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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. I will check it out later tonight...
  2. If you have stable system of reporting cases that come through on a daily basis even if they don't pick up those that fly under that radar then it's a reasonable indicator of peaks and troughs regardless of the true number that may be out there... It also needs to be considered that there will be people with mild symptoms on lockdown that have not been tested or confirmed that may now have passed the 14 day period without getting any worse and one would hope in a lot of cases have made full recoveries.. The sooner the testing kits are out there in larger numbers the better for peoples peace of mind..
  3. It's only the cases that go through the Hospitals/Doctors etc.. that are getting logged though would that be right??? Given that they do not have testing kits for everybody the recorded numbers of cases & deaths would only come from any official sources I should imagine so in reality the amount of possible infected people could be double that potentially and as yet unconfirmed and that's of course making the assumption that the numbers we are being told about are accurate in the first place. I think I read yesterday about the recorded number of deaths over here seemed to have dipped on previous days but that was because they recorded the deaths over a 12 hour period as opposed to the 24 hour period in the weeks prior for example, This can give a false number on first viewing and maybe give the impression that things are on the mend when perhaps that might not be the case...
  4. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Sorry to hear about that HB...
  5. Got sent home 45 minutes earlier yesterday and 2 hours early today as our company try to keep people as far apart as possible, This way we don't get that huge crossover of staff between starting and going home all at the same time.. Glad of it today mind as I feel as rough as fuck..
  6. Well, If you don't mind based on the below information I will be taking all my medical/science advice from Chief Science Officer @nudge and not Chekov who claimed he was a Science Officer but never saw him once do anything science related….
  7. That's not worrying in the slightest..... I hope you have never blagged a job using that 'Medical Science' background of yours....
  8. I have to ask if they are set up for such an event??? Who do you phone with that info?? In order to get ourselves out of lockdown we need to be sure it's in decline or at least steadying and not getting worse so you are going to be relying on thousands of households with hundreds and thousands of people not only needing those kits available but doing the right thing and notifying the relevant people with that information... Don't get me wrong the kits will be a massive help but if the information is completely mismanaged then I don't see how we could be sure we are heading in the right direction...
  9. Just out curiosity how will anyone be able to collate that data from each individual that gets tested???
  10. Love that... I am just a little cog... There are so many people out there right now doing their best to keep going and plenty like the Health workers Hospitals and services that are getting it in the neck day after day with hardly any rest between shifts and credit to our lot and hundreds more around the world that are knocking themselves out trying to keep things running without complaint... When things turn proper shit you really do see people for what they are you know... Thankfully that's mostly decent people just trying to do their bit for the cause...
  11. We are in the food industry mate, I run a despatch team and it's been heaving with the extra demand the shops are placing on us.. We supply Sainsbury's, Tesco, Asda, Waitrose, Ocado and M&S so as you can imagine we are under the cosh at the minute while the stores are playing catch up... At some point it will calm down but at the minute we are working beyond capacity to keep up with demand.. rather be working than stuck at home to be honest..
  12. That's outrageous!!! And there I am having to go into work still... On the other hand, good luck to you my friend, make the most of it while you can... Just wish it was me...
  13. The blokes a compete arsehole... they are trying to say they are at the forefront of peoples fitness at home and why they need to stay open.. totally non essential as far as I am concerned, I can understand why that bloke is so hated...
  14. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Just heard that one of our Engineers on our nightshift collapsed and died of a heart attack last night... R.I.P
  15. I think it's a good idea, might go to our local zoo and let all the big cats out and see how the locals like them apples....
  16. Pictures of a man laying on the ground in an empty street in Italy ( Cause unknown ) and then our packed trains this morning....
  17. True story that.... already claimed the lives of 15 pizza delivery drivers they have..
  18. Boris Johnson is attempting to race sweeping new laws on coronavirus through the Commons in a day, as the UK faces the prospect of a total lockdown in the next 24 hours. MPs are returning to the Commons after the weekend to debate the government's Coronavirus Bill in all its stages, before it goes to the House of Lords and becomes law by the end of this week. The Commons debate follows a stark warning from the prime minister that the UK is heading towards a lockdown, after appeals to the public to stay indoors were largely ignored during a sunny Mother's Day. At his latest Downing Street news conference, Mr Johnson said further measures would be considered in the next 24 hours to prevent the spread of coronavirus if people fail to stay two metres apart. The bill states: "We assume the vast majority of people will comply with relevant public health advice. The policy aim of these provisions is to ensure that proportionate measures can be enforced if and when necessary. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/coronavirus/coronavirus-pm-to-rush-in-emergency-laws-as-uk-heads-towards-lockdown/ar-BB11ytJn?ocid=spartanntp Assumption is the Mother of all fuck up's.....
  19. This working from home marlarky is just what I suspected it was... a huge scam!! My daughter got up late, started late and is sitting at her computer in her dressing gown at this very moment munching biscuits with her coffee while texting someone... I told her if she doesn't do something soon I am dobbing her in to her boss next shift... I said you're not a teacher, you can't get away with doing nothing all day and still expect to get paid...
  20. I think all series should end along those lines, Similar to Locke & Key as well, especially if it got low ratings as you pointed out because we could not be sure it got enough of an audience to have a second season... I would like to think so though.. This way at least it does leave them the option to move on with it but if not at least we had a proper ending and were not left hanging never ever knowing what the outcome was... I liked it, good mix of characters and didn't go mad on the CGI, just enough in all the right places at the right time..
  21. Finished it today in some vain attempt to keep in front of you.... Enjoyed it, never seen the ratings to be fair just stumbled on it while flicking about on Netflix... better that way then I can make my own mind up...
  22. You will never have a total lockdown.. Vital services etc will need to remain in operation regardless and places like ours that are in the food industry will need to keep running and for that you will still need transport running even if it is for a much smaller percentage of the population... There is no easy fix regardless but all non essential operations and businesses should be able to close down until this has been brought under control.. Obviously financial support for all those unable to work and pay their bills needs to be there as well and most things are possible but the Government seem so sluggish at bringing in the changes despite having a massive heads up from other countries about what to expect...
  23. That might be true but just tagging 'Underlying Health Conditions' on most of the deaths just lessens the impact this is having on peoples mindsets in general, It's almost as if we are saying " Well, they would have died of something else sooner or later" and the problem I have with that is that if this is killing healthy people because of it's nature then people who read "Underlying Health Issues" are more likely to think they will be ok, or take a slightly less concerned approach toward their health and why you get some sections of the public who think it's ok to gather together in groups, go strolling in the park etc and generally have a seeming disregard for basic sensible advice...
  24. Ahead of new PM statement — total fury across govt tonight at people flouting social distancing orders — in particular men and younger men — images of London parks packed with people over the weekend have shocked Whitehall — they believed people would behave more responsibly What planet are they living on??? I think it was pretty clear from the get go that 'The sensible and Mature' nation that we are were not going to be following any simple stay safe rules and regs, thought that might have been fairly obvious after the ridiculous shopping frenzy started but they probably hoped it would all sort itself out in due course because we are after all a sensible bunch....
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