens.
  20. It's confirmed now, both recovered with no one from their family found positive for corona.
  21. Hearing news that the two infected people here have recovered
  22. That guy identified with corona came from Iran on 20th of February that's six days before he was identified, scary to think how far he could have spread it hopefully im wrong
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