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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Three players signed before Coutinho was sold
  2. It was always inevitable once your club ruined football
  3. He was awful in the World Cup too, I think Tite is a bit mental for not dropping him for Firmino who looked much better. They’re both better at different things though. While Firmino is undoubtedly one of my favourite players, and Allison is now the most expensive keeper ever, the signing I’m actually most excited about is Fabinho, despite not following French football at all. While CB was an issue, at least until VVD came around, and keeper has been a problem position for us for years, I’ve been wanting us to play with a real DM and one with lots of energy in the midfield. With the midfielders we have, our front 3, and our bombing fullbacks I’ve long thought a Mascherano-a-like would go a long ways to improving us. But I also thought that’s not a very Klopp like player. I figured someone more like Jorginho (who I wanted as our #1 signing) would be more in line with how we play. But when we quickly signed Fabinho and read about his play style and watched some videos, he looks like the player I’ve wanted us to have since Masch left. But with more height. If he fits in well with us, I think that’s just brilliant because more control of the midfield helps the defense and the attack. And that’s what players like that allow for. If he settles quickl and is a good fit, it’s massive for us.
  4. @Happy Blue We're going to have a serious North-West Brazilian rivalry going on now. Keeper: Allison v. Ederson Midfield: Fabinho v Fernandinho Forward: Firmino v Jesus Hopefully with the additions to the squad, we'll be able to give you a serious run for the title instead of letting you just run away with it. And these 6 lads are all competing for the same positions in the national team.
  5. I think Chelsea should look to bring back club legend Petr Cech and I am going to maintain that until they actually do and use him as their starting keeper.
  6. Michelangelo for sure.
  7. I’d give it to VVD, natural leader. But I don’t think Hendo will lose his captaincy. Here’s how I feel right now: I actually think Allison will bring about the end of new players coming in. A few players like Ward, Migs, Ings might get sold and some kids might get loan moves, but I think we’ll go into the season keeping Origi and Sturridge and giving them a shot, rightly or wrongly, at redemption. As backup to Bobby though. I think we still want a #10, but I am not sure we go back for Fekir. At least probably not until January.!l So I think that makes our midfield three a trio of: Keita, Fabinho, Henderson, Milner, Wijnaldum and Lallana. Even with no #10 that’s decent depth. Keeper we’ve splashed the cash on. A healthy Clyne on top of the defense we had last year that improved massively with VVD. The depth with our front three, a bad injury to any one of them would be devestating. It’s been addressed a bit with Shaqiri for depth, but any one of that trio being out would not be good. Especially Bobby. Having said that we’ve addressed major concerns in a big way this summer and brought in Shaqiri for much needed depth. So that’s a major positive going into this season.
  8. Klopp’s rejected Henderson’s request to End his time off and go straight back to pre-season training. Klopp called him crazy and confirmed he and Lovren have extended breaks and won’t be in our opening match.
  9. Yeah ironically the call for a return to the 1950s doesn't account for the fact that immigration laws in the UK were less strict in the 50s than they were in the 70s and 80s . The 80s were devastating for Merseyside though, lots of jobs lost forever and people packed up and moved where there was work. This in turn, had a negative impact on the businesses that served the community. There's a good reason why Thatcher remains reviled.
  10. The country was still reeling from the Blitz and he and other kids would play in bombed out houses. For about half a decade, wartime rationing was still in effect. People worked in coal mines and steel mills for totally shite wages to go home and be hungry. It's shite like that my grandad worked hard to get his family out of when he came back to England after the war. People who want to return to that are delusional, or want a return to a more oppressed and pliable working class populous.
  11. Do it, I just did it and I'm fucking loving it.
  12. Sam Allardyce is on the bench for Bury. FAT SAM'S REVENGE.
  13. We bought VVD before we sold Coutinho though. That was probably more expensive than it needed to be because of us fucking Southampton about with tapping him up and routinely going after their best players and us needing to assuage them. But we brought him in before selling Coutinho & both transfers were after the Neymar transfer which has utterly ruined this market.
  14. My spirit animal is a turtle. The website said: The turtle totem wisdom teaches us about walking our path in peace and sticking to it with determination and serenity. Slow moving on earth, yet also incredibly fast and agile in water, those who have the turtle as totem or spirit animal may be encouraged to take a break in their busy lives and look around or within themselves for more grounded, long-lasting solutions. Whereas I said: "what the fuck, I'm a fucking turtle?" Different perspectives I suppose.
  15. Yeah but people were saying that when the offers were substantially smaller than what we ended up getting for Coutinho.
  16. The Allison fee and the VVD fee basically add up to the Coutinho fee. Thanks Barca, you twats
  17. That's shit for him and shit for us. I hope he comes back just as good as he was in the past season prior to the injury - was very impressed with how he performed considering a lot of the indifference to him leaving Arsenal. He's a good player, adds a lot of pace, drive and energy to the midfield.
  18. My Spotify Daily Mix 1 is always so fucking good

  19. Farage & Reese-Mogg want to roll back all sorts of regulations and rights and turn the UK into a tax haven with cheap labour, rather than any genuine love for Britain or our former empire. They’re exploiting the people who are though.
  20. If the alternative is a soft Brexit, then we end like Norway. Beholden to EU law without having a say in policy. I don’t see the point in leaving for that. That’s just symbolicly saying we support sovereignty while losing actual power. If we have a hard Brexit, we run the risk of all sorts of trade issues, a return to WTO rules (which doesn’t seem like preserving democratic sovereignty to me), and probably a pretty dire economic situation. If Britain’s interests weren’t being fought for by MEP Nigel Farage not ever taking his job seriously, they certainly aren’t being fought for with this absolute shitshow of a government fumbling about to craft a deal to take to the EU (and with these new amendments, for the EU to tell us to fuck off). It’s shambolic, before the referendum they knew if the UK voted leave we’d have 2 years. And instead of having a fucking plan and getting to fucking work we’ve had no fucking progress towards probably Britain’s biggest political moment since we joined the fucking EU. David Cameron is such a fucking cunt for getting us into this fucking mess.
  21. Get what you're saying re: the Everton stuff better now & agree with it. And actually agree with all of your post.
  22. They did ask the fans if Fat Sam should get sacked though... That's more Brexit than giving you a choice of Fat Sam or another manager - because the "new manager" option was (technically) an unknown, even though it was likely to be Silva... technically we didn't know.
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