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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Wow what a surprise that UKIP ceased being relevant after Brexit, almost like that was pretty much their sole policy position and after their “charismatic” twat leader fucked off they stood for just open racism. And we all know our British racism is best left subtle, so they just went back to being Tory voters. and no @Fairy In Boots, the Persian side is no more or less threatened than it’s ever been in the UK by Brexit. They’ve been British citizens for decades, it’s not like you’ll be able to send them home for being brown now. They’ve been dealing with bigoted idiots since they’ve come to the country, but largely have remained safe/unaffected from the morons. And I suspect that nothing will change in that regard with Brexit. In fact it’s probably better than the 80s when police beat the shit out of my uncle for being a brown person that had the nerve to get the shit kicked out of him by racists. And @SirBalon posted just one ad, but go look at how much of the Brexit campaigning was based around immigration. It looks like it makes up 50% of the campaign material or more. Weirdly enough you don’t see too much of the campaign material bring up “British sovereignty”. It’s mostly anti-Muslim, anti-Polish shite or lying about how much being in the EU costs us and how that money will still be around if we leave and how much better things will be. Almost like that’s an obscure concept that is now being used to hide the bigoted and dishonest rhetoric that brought us to where we are now...
  2. TF365’s Muslim hating culture warrior is insisting that immigration played a small part in Brexit and I am to take that seriously?
  3. Or them using Britain as their killing grounds.
  4. David Cameron deserves a special place in hell. Fucking pig fucking twat
  5. Russia’s attacked Ukrainian naval vessels saying that Ukraine isn’t respecting Russia’s presence in waters that really belong to Ukraine but Russia’s invaded. Nothing good will happen because it’s 2018 and the world is fucking shite.
  6. Idk anyone who supported Brexit is imo culpable for whatever happens after Brexit. It was always going to be a bad deal or no deal, anything else was living in dreamworld. For those no longer in power, accountability would be making them dead and buried politically.
  7. I agree, sadly. I think it’s better to let Brexit happen, hope for the best even though it’s almost certainly going to be unappealing to both sides. Investigate Aaron Banks & co. in the meantime and hold them accountable - and if (when) disaster strikes those on the leave side of politics should face full political accountability for what they pushed for. Dishonest populist rhetoric flies well & you’re right now they’ll say shite like “tHeY’rE tRyInG tO sUbVeRt DeMoCrACy” - I don’t have enough faith in voters to not fall for the same dishonest shite a second time with some new sugar sprinkled on top. As long as Brexit is the big political issue in the UK, people are just going to be pushed further away from the middle ground. And I don’t think Brexit will go well for anyone, it’s certainly not in the national interest, and once this is over we can deal with the aftermath and rebuild. I just hope it’s not rebuilding from total chaos of not making a deal.
  8. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    I’m flying home tomorrow and I can’t fucking wait
  9. The September, October, and November breaks are too many breaks all at once early on in the season - I absolutely hate it. I'm not sure it'd be an unpopular opinion to have international football get it's own designated part of the year so that European club football can remain unmolested. It's pretty Euro-centric though
  10. Deadliest wildfires in California this year
  11. It’s not very detailed on his life and I’ve heard one of the characters is a complete work of fiction, but it’s still a very good film.
  12. I just came back from seeing Bohemian Rhapsody. Excellent film.
  13. This isn’t the most exciting trip in the world... but I’m going back to the Wirral in 10 days and I can’t fucking wait to be home
  14. Dr. Gonzo


    When I quit smoking, I decided that if smokers can take smoke breaks then non-smokers can take smoke breaks. So if I want a break for a bit I’ll hop outside for a few minutes. I don’t know if I’d get away with that at every job... but I’ve pulled it off here.
  15. that’s fucking ridiculous. Bet this will wind some Persians up
  16. I didn't know where to put this... but this thread's generic title seemed like a good fit. https://www.beinsports.com/en/afc-champions-league/news/persepolis-1-al-sadd-1-2-1-agg-iranians-int-1/1014690 Tehran's Persepolis FC in the AFC Champions League final.
  17. I’ve only seen them after Downing had quit the band and the second time, which was a few weeks back, Glenn Tipton couldn’t take the stage because of how bad his Parkinson’s has gotten... which is even more sad
  18. There's audio recording out there (some say it's from Turkey bugging the consulate, some say it's from his Apple Watch which synced with his laptop that was in the car his fiancé was waiting for him in... and it synced when they were taking the pieces of him out of the embassy. KSA has finally admitted he died in the consulate - they say a fight broke out and he was killed in the fight. I think that's a cover up for them planning to murder him, as they had a Saudi "diplomat" who was also a specialist in fucking autopsies (not a common skill for diplomats) to come dismember him. They first cut his fingers off, while he was alive. Then the "diplomat" who took him apart, put headphones on and advised everyone else in the room to do the same... he then began to dismember the poor fucker. Makes for good lyrics for a death metal song, for sure, but holy shit... so fucking brutal. KSA will likely remain fine after this is all cleared up... because as you say, they're rich as fuck from sitting atop the world's largest crude oil reserves. And since Iran hasn't been an ally for decades, we can't exactly turn to the second largest crude oil reserves.
  19. Just giving this EP a spin.
  20. I'm reading Heavy Duty: Days and Nights in Judas Priest - K.K. Downing's (one of the Judas Priest guitarists until the last 2 albums) autobiography.
  21. Yeah I think him being a moany bastard is probably his most similar characteristic with Mourinho. He's got to be careful with it, because as Mourinho learned... the media might have loved it once, but they've pretty much turned on him even though he's always been a moany bastard. He's probably just got to stay on good terms with the journos and he'll get more leeway. Managers not friendly with the press tend to have public opinion very easily swayed against them when things are going wrong.
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