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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. @nudge Episode 7 Have you seen it yet?? Totally take back all my support for Melanie now...
  2. Back to the Future 34 years later...
  3. Bluewolf

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    Amazing.... https://9gag.com/gag/a6KOpNN
  4. Bluewolf

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    Er...No thanks.. https://9gag.com/gag/aAe3O6R
  5. Bluewolf

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    No mate, the other way around... She has been trying to get her room finished and her boyfriend wanted to get involved so I stepped away from it to let them crack on with it but he keeps winding her up the way he is going about doing things... I am just keeping an eye on it from a distance because I don't need to get caught up in that emotional whirlpool...
  6. Bluewolf

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    Strange situation you have here... I never got on well with my Mum and it was always hard going but my Father was always there to keep things on an even keel, my sisters could do no wrong and I always seemed to get the brunt of her anger or frustration and when my parents finally got divorced he took me with him and the girls stayed with my mother... At the time it seemed unreasonable but looking back I am sure my scallywag ways and coming in at all hours probably used to wind her right up so ask yourself if there is anything you might be doing that might be adding to this friction?? Having said that this was when I was 16/17 by the time I was your age I already had a little one and our own flat... I appreciate the situation must be getting you down, I don't think I have ever known a time where getting yourself your own space/property has ever been harder for the younger generation than it is now but it can be done if you are prepared to make some sacrifices for comfort in the beginning... Getting some space to yourself will help clear your head and give you time to think because being in a war zone battling all the time will be no good for your mental health in the long run... Rent wise I always paid my way but my parents encouraged me to save for a rainy day and were happy with what I gave them rather than demanding a set amount each week so every time I got a pay rise while living at home I would pay a little more but I could have gone 2 months without paying a penny and they wouldn't have batted an eye about it.. They were good like that and if I was saving up for something they would take less... As @nudge says they should be supporting you not the other way around... I am lucky that I earn enough to cover all the bills even if no-one else in the house was earning anything so I don't see that paying rent is the be all and end all but we do make them pay bills/rent simply because life is not a free ride and they need to learn to budget/save and prioritise... We tell them it goes towards the food/council tax/gas & electric etc but in reality it goes back to them when they really need it.. Working towards finding your own space seems to be the priority at the moment... Try and keep the peace until then and put all your energy into that
  7. Anyone old enough to remember this tv show?? I used to have the hots for Jenny Agutter...
  8. So far I have not encountered anyone that either knows someone that has had it or has had it themselves... A few people at work tried the " I think I have it" routine to try and scam a few days off work but they all turned out to be ok..
  9. I didn't know your mum had it mate... glad to hear she is better
  10. We had some light rain in the early hours of this morning and some thunder but it's been hot and sunny all day... not great weather for doing DIY it has to be said..
  11. Bluewolf

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    My youngest daughter is finally understanding why you need a bit of patience when doing some aspects of DIY... She admitted to the missus yesterday that she always used to get frustrated when I didn't get something finished in one day and told her after trying to get a simple set of cupboards up and some flooring laid that she will never ever complain again!!
  12. Of course not... It was more to have a bit of fun with @Harry when he was talking about the angle of the camera on Bournemouth beach..
  13. Totally.... Here is a photo of last nights Liverpool celebrations outside Anfield.. Only about 100 people turned up apparently and were well spaced out abiding by the 2 metre rule but from the angle they have taken the photo makes it seem like there are a lot more...
  14. Can you imagine what's going to be happening here if this gets passed... totally not thought this through at all Downing Street has confirmed that new laws will be introduced to allow drinking in streets, car parks and outdoor spaces to help the UK's lockdown recovery.
  15. Bluewolf

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    Skills.... https://9gag.com/gag/a6Ko0D9
  16. A bit like waiting a bit before going to the theme park to try out the new Rollercoaster.... give it a month or so in case something happens then when you know it's safe then go...
  17. Just seen this news item.... Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick faced calls to resign after documents revealed he was “insistent” a controversial development was agreed before a new levy would cost its Tory donor backer millions. Boris Johnson backed the beleaguered minister with the head of the civil service saying the Prime Minister “considered the matter closed”. But a stash of documents and texts released after pressure from the opposition showed multi-millionaire Tory donor Richard Desmond urged Mr Jenrick to approve the east London development scheme so that “Marxists” did not get “doe for nothing”. This is believed to be a reference to the introduction of a new community infrastructure levy (CIL) just after the approval of the £1 billion Westferry Printworks development was made. Labour claim the move would have saved former media mogul Mr Desmond’s Northern and Shell company up to £50 million. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/jenrick-faces-calls-to-resign-after-planning-documents-released-in-tory-donor-row/ar-BB15W0aN?ocid=msedgntp
  18. Just laughable really.... I was reading another article this morning where somebody else pointed out that Johnson wants to be seen as the 'good news person' while the rest of his team are left to deliver all the bad news and Government U turns etc... This was evident yesterday when he was more than happy to use his "Better than anyone else in Europe" statistics chart because it looks positive despite dropping the death toll statistics chart across Europe as soon as we had hit the highest death toll... It's really apparent that he only seems competent when he is fist pumping and waving the "Make Britain Great Again" flag while talking about the "Great British Spirit" etc.. but in a crisis he and his team are found wanting...
  19. Thanks for the heads up... didn't know that
  20. Nice to have a female we like rather than rooting for them to die a horrible death for a change.. Trying to juggle all that lot and keep order while trying to play two roles is a skill.... although her secret is out and bound to gather momentum as it goes along...
  21. Some places getting a second wave now.... Authorities in South Korea have said the country is experiencing a second wave of the coronavirus in and around Seoul, and warned that stronger physical-distancing measures will be reimposed if the daily increase in infections does not come down. Confirmation of the new wave came as the Israeli government said a lockdown could be reintroduced amid a sharp rise in cases, and a team of contact tracing experts prepared to deploy to the Australian state of Victoria to tackle a new outbreak in Melbourne. The new outbreaks once again highlight the difficulties of fully eradicating the virus, even in countries considered role models in their initial response to the pandemic. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/coronavirus/global-report-south-korea-has-covid-19-second-wave-as-israel-ponders-new-lockdown/ar-BB15QZl3?ocid=msedgntp
  22. The bridge scene was pretty darn good.... not often you see the train like that but disaster was averted just in time.. for now!! So much more going on as well...
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