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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Yea, both the arm punishment showing the brutality and the loss of the cows showing the fragility of the whole system is very evident... Even with the Class issues they have also managed to throw in a kind of futuristic spin on 'Murder on the Orient Express' with all the other goings on so that in itself will be interesting...
  2. What did you think of the second one??
  3. His thoughts on it... ‘It’s a little bit of a frenzy, and I am uncomfortable with that,’ he said. ‘If our goal is to change the underlying factors, I am not sure that this young woman having her life completely torn apart serves that goal.’ He is right of course but does make you wonder what the turn of events might have been had he not been filming, and by that I mean would she have been a bit calmer?? because she seemed to start getting over emotional as soon as he pulled his phone out but on the flipside would the over emotion and hysterics have continued with him getting the shitty end of the stick and no evidence to the contrary?? You have to wonder now if what has happened to her will now strengthen her views on Black people in a negative way or would she genuinely take a time out to reflect on her over reaction and learn something from it??
  4. No humour intended... I am well aware of the many atrocities that have been carried out in the name of the British Empire over the years but if even one member of our Government can't even apologise for taking a road trip during lockdown then you have zero chance of getting anything else for far worse...
  5. This woman has got sacked over this incident.... https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/27/investment-banker-fired-racist-video-shouting-black-man-12763144/
  6. Unfortunately the Aussie 'Sorry Day' does clash with our 'No Regrets' day so bit unlucky there me old cobbers…
  7. Me neither but will assume that it's based on that... It's good so far
  8. Watched both... Didn't realise that there were only 2 so far.. Interesting, not what I thought it might be so will keep watching.. Didn't they make a film called Snow Piercer a few years back??
  9. Gove proving he really is the Mr Bean of politics...
  10. Bluewolf

    Members Pictures

    You must remember these days then @CaaC (John)… The lowest form of accommodation in Victorian England was a place where you could for the price of a penny, dangle over a piece of rope for the night... I bet there used to be many of your tavern going nights where you ended up in places like this rather than going home to the rolling pin isn't that right mate..
  11. I put something up in the Covid thread so if you want to move it to here then please do mate..
  12. So what do we make of the Cummings showing then?? Seems as though they have gone down a couple of routes to hedge their bets on this one... First thing was to try and distance Johnson from the whole debacle by stating that he never informed the PM of his trip to Durham even though the PM has known about it for some time only mentioning it after it leaked but not a murmer before.. The second was going for the sympathy vote, Being threatened, home exposed, family in danger needing to get away to somewhere safer etc and trying to heavily play on the reasonable thing to do under the circumstances and hope everyone calms down now they know the facts of the matter... For the most part it will probably dampen a few fires while they get all those waywards on board to give it their seal of approval and hope that the matter will be dropped.... Tough going for a bloke who is standing his ground against well, pretty much everyone that asked him a question today but still not decent enough to admit that he was wrong to do it because doing that would have left him no choice but to step down.. And watching him trying to explain away that drive to the castle was painful, doing it to test his eyes my arse.. that was poor, also not checking if he was ok to go there in the first place but checking if it was ok to return?? Clearly uncomfortable during some points raised and because of the one sided tsunami of questions talking about his responsibilities and the message it sends out etc they may be able to go down the 'victim of the media circus' route.... Be interesting to see which side of the fence people fall on now after that or if it will calm things down or not.. Also whoever it was making that fucking racket at the beginning in a sad attempt to interrupt the whole thing needs a smack in the mouth...
  13. Hmmmm… Common sense you say, can't wait for that
  14. Seems as though there are a lot of places that have been flooded with people... not many signs of distancing going on in any of the pictures of beaches etc... It's like people have just decided to call it a day on the isolation front... Ruislip Lido...
  15. Bluewolf

    Members Pictures

    All the best mate...
  16. It's coming across as a "do as we say, not as we do" type situation and a very arrogant stance especially from Cummings who thinks if he just keeps brushing it off as inconsequential because what other people think does not matter to him then everyone will get bored of asking him questions and the whole sorry saga will go away... It was equally laughable and insulting that he kept telling the media outside his house to make sure they are social distancing... Personally I don't give a fuck about him getting heckled outside his house because in all honesty any other time people and the media are asking questions they are either being ignored or dismissed out of hand so if that's the only way people can make it clear how they feel about it then so be it... As you say he has brought this on himself with his whole attitude toward it...
  17. My eldest sons wife does these... she made us one of Bonnie our dog when she passed away...
  18. This is probably the thing that will bother people the most...
  19. Johnson has obviously been spending all morning with Cummings to make sure they get their stories straight before coming out and sticking with the plan of defiance against the critics, covering as many possible pitfalls as they can I should imagine like any photos or leaks that might pull the rug from under them at a later date, then just basically saying none of what anyone else has to say is true... He would have known where he was as well so not buying this Johnson doesn't know where he is at any point or time, His closest aide in the middle of a crisis of course he knew where he was which means he kept it under wraps... He will just be hoping to weather the storm now and wait for things to die down, only more people of influence throwing their weight behind it will maybe cause a few cracks to appear.. For now though as always it seems he is skating on very thin ice... You know what they say about adversity, it does not build character, it shows it.... Sad to say but I have no faith at all in this government...
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