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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. It's almost as if they will have to introduce curfew measures to ensure compliance and then anyone caught out and about can be dealt with... Drastic sounding but if people are being silly and disregarding the quarantine and panic shopping gets any worse I can see that coming... 10,000 of our armed forces are being prepared in case things start getting any more serious over here.. Doesn't take long for things to get out of hand does it..
  2. Now reports are saying that this could last until Spring 2021 and somewhere in the region of 7.9 Million people will have potentially been treated... current estimates say that 4 out of 5 people are likely to get this virus during that time... Even if they find a cure it will need to be mass produced and everyone will need to have it to be sure it's eliminated properly.. going to be some tough times ahead for people.. That's in the UK alone
  3. That's just a selfish do as you like attitude and completely irresponsible... she deserves what she gets Well that would work because they know who is positive and who is not so a bit easier to police but for those in self isolation it would be too hard to ensure compliance
  4. Another curiosity has got me thinking.... At what point during all of this would it be reasonable for people to tell their employers that they don't wish to come into work due to the risk of getting this virus?? Even if you don't currently have it your risk of getting it goes up every time you go to work in and around large groups of people??? I mean they are trying to encourage people that work offices to work from home and that's great for the office staff or those that can but what about the people that can't do that?? Is it reasonable for a company to take measures to protect all of it's staff rather than just a small number of them??
  5. I just see that as a threat measure but totally unworkable in reality... The only way that could work is if you put everyone who tested positive under lock and key until 14 days were up where you would test them again prior to release... How could you be sure everyone that has it is following the rules of isolation otherwise??
  6. Curious to know how they hope to enforce such measures??? Would that only apply to people that have been tested and shown to be positive?? how do you prevent them from breaking Quarantine then if they decide to go out from isolation?? If they don't have the capability to test everyone as it is how would you know who was infected or not if you saw them out in the street??
  7. I wanted to watch the series 'The Manifest' but they want to charge me £3 a show and it's 16 episodes long the first season so I thought fuck that... I have other ways to see that for free rather than handing Amazon my hard earned..
  8. It will be the same all over the place either because they don't actually know the true numbers due to not having the resource to check everyone or that they are worried that releasing the actual numbers will just increase the panic... Just got off the phone to my mate who's mum works at St Helier hospital who said that they have treated over 200 people that have it so far but the actual reported was just 6 In a lot of respects I can understand not wanting to let everyone know the true scale of the problem because of what is going on now on the streets and people will panic, it's in their nature to fear the unknown but this is also exacerbated by lack of information from the Government or worse their total lack of resources to deal with the situation, The NHS is already badly underfunded as it is over here and adding thousands more people needing treatment in such a short space of time is just a recipe for disaster.. I am pretty sure this has been the pattern all over the world
  9. Coronavirus: Boris Johnson to hold daily press conferences on outbreak after accusations government is ‘complacent and behind’ Boris Johnson has agreed to hold daily televised press conferences to update the public about the fight against coronavirus, following a wave of criticism relating to the government’s approach to the pandemic. Opposition parties had demanded the daily updates and accused the prime minister of being “complacent and behind” after a weekend of confusion about the government’s plans to order all over-70s to quarantine themselves. Thirty-five people in Britain have died out of 1,372 who have tested positive as of yesterday, according to the Department of Health. Downing Street caused a furore after it briefed out the life-changing policy affecting more than 6 million people to select journalists, but made no official announcement – sowing confusion. The health secretary, Matt Hancock, further inflamed the situation on Sunday after he went on TV and confirmed the plan was indeed government policy, only to refuse to divulge any details about when it would happen or how it would work. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/coronavirus/coronavirus-boris-johnson-to-hold-daily-press-conferences-on-outbreak-after-accusations-government-is-complacent-and-behind/ar-BB11eaor?ocid=spartanntp
  10. Not sure that's the reason... This I would probably agree with... When you think of how a normal Saturday might go with Football for example you are normally on packed trains or coaches going to and from games, then in the stadium itself surrounded by large crowds then most normal people might enjoy a night out clubbing or drinking in a busy club or pub until late and the older generation don't normally partake in such things but the younger ones all the way up till your in your 50's + is normal and that's not also considering busy shopping centres, work and concerts etc.. The older generation may also find themselves more isolated in general with the odd visit from the family or the odd trip down the shops etc..
  11. Thanks Nudge... Looking at that it seems correct then that younger people are the least affected but also rather surprisingly a lot of much older people are as well.... If you ignore the spike in South Korea the pattern seems the same... steadily growing from around age 20 peaking at around age 50-60 then starts to decline again... seems if you are older you are at most risk but if you are much older the risk seems less?? I wonder why the pattern goes in decline after reaching age 60?? I will assume that if you looked at all the stats for all countries it may reflect a similar pattern..
  12. I don't suppose anyone has the stats on what age ranges are being affected most?? We know the elderly are most at risk and I did read somewhere that children are less likely to suffer from it apparently...
  13. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    So very sorry to hear that mate... If you need to chat you know where I am
  14. Spot the odd one out.....
  15. You also have to take into consideration that I had just previously mentioned that people could say anything and everyone would believe them, then you come in with the very thing I picked telling me how good it was for me...
  16. Learn to sell it Stan, look how much information both @nudge & @IgnisExcubitor provided... your post lacked conviction
  17. Oh right, if you say it's true then I believe you...
  18. I am just wondering now who believes who first, wondering if I will have a jar of Turmeric on my shelf before you are spitting out bits of Poodle poo...
  19. Yea, read that... didn't they kick him out for that or something.. I mean that's just plain funny, good luck to him
  20. Another little known fact that white dried up Poodle shit works wonders if you stuff enough of it in your mouth...
  21. I was out doing a bit of shopping this morning and people are just being silly.... Someone only needs to post something like "Turmeric helps keep you virus free" on twitter and that will be out of stock within half a day... people will believe anything.. I was reading a story the other day where some bloke in America went out and purchased 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer which he was hoping to cash in on by selling them for $8 a bottle on Amazon once this all kicked off and within a week Amazon froze his account for inflating his prices and now he is stuck with them... Part of me wanted to praise him for trying to cash in and the other half of me was laughing because that will teach him a lesson for being greedy and trying to cash in on peoples fears..
  22. What if they get it up and running in a months time again, with no training in groups going on everyone will be as rusty as fuck...
  23. They are just trying to get their TAC levels up....
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