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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    Why is @nudge the only one who gets me??? I hardly think any of you know me at all....
  2. Bluewolf

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    I won't give up my day job if I can only make one person laugh...
  3. Bluewolf

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    Had a blazing row with the wife last night and we had a lot of outpouring of bottled up emotions but to tell the truth I have had enough now.. all this anger and resentment of a long term relationship takes it's toll on a man... This morning she packed my bags and told me to get the fuck out!! As I was leaving she couldn't help but have another dig, " I hope your life is filled with misery, pain, and you suffer a slow and agonizing death" she said "So you want me to stay now then" I said??
  4. It may well not be but we are now ranked the third worst for deaths in the world behind Italy and the US so unless those other countries are still to divulge those figures we are not looking good either way I appreciate that there are a fair few journalists and papers as well as the opposition obviously that are more than happy to be bashing away at the Government at any given opportunity for every little thing but the truth is they have dropped the ball on this one collectively and are rightly in most quarters ( but not all ) being called out on it...
  5. The UK coronavirus death toll has jumped to 26,097 after the Government started counting deaths in care homes and the wider community for the first time. Previously, the Government only counted people who had died in hospitals after testing positive for coronavirus. Yesterday, the official figure on hospital deaths stood at 21,678 – some 4,419 lower than today’s figure. Public Health England (PHE) has confirmed the new method of reporting includes an additional 3,811 deaths since the start of the outbreak. Of these, around 70% were outside hospital settings and around 30% were in hospital. Knowing our Government and the way they apply counting of PPE it wouldn't surprise me if they were counting married couples deaths as 1 to keep the numbers down
  6. So with Care Home figures now included the total amount of deaths has risen to 26,097 with a reported 165,221 cases, That's higher than Spain now with 24,275 deaths and over 236,899 reported cases. Compare that to Germany who have very similar figure as the UK for reported cases of 160,943 but have managed to keep the death toll down to 6,376,
  7. I do very sadly believe that it was not taken seriously over here and despite seeing what was going on everywhere else they still lacked any urgency in putting in place all the best measures to try and at least control the situation... I did meet Boris Johnson once ( not to speak to ) but as part of a tour of our site a couple of years back and he came across as someone who 'winged things' and although he seemed a very people orientated person he has left so much responsibility and decision making to people that clearly either can't cope or don't have the right skills to be in those roles.. This is not just down to him of course but a great many before him who have also helped erode services over the years and only when something like this happens does it show us up for what and where we are as a country... No Churchill "We will fight them on the beaches" best of British Bulldog spirit speeches are going to save us from hundreds more needless and unnecessary deaths.. I find it hard to say I am proud to be English when our country can be so badly run in it's time of need, so many politicians ducking and diving the serious questions and getting away with failed promises and poor lack of judgement... I wish it wasn't the case but it is..
  8. Bluewolf

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    That's where I left it... There's a Rat in the Kitchen... Cagney and Lacey have been split up, looking forward to seeing how they overcome this big problem??
  9. Bluewolf

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    No, waiting for an update post on progress from you... Don't want to go rushing on ahead just as it's got really interesting...
  10. Bluewolf

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    You can tell I am bored... The day has been a bit hit and miss so didn't want to get anything started in case it started raining again...
  11. Bluewolf

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    A slice of Apple Pie costs $2.75 in Jamaica and $3.50 in the Bahamas... These are the Pie rates of the Caribbean...
  12. And those precautions are the right ones to take to stop any risk of a further outbreak or at the very least stop it spreading from those who have not been tested, They suggested that people that think they have it are not allowed to travel over here but with our lack of testing how many people do we think are going to be holding their hands up and saying " That's me" if they lose that chance to get back home?? probably none!! Still, If the Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jenny Harries is saying we are an 'International Exemplar in terms of Preparedness' then obviously things must be under control...
  13. One born every minute... https://9gag.com/gag/agA3y9W
  14. Bluewolf

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    About right...
  15. When you hear about things like this going on it's ridiculous and they have my sympathy... clearly shouldn't be on the list to order at all and should only be putting food and other essential items available for people to buy... I was also reading that the UK have repatriated over 1.3 Million people since the outbreak began with some 200,000 returning from Spain and another 50,000 from Australia in the last month alone, I am also aware that none of these have been required to go into isolation or been tested upon their return... I'd like to ask (Nigel Adams) about the mixed messages that those returning home are getting. At the weekend, a Government source told the Telegraph that a 14-week quarantine period would be introduced. When the Foreign Secretary (Dominic Raab) was asked, he simply said, 'I don't know'. Yesterday, the Transport Secretary (Grant Shapps) wrote to MPs to tell us that targeted screening measures had been carried out at UK airports, but that these have now been stopped. This is really worrying, there are people entering the UK from countries where infection rates are rising, access to healthcare is limited and preventative measures are non-existent. They are travelling back to their families on public transport, this is surely not sensible. We've discussed this several times, it is frustratingly one of the areas where we've been unable to make progress and the UK is now a major outlier on this.
  16. Bluewolf

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    Just when I think you can't sink any lower into the gutter....
  17. I see this woman is hoarding shed loads of PPE and even went into debt to buy it all and is refusing to share some with the NHS stating "It's not my job to support the NHS it's the Governments" and although she has a point I do take great exception to her using it for her 'ART' How can you call this art???? don't take the piss, My 5 year old Granddaughter does better work than this... https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/29/woman-stockpiled-2500-ppe-refuses-give-nhs-wants-face-masks-art-exhibit-12625359/
  18. Anybody who thought our Government would be prepared to handle any crisis is just deluding themselves.... The NHS along with a great many other vital services have been badly underfunded and badly run for a long time and putting down things like single gloves just to falsify and bring the numbers up shows how far some are prepared to go for the sake of damage limitation... Sadly when all this finally blows over and we have yet another lengthy inquest into what went wrong we will be told that despite knowing well in advance about the requirements for such a situation that they have basically been left to chance... No fucker will be held accountable and "lessons will need to be learned" once more... So many failures and so many lives put at risk it's hard to fathom if these people are even capable of getting the simple things right let alone being allowed to run an entire country... But then I suppose you don't have to be too worried when you can get the very best priority care as a Prime Minister or special treatment for your daughter like Gove did ahead of the more urgent frontline staff...
  19. Indeed.. Finally get my General ranked up to 9,000 battle experience with one of the best Legions in history..... then dies of old age the following Winter
  20. Bluewolf

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    Ball fondling is @DeadLinesman's department...
  21. Bluewolf

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    That is a medical problem Stan not some miracle shower gel ingredient...
  22. I would probably put the elderly and poorer members of the public down for free kits along with all of the health workers, emergency services and essential workers that have been on the frontline of it since it began if it was my choice... Not everyone has been able to work from home and keep themselves reasonably isolated from the risks of getting it...
  23. The Governments got to try and make back all this money it never had for nurses pay rises and furlough payments somehow.... I mean let's clamp down on businesses that were exploiting people by jacking up prices of vital products during the virus but because we are the government it's ok for us to exploit something we know millions of people will probably want right??
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