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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. 1000 acres on fire in San Diego County! Holy shit!

  2. Is this our first time in the CL knockout stage since... we had Rafa? Our last CL campaign under Rodgers was so terrible and short. And then I tried to think of the last time we were in the CL knockout stages and it was a looong time ago.
  3. These fires in southern California are pretty bad.
  4. The thing I don't understand is how so many people could vote leave without knowing they were voting for something incredibly up in the air. If the voting public took the information from both sides and thought "well Brexit could be as bad as the remainers are saying, but it could be as good as the Brexiters are promising" that's a HUGE fucking gap of different possibilities over what this vote meant for the UK. I mean it doesn't help that there's those lies that were spread about how much money the NHS would receive, and for Boris Johnson to say it was unrealistic after campaigning in front of those fucking busses is outrageous. And the lies about being able to better control our borders and retain the freedom of movement throughout the EU. But these were effective lies and they convinced a lot of people to vote for Brexit. But what's worse than thoughtless voters is these politicians who campaigned for it, lied through their fucking teeth, and spent months campaigning... and had no fucking plan for if people voted for their bullshit. So what we're left with is a number of voters who voted for the country to proceed forward with huge uncertainty and politicians that have no fucking clue what they're doing, because nobody anticipated that this would happen. There's also the fucking people who voted for Brexit because they thought leave would win. These people are painfully stupid and I'm convinced that society would be better off without them. Voting for something you don't want for a "protest" vote is absolutely retarded, these people should be forced to have "DUMB CUNT" tattooed onto their fucking foreheads. But I can't blame these idiots for the lies from the campaigners or the idiot politicians who didn't have a fucking plan for something they were letting the general public vote on. The leadership in the UK is fucking shambolic.
  5. Wow those are crazy birds - HUGE. Panda v. Snowman is a quality clip. The pandas at the Toronto zoo are hilarious.
  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/a-woman-approached-the-post-with-dramatic--and-false--tale-about-roy-moore-sje-appears-to-be-part-of-undercover-sting-operation/2017/11/27/0c2e335a-cfb6-11e7-9d3a-bcbe2af58c3a_story.html So this woman working with Project Veritas (a right-wing outlet that tries to get misleading soundbites to push bullshit narratives) came forward with a fake story about Roy Moore in an attempt to have a "gotcha" moment with WaPo... and instead is revealed as a fraud and validates WaPo's journalistic vetting procedures. Trying very hard for the soundbite lol. The head of Project Veritas has been convicted of fraud and illegal tactics in his bullshit artistry just last year, so I'm surprised he's allowed to continue as the head of this "media" outlet. The man is a total fraud and so are his employees.
  7. Something really needs to be done about our lack of a plan B and the absolutely shocking defending. How many years is it now? Too many.
  8. Don't think Citeh, Chelsea, or PSG are complaining too much about their corrupt oil barons tbh.
  9. He had a very bright start to the season. Then he demonstrated why he's got a reputation of being inconsistent, because his performances were absolutely abysmal. Personally, I think it's his footballing intelligence. His positioning is terrible, for instance. But he's gifted technically and physically - he's got a lot of good qualities. But he can play like a clumsy moron, out of position and unable to find a player with his passing. But when he's not playing like a clumsy moron, he's playing pretty great. We're starving for consistency though and more often than not, we can't really rely on Can because we don't know which Can will turn up. And if he's not going to sign a new contract with us, I'm not too fussed about him leaving on a free. Sure, if he ever does click and start demonstrating what he can do on the pitch consistently, it would be annoying to lose him for no money. But at the same time, he's come in, fulfilled his contract, made decent progress... but at the same time hasn't made enough progress to where we're throwing money at him trying to keep him. Like @Harry and @Inverted have said, that physique and his ability to make things happen in the midfield, and with his late movement in the box and vision in the final third... he could be a REALLY great player with some consistency. He's still got the potential to be as great as he can be. But I think we can afford to lose him on a free given his lack of consistency in our system.
  10. I think Momo had better demonstrated his value than Can ever did - but lost his place in the side after the addition of Mascherano, although he got a lot worse as a player after that injury to his eyeball against Benfica. Can's done more going forward than Momo ever did... but his contribution to the midfield as a unit has been poor, for the most part. I think Momo had more than a few good games where he demonstrated his value to a Rafa Benitez midfield.
  11. I was looking to buy a house here and it was stressing me out. Then I got a job offer in the SF Bay Area and I'm probably going to take it - so that means I can scrap my home buying plans here. And it also means I can scrap my house buying plans any time fucking soon, because there's no way I can afford a house in the bay area. The rent is going to be fuuuuuuucking miserable, I haven't even started looking. I wouldn't be starting til January, so I've got time to look but it's going to be depressing because it'll be more than a mortgage would have been here... and I still won't own it.
  12. I'm not too fussed about losing him either. He's capable of some great football, he's also capable of being totally useless. I also think we need an actual defensive midfielder more than anything else in our midfield. So I'm okay with losing him if we can bring in a proper replacement.
  13. With our luck, probably. Balotelli says he'll never play for us again because our board is dysfunctional. Lad, the only reason you ever played for us is because our board is dysfunctional!
  14. I imagine they'll do it like they did Fallout 4 - there will be a reveal of the game, and the game will be released a few months after.
  15. I think for years the transfer committee has been criticised. And this summer I think I called for Michael Edwards getting sacked because he and Klopp arranging a person to player meeting with VvD killed that move. But the failure to address key areas is a huge failing and people need to be held accountable.
  16. I've been waiting for Playerunknown's Battlegrounds to come to Xbox for a few weeks... and some friends recently told me of a free to play game that's sort of cloned it in Fortnite: Battle Royale. It's a pretty fun battle royale game, I've never really played one before... but it's certainly different to a normal shooter and it's very fun.
  17. I've just become an arsehole when I play and someone is doing that. It's a game with a weird physics engine and to never make a mistake in a match requires incredible precision... it's almost impossible. Even the very best e-sport pros make mistakes in Rocket League, even though they're like ridiculously good and watching their highlights always makes me think: "how did he do that????"
  18. Does anyone else play Rocket League? I play it all the time, it's by far the game I've clocked the most hours in since I bought it. It's not my favourite game, but it's my favourite multiplayer game.
  19. Her son is saying she was murdered for exposing corruption: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-malta-carbomb/maltese-journalists-son-says-she-was-murdered-for-exposing-corruption-idUSKBN1CM167?il=0 People online who live in Malta are saying that the country has changed a lot in 7 years and has become a mafia-run hellhole. There have been 7 car bombings in the past few years, so I think @Inverted is right that the mafia was probably behind this.
  20. I don't know what's up with those weird gaps, but here's the source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/malta-car-bomb-kills-panama-papers-journalist?CMP=share_btn_tw There are a number of people of power who would be upset with the information in the Panama Papers being public knowledge. So it's anyone's guess who's responsible for this... But very sad news for Ms. Galizia and her family.
  21. This is the best story to come out of the recent hurricane shite (it's a bit late... but it's still good) : https://www.revolvermag.com/culture/obituary-drummer-braves-hurricane-irmas-wrath-save-injured-kitten

  22. Yes - the most powerful tool for finding information is now also the most powerful tool for misinformation and spreading bullshit. Weaponised propaganda is a huge issue that needs to be addressed.
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