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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Don't even pretend to be shocked at this... we all know what you are really like, you are not fooling anyone on here...
  2. Goalkeeping errors leading to goal 2019-20 (all competitions) Martin Dubravka (Newcastle)5 Adrian (Liverpool)4 Alex McCarthy (Southampton)3 David de Gea (Manchester United)3 Jordan Pickford (Everton)3 Ederson (Manchester City)3
  3. I hear that De Gea is being allowed to walk around the United grounds with no mask on.... They reckon there is zero chance of him catching anything
  4. @nudge This looks interesting...
  5. A former Conservative head of the intelligence committee has blamed Boris Johnson’s “incompetence” for the farce that saw Chris Grayling – his hand-picked choice – defeated in his bid to lead it. “I think the prime minister is the author of his own misfortune,” Malcolm Rifkind said – as Downing Street licked its wounds over the humiliation on Wednesday evening. Mr Grayling was beaten by fellow Conservative Julian Lewis, who was promptly kicked out of the parliamentary party as a punishment for voting with Labour members. The episode paves the way for the publication, next week, of the report into Russian interference in British politics, which Mr Johnson has suppressed for nine months. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/boris-johnson-s-incompetence-to-blame-for-intelligence-committee-humiliation-says-tory-grandee/ar-BB16NXQh?ocid=msedgntp
  6. Bluewolf

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    9 Gag Centre... Just seen that.... In other news, you wouldn't want to be getting ill in America...
  7. Bluewolf

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    What's going on???
  8. Bluewolf

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    Into the mist.... https://9gag.com/gag/arVM3y5
  9. https://9gag.com/gag/aD4dnZ7
  10. Bluewolf

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    For that to be annoying to you means someone somewhere has referred to you as a Digital Nomad at some point I can assume..
  11. Interesting timeline that follows this.... January First Government SAGE meeting held and while other countries were already wearing masks there was no mention of doing it here January 29th First recorded cases over here and threat is moved from Low to Moderate February 3rd The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group suggested those with symptoms should be wearing masks in public ( if tolerable ) March Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jenny Harries says wearing a mask covering " Is not a good idea" because it traps the virus and you breathe it in.... March 23rd We go into full lockdown but no mention of masks or the wearing of mentioned at all in Johnsons address to the public, Days later George Gao Head of China's Centre for Disease Control and Prevention said " The big mistake in the US and Europe in my opinion is that people aren't wearing masks " April 2nd Germany's Robert Koch Institute changes it's recommendation from only those having the virus should wear masks to ' Everyone should wear masks' April 4th Professor Jonathan Van Tam the UK's Deputy Chief medical Officer reiterates that for those not sick it's 'not recommended' that people wear face masks as there is no evidence that it prevents the spread of the virus in our Society April 10th The CDC recommends that people should use face coverings in all public places, Bill Keevil Professor of Environmental Health at the university of Southampton claims that non medical masks 'will not protect you' and called it a 'knee jerk' reaction, meanwhile pressure grows on the Government as other countries start to bring in face coverings, Chris Whitty claims the evidence for wearing masks is 'weak' and only works in certain circumstances. April 17th Sadiq Khan tweets that people should start following suit with others advice and start wearing masks where possible to help stop the spread. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps say 'the evidence is mixed' April 24th Matt Hancock talks about evolving with the science but as of today the Government position had not changed. April 30th Johnson recovers from the virus and uses the term 'face covering' for the first time May 5th Patrick Vallance Chief Scientific Advisor tells the Government the data is not straightforward and claims that evidence that masks prevent the virus is 'marginal but positive' May 10th Johnson announces the easing of Lockdown and suggests that masks should be worn in 'enclosed spaces' and for meeting people they don't normally meet for example Public Transport and where social distancing is not possible. June 4th Grant Shapps announces that masks will be mandatory on all Public Transport from June 15th and will play a role in helping us 'protect each other' June 5th WHO changes it's position on the use of masks July 10th Johnson states that the rules of wearing of face coverings should be stricter in confined spaces July 12th Gove thinks 'common sense' should apply July 13th The Government announces that masks will be mandatory in all shops from July 24th
  12. Just reading that shop staff will be excluded from having to wear masks....
  13. Well that's fair enough if that's the case... shame our government have waited so long to bring it in when others had been doing so a long time before now.. even without the science it would have made sense to reduce the risks wherever possible as early as possible.. They are probably only doing it now because they finally have enough PPE on the shore to go around unlike before.. bit hard to enforce something if you don't even have the product available to do so... See you managed to get the Liverpool celebrations in there as well mate, had to be done, I was going to mention it but felt it might have tainted the seriousness of my post a tad..
  14. Wearing a mask is common sense and so far not heard anyone kicking off about having to wear one, at least not over here anyway, we tried to get them introduced at work in the early phases but our technical department were worried about the potential contamination threat so they booted the idea... Anyone that cares about someone they love family or friends would not be objecting to this but because it's come in so late in the day people are bound to fight it, it's just the way people are and the mixed messages don't help.. They know they are on dodgy ground with it that's why... pushing everyone back to work and easing of lockdown rules but also knowing that we could have a potential second wave has them worried.. The mentality of some of the public will be that if I can go protesting and lay around on a beach without having had to wear one why should I bother now it's all getting better?? All arse about face and I wouldn't really want to be the Police trying to enforce it shop after shop because some idiot is refusing to wear one.. they struggled with keeping people from gathering in groups and being out where they shouldn't be so I don't foresee them having any better luck trying to control this either... Going on the past with this lot it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't do another U-turn and drop the whole thing after 3 weeks anyway...
  15. So the big question is why have they waited until July 27th to bring it in as Mandatory when we should have been doing that right from the beginning... All this as well I might add when shops like Sainsbury's and Tesco's have abandoned their safe routes/one way systems around shops and have allowed people to gather in huge masses on beaches and protests etc.. Even as far back as just a couple of days ago Gove was saying one thing and Johnson another... It has been a cluster fuck of bad decision making since the get go and I pray people don't forget and start burying their heads in the sand when Johnson starts with his distraction tactics and flag waving/fist pumping make Britain great again Brexit shit..
  16. I was just going to say I have not seen many people wearing them at all on buses both sexes since it was brought in... Can't vouch for the trains though..
  17. Nice... hope he doesn't die in this one... tends to do that a lot with his characters..
  18. Where did you read that then??? so far all I have heard is they are thinking about it??
  19. Has anyone watched 'Norsemen'?? Best I can describe it is as is a comedy version of Vikings....
  20. I assume so... I watch it every Monday and for some reason both of the episodes were there to watch, 9/10 Thought I must have missed one or something last week Been quality viewing... there has to be a second season
  21. Watched the last 2 episodes of Snowpiercer today @nudge Twists and turns galore....
  22. Belgian Minister of Justice... https://9gag.com/gag/aNgpKgb
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