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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. There are many people in this world who are like cocunuts.

    -Brown from the outside but white from the inside

    1. football forums


      Also bananas. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside.
      And oreos. Black on the outside, white on the inside.
      Using this logic I have deduced that in fact most of the world is actually white and racism is a figment of our imagination.

    2. football forums


      Oreos are terribly close to the colour of molasses (terribly dark brown) which leads me to the deduction that we are all a bunch of sugar starved nuts using racism as an excuse for our sugar addictions. Shit, sugar is white. You win Spike.

    3. football forums


      @Spike From what i know British used these terms in their colonies, they gave Indian people a deception by choosing some common people within the masses to run offices. This made the people think that they are being govern by their own people not from outsiders, but this wasn't the case. They did picked common Indian people but they made them to think like them,dress like them,eat like them i.e eat with spoons,forks and knives, eating with your hands is not civilized.


  2. Azeem

    Members Pictures

    Nah i am far more handsome !
  3. Azeem

    Members Pictures

    Didn't get that.Could you explain that in English ?
  4. Azeem

    Members Pictures

    I've finally decided to reveal myself That's from February of this year when we on a weekend trip to the Northern side of the country Yes i did looked a bit like a terrorist a year ago or so
  5. If you kill an Animal for food then i don't see that as 'Animal cruelty' but if you do it as a pleasure/hobby then it is.
  6. Wow ! You people from first world countries debate on such luxurious issues
  7. Azeem


    YES ! We are back on track
  8. Thank you for giving me that information. You know what ! keep it up
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/subhitaha_/status/784531367833075712/video/1 I don't feel like ignorant any more
  10. Azeem


    Never heard about hawks doing that plus it doesn't seems to fit on predator birds doing that
  11. Azeem


    Deep oceans fascinate me. That is some material worth sharing The 52-hertz whale is an individual whale of unidentified species, which calls at the very unusual frequency of 52 Hz. This pitch is a much higher frequency than that of the other whale species with migration patterns most closely resembling this whale's– the blue whale (10–39 Hz) or fin whale (20 Hz).It has been detected regularly in many locations since the late 1980s and appears to be the only individual emitting a whale call at this frequency. It has been described as the "world's loneliest whale".
  12. Azeem


    Its called brood parasitism. Some birds don't make a nest ever ! the female lays the eggs in other birds nests who are similar in appearance to them either when there is no one around or the the male distracts them while the female lays the eggs. When they hatch the host bird thinks the other birds as it owns and raises them.
  13. Iraq Iran border earthquick more then 400 casualities so far
  14. Started Yesterday Origins recently
  15. Azeem


    Hassan Ali broke Waqar Younis's fastest to 50 wickets in ODI. Imam-ul-Haq(nephew of Inzi) made a century on his debut. We are really building a good ODI team for the World Cup.
  16. Azeem

    Members Pictures

    But the check mark is on the right place
  17. Azeem

    Members Pictures

    @True Blue @SirBalon
  18. Finished Firewatch brilliant game 9/10 for me, never during the story the suspense was lost, characters were great and the dialogues were well written. The ending was a bit incomplete.
  19. This international break has been the most interesting as far as i can remember.

    1. football forums


      so this time barely not even remotely interesting vs not interesting at all is what you are saying

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