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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    Thank you mate... Just heard about the fallout from it but not the reason behind it, but now I know..
  2. You need to know that Nudge does her research... You can't just be putting stuff up willy nilly… I once put a post up in the Good news thread and Nudge promptly took an ostrich sized crap all over it because she did the research and I didn't... Just as well really or people like us would believe any old rubbish on the internet...
  3. Bluewolf

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    Can someone explain what is going on with the Indians and Tik Tok if you can be arsed... I keep seeing stuff about how they brought the ratings for it down from 5 to 2 and don't have a clue what's going on or what has happened... My daughter has it on her phone and although I don't really care enough to google about it I care enough to want to know what happened just so I am hip to the beat and all that, so when I am talking to the younger ones at work I sound like I am totally down with what's going on in the world around me.. Thanks in advance...
  4. I see George Useless is asking for Furloughed staff to start going out on the farms picking fruit and helping out with the harvest.... they are determined to get people back out there wherever they can...
  5. Surprised you Toons have not been asked to sign up for the re-opening of Sports Direct yet...
  6. It seems that like most films sometimes you have a great idea that's badly executed on low budget or a big budget film with great special effects that is as boring as fuck and I would put 'Deep Blue Sea' and 'The Meg' somewhere in between the 2 as not great by any stretch but very watchable but the truth is it's very hard to replicate the classics like Jaws.. That semi drunk tale of how all those sailors lost their lives to Tiger Sharks for example and the classic.. "We're gonna to need a bigger boat" stands the test of time no matter how old it gets.. I mean you compare any of the above with the likes of Sharknado, Two headed Shark Attack and Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus and you can see why we are all starved of something that can fill that decent shark film gap..
  7. Trouble is that a lot of the staff are at home on a permanent basis and he suggested that maybe some of those key workers he needs to interact with could come in maybe a couple of times a week on rotation so that he can at least be passing the information he needs back and forth etc without the place being overcrowded, They set up a large porta cabin office that holds 8 people with desks etc but he is the only one using it at the moment because everyone else has been told to stay off... That's a huge underused expense for the company on a monthly basis.. When the organisation isn't there to start with it all becomes a huge pain in the arse...
  8. Our place has been telling people that they may well keep office staff working from home until the end of the year...
  9. Agreed, my mate currently does about 2 days in and the rest working from home and he said it's a ball ache... Trouble is in his type of role in logistics he needs to be having access to figures and paperwork to do his job properly and now he spends pretty much all his time ringing around asking questions to which no-one has the answers for so he has to wait until he is due in next and try and catch up with people that are in and checking paperwork for the week, he hates it, You can just see him slowly eroding away and I can't think of anyone I know off hand there that doesn't have a more positive outlook on life than him... It's almost as though he is suffering from depression so although for a lot of the people he normally interacts with are just dossing about at home deciding if they are or are not going to bother answering the phone or replying to e-mails you have him struggling to do his job for the business with mostly guess work... It's not for everyone...
  10. Jaws 3 was awful... 1 & 2 were ok but like the Alien films they take a whopping great dip down the bog after when 3 rocks up...
  11. There has only ever been one decent shark movie and that's Jaws... I would probably put Deep Blue Sea in there as well as watchable...
  12. I was having an interesting conversation with a workmate today about how businesses are going to be dealing with this as an ongoing concern if there is no vaccine for it in the near future.. If we are going to assume that this is going to be with us for the long term and the plan is to just try and contain and treat those that show symptoms how will they deal with any potential cases?? Take our place for example, It's fairly hot to trot on normal colds and flu's and you have to remain away from the business at least 48 hours before returning if you are showing any signs of it, We also have to fill in forms to show if someone has been abroad for holidays/breaks etc and it covers at least 10 other possible symptoms of illness before you are allowed back on site and being a food place it's only right they do that but now they are going to have to extend this to the virus as well. We were wondering what happens if someone starts showing signs of it or if indeed they have it?? Will those that are showing signs be tested by the company or by the NHS? If someone does have it who then gets quarantined within that persons respective household?? For example my daughter works at the same place I do but up in the office but if one of us should get it does that then mean that neither of us can be in work for 14 days and what about others in the house? My son and his girlfriend both work for Asda and if they are in contact with someone who has it or could have it what happens then?? Are we all supposed to be on lockdown/isolation for 14 days?? Then of course we have the Grandkids to consider and my other daughter?? I am assuming of course that things would still be in very much 'take your chances' type scenario for the time being at least but that represents a major headache all round and doesn't even take into consideration that any one of us could pick it up at anytime and you can't keep going into a lockdown/isolation type scenario every time that happens surely??? I have also read that some people are capable of picking this up twice although I have zero data to back this up so not sure if or how often this has happened?? If we consider that this may well be part and parcel of our 'new normal' lives for a good while there are far more questions than we have answers for at the moment..
  13. In reality how would anyone know what the real figures are for each country... Recording methods seem iffy at best across the board at the moment, Until you had 100% testing for everyone it's not possible to know the true figure other than through Hospitals and those that are getting tested...
  14. Nothing new there, after bumbling and plodding their way through this like an old black and white movie mummy they are now rushing with Usain Bolt type speed to get everything back on track... Sunday driver speed going into this and now it's Fast and The Furious coming out of it... A lot of councils are not happy about it either so expect this one to be another mish mash...
  15. Why is it when Politicians can't agree on something it's called a heated debate and when the Teachers Union can't agree with them it's called Squabbling??? The return to school date for children is rumbling on with Miss ( don't mind the odd dodgy deal ) Anne Longfield leading the charge to return as a matter of urgency citing the health and well being of the most vulnerable. This is despite the fact that no other country has yet set a date for the kids to return?? why the rush I wonder?? Perhaps they need more parents free to get the economy back on track... That's right Government you keep pushing people back to work filling those buses and trains up choc full to the brim.. We will see this thing through no matter what with a bit of the old wartime spirit.. Well at least the general public will while the Government still work safely from home on conference calls and probably half a dozen test kits each tucked away in the drawer somewhere...
  16. Bluewolf

