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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I'm surprised you don't like his most similar characteristic with Mourinho.
  2. It really is just living in dream world - the EU will likely remain our biggest trade partner as our closest neighbor and current largest purchaser of our goods and services. Brexit won’t magically make that stop, particularly if we aren’t wanting to have the economy totally unravel beneath our feet. It’ll only serve to make trade much more complicated and costly in regards to trade with the EU. Furthermore, without us in the EU, we are in a far weaker position to negotiate trade agreements. Leaving the EU makes us smaller on the world stage. A smaller and less important trade partner. And likely a huge hit to our soft diplomatic power. You’re right in that control over our borders is the most significant thing that could come from Brexit. And for us to retain any of our EU benefits that so many on the Brexit camp say that we’ll be able to have despite wanting a hard Brexit, we will have to cede some of that control over our borders. The best case Brexit scenario imo is we go the Norway route... and even then, I don’t see what the point is as we would still be beholden to EU regulations. We just would no longer have any say in what those regulations are. The illusion of freedom isn’t worth creating economic instability and putting the personal wealth of all British people at risk, decreasing Britain’s soft power, and ability to negotiate trade deals. The biggest beneficiaries are disaster capitalists banking on economic collapse and privitisation. They’ll have ultimate freedom. But not the vast majority of people.
  3. I wish there was less international football. We just had the World Cup and I think this new tournament is shite. I don’t think Southgate cares long term either, he’s known we’ve got Lallana on a special training regime because of his injury concerns, yet anytime Lallana is called up he does the standard England training shite - then he’s injured. I’m sure he cares for Kane and Sterling, players we can’t really replace long term because the gulf in quality is too high. But for squad players he doesn’t give a shit if he runs them into the ground and stalls their careers, judging by Lallana.
  4. Klopp says VVD & Salah should be okay in the short term, Mane needs surgery though so he’s probably out a few weeks. Apparently Milner had a speedy recovery though, so that’s one injury before the international bullshit that’s been resolved. I hate the midseason internationals though, this always happens to us. And international sides don’t give a fuck about the players long term, so it’s irritating.
  5. Mane needs an operation on his hand because he somehow sustained a hand injury on international duty. International breaks, eh? Good for nothing except injuring our players.
  6. Anyone want to chime in on what looks like 99% certain that the West's (arguably) shittiest ally in the Middle East murdered a journalist in a Turkish consulate? Given that nothing happened to them after their support of: the September 11th hijackers, Al Qaeda, or ISIS... probably nothing will come from this, will it?
  7. Now he's upset that he's been asked to submit to a doping test and said he's not even a footballer - not surprised in the slightest
  8. Or he could have gotten really fat and shite and then much later say something like "I nearly lost a leg eye" to excuse his weight gain and shiteness.
  9. Yeah he should have made a video where he's dabbing like a cunt instead.
  10. I have feeling in my middle finger again! And I've gotten a lot of mobility back to the finger. Still can't play guitar for about 6 weeks... but this is the best day I've had in a long time

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    2. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      @Stan they told me not to even hold one until 12 weeks after the surgery, I’m not sure why

    3. football forums


      you missed the innuendo :( 

    4. football forums

      Panna King

      Finger that ass!

  11. Wow that's fucking stupid. I can't say I'm surprised because most CODs have shite single player nowadays, and most people only play COD for multiplayer/zombies. But it seems a bit obviously lazy to scrap the campaigns, especially when Black Ops 1 and 2 had good campaigns (Black Ops 3's was shite and I don't know why it's part of the Black Ops series). Looks like Black Ops is just a way to brand it as made by the most popular COD developers. Stupid friends peer pressuring me into getting a game I didn't really want because they're all going to be playing it. Blackout does look quite good though, I didn't play the beta because of my hand shite though.
  12. I haven't enjoyed a CoD since Modern Warfare 2... but Black Ops 4 is something I'm getting because all of my friends played the Blackout Beta and they've all said it is the best Battle Royale game they've ever played. Plus you get CoD singleplayer (meh)/multiplayer/zombies). Biggest negative I see is whether or not you'll be able to even get the extra DLC without buying the special season pass version. Which is stupid and I don't know why Activision would try to do something like that - but also fuck giving Activision more money.
  13. “A freedom to choose our own path” sounds nice, but it doesn’t really mean anything. Nor does it explain or justify the negatives that come from either a hard Brexit or a soft Brexit that ties us to EU regulations we have no influence over if we aren’t in the EU. Economic instability also doesn’t make for “freedom.” Also the fact that some industries might export less to Europe doesn’t change the fact that most British exports are to Europe. You can argue it’s not true. But it is true, so you’d be wrong. You could argue it doesn’t have to be to Europe. But the EU countries are our biggest trading partners.
  14. Man Utd plan B - Fellaini. LFC plan B - watch Moreno pretend to be a pro footballer

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      Dr. Gonzo

      So did Tupac, but I wouldn’t want him playing at left back either 

    3. football forums


      Everton Plan B - Give it Unsy to the end of the season

    4. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Seems like both Merseyside plan Bs essentially amount to: “fuck it”

  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45641867
  16. If I get the all clear from the doctor that I can play video games tomorrow, my next stop is to go buy this.
  17. The latest excerpts from King Kev's latest book re: his final days as Newcastle manager are very interesting. Paints Mike Ashley as either incompetent or dishonest, you get a really bad impression of Dennis Wise, and Keegan looks pretty believable & to have a lot of integrity as the arbitration panel sided with him.
  18. That’s basically right. We signed him from Charlton and had him play with our kids as a CB. Very highly rated, but the first team opportunities that were available to him were mostly at RB. I was not expecting him to end up ahead of Matip and Klavan in the summer. But preseason happened and Klavan’s been replaced... by Matip because he’s jumped ahead of them. Very impressed with him this season and I hope he can keep this form up.
  19. I wouldn't have laughed. I think Flanagan's lack of finesse was there for all to see - but he always played with a shitload of passion for us. Worked his arse off and stuck to the basics but played with his heart on his sleeve. On Robertson's first match for us I immediately noticed his quality on the ball - something you'd never consistently see from Flano. On another note, I never really liked Gomez as a fullback - weirdly bad at defending crosses for a natural CB out wide. Not the best delivery either... but plenty of pace. But this season he's been a revelation, looks great defending crosses and his pace and strength is used to great effect. I think if he keeps this form up and stays fit, he's better for us than Lovren.
  20. Lol Flanagan was never as good as Robertson, not even comparable. Flanagan was a yard dog people liked because he was Scouse and got stuck in. Nowhere near as good as Robertson going forward.
  21. What I was saying is you empty Trent's pockets and threre's Neymar with his outrageous fee. And Andy's got Mbappe in his with his own ridiculous fee. Not bad for us.
  22. What's the combined value of what's in their pockets from last night?
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