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    Golf is just hours and hours of televised sky and grass....
  17. Bluewolf

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    Tried golf once but was useless at it, Not very relaxing when you are hacking away at the dirt getting the arse just trying to get the ball to move 2 inches down the fairway.. I just don't have the patience for it. If the ball was the size of a headgehog rather than a chicken egg I might be better at it... Love it on the PC but not in real life.. One of my old bosses was a keen golfer and he told me once that they organised a golf weekend for some of the bigwigs in the company and he was invited along because he was fairly good and he got paired up with some bloke quite high up in the company and he said it was the worst weekend of his life, apparently this bloke was so bad that the people behind them were constantly complaining about waiting and at one point during the game the bloke lost his temper with it so badly he threw all his clubs in the pond...
  18. Bluewolf

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    Spent most of the afternoon fitting a blind in my daughters bedroom and noticed my neighbour out doing the garden topless... took me a while to get the thing to fit and every time I looked out the window all I could see was two wobbly boobs on show... Just wish his wife was more into gardening than he is..
  19. He has my attention and I hate Politicians....
  20. Bluewolf

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    I won't knock that... just those platforms like Farcebook, Twit and all them are just not my cup of tea.. You have to wade through so much crap and nonsense just to get to hear or read something good or worthwhile that I just don't feel I would have spent my time wisely stuck staring into my phone for 10 hours a day like my kids...
  21. Quality post mate... You have raised a lot of good points there and I am not convinced by any stretch that a plan has been put together that will ease or accommodate all the possible avenues.. The Teachers Union are trying to hold the Government at bay for a return and I don't see how it could be made to work?? They are saying that the younger children are not as likely to get the virus but what happens when you start putting them all back into schools and then the parents return to work among lot's of other people and then coming back home to their kids each day?? How could you be sure it would not start up again and then we have a second wave of it?? I think it's all too soon to be putting people under the pressure of returning to work when we were so much slower out of the gates of control than anyone else... Just makes no sense to me
  22. Bluewolf

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    Don't use any of them at all despite my kids trying to badger me to 'get with the times' who the hell needs to hear their phone pinging every 15 seconds for notifications, likes and so forth.. I am old school and I enjoy old school things like peace and quiet...
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