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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Dr. Gonzo

    Metal and Rock

    I saw Metallica last night. Shite openers, but otherwise it was cool.
  2. Quite frankly, it's got a shitload to do with the US. Venezuela sells a significant amount of oil to the US and as we know, oil is something the US has been willing to go to war for. They were willing to deal with a dictator they hated, and who hated them, in Chavez because of cheap oil. Instability in one of their oil producers is not a good thing for America. Although perhaps the US gives less of a shit now because it's increased it's own oil production significantly. But aside from the callous reasons of oil and economic imperialism, I do think that Venezuela should be getting a lot more news coverage. It's fucking shocking what's going on there right now. Starvation, infighting between the military and police (as in, some are very much fighting for the starving public and others are fighting for Maduro's goal of making his dictatorship stronger), and a whole lot of innocent people dying. I think a disinterested rest of the world will allow for Maduro or another shitbag, to solidify a truly repulsive regime and more suffering for general innocent people.
  3. It's horrific how brutal a dictatorship can be when the West doesn't give a shit. No idea why America doesn't care, Venezuela is the US's biggest oil provider. If US petrol prices go up from this maybe then they'll care.
  4. Tbf he's not getting into our first team either, with James Milner, England's best left back
  5. https://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/first-team/269167-liverpool-fc-complete-andy-robertson-signing 23 year old left back signs from Hull for £10m. Kevin Stewart also is sold to Hull for... some amount of money. No idea if this is a good signing or not, but I don't know how he could be much worse (if worse at all) than Moreno. I suspect he'll be backup to Milner at the start of the season and it'll be up to him to displace him at leftback.
  6. I bet you'll still play embarrassingly defensive football against anyone remotely good.
  7. Tbf Ricciardo is generally seems much less irritating. I understand that it's pretty common for top drivers to be total pricks, but there's something about Vettel where he manages to bother me constantly. It's probably a personal problem with me lol Kimi will always remain my favourite driver of all time.
  8. Not in my experience tbh. The ones I know are all very down to earth and not cunty. Vettel seems like a total cunt.
  9. I can't stand Vettel. He gets off lighltly for ramming a car, then he bitches because Bottas had a better start than him. I imagine he's an awful person to be around.
  10. The air pressure gun is very cool. There was a very good mission where I just stealthed my way through crawling on pipes and shit which made me feel I missed a lot of the level... but I also felt very sneaky. The one where you have to sneak past the Nazi lines... and I loved that mission. And it's literally followed by the worst mission in the game so far (imo), where you're a gunner in a trolley. Kind of a poor follow up to an excellent level.
  11. Apologies for continuing to harp on about this game... but Metro 2033 has some elements that are so well done. Particularly, the stealth sections (which I'm pretty sure are optional, but when ammo is pretty scarce in the game generally it makes sense for me to want to conserve it - plus I like stealth games) and the sound design of the game. Simply put, the sound and stealth mechanics are incredibly close to the original Thief games. The way you manipulate darkness to sneak around, and have to be careful with what you're walking on to avoid giving yourself away to the enemies. The downside is... if you get caught then it seems like everyone around magically can immediately find you - which is fucking bullshit. But it's not a full fledged stealth game. I am finding myself enjoying sneaking around and throwing knives into peoples heads though. The original Thief games are among my favourites of all time though.
  12. I'm pretty sure I played them because of your recommendations. They're definitely top tier games & amongst some of the best shooters I've ever played. So far, I'm enjoying the fuck out of Metro 2033.
  13. Have we Brexited yet? I was under the impression that we haven't. A lot of the economic impacts of Brexit are going to be much more apparent when the terms of our exit are negotiated. I think the EU's stance on negotiations has been pretty clear, while the stance of your average leaver has been "oh the EU won't try to bend us over the barrel" and "we have so much leverage" but those are mostly based off feelings rather than anything other than what leave campaigners said during the campaign. You can't not expect negative economic impacts to important industries if we do leave the single market. And you can't not expect people to be worried about negative economic impacts, especially to industries that are hugely important to Britain's GDP. It's a bit shit for everyone involved that nobody knows the ramifications of leaving the EU until it happens. Because ultimately what it means is people voted blind - either to keep the status quo or to do something new, yet undetermined, but with no real plan. And I think a lot of lies were told in order to get a lot of people exited about Brexit - like that NHS lie.
  14. Oh it's last light not first light lol oops. But yeah, I'm obviously not very far into it having bought it yesterday... with a few hours into 2033 I am very impressed. They've done an incredible job with the immersion and story telling. I've enjoyed it so far and am seeing why it's so highly praised. Pretty impressive from a developer of their size tbh.
  15. I just bought the Metro Redux bundle on the Xbox summer sale - I'm looking forward to playing through Metro 2033 & First Light for the first time ever. I've heard basically nothing but good things about the series, I've heard it's similar to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series (some of the development team for that left to form a new studio or something), and those games were fantastic.
  16. What a fucking bastard lol. Spending all of that time and money convincing people into voting for what he believes is a "dumb idea" - maybe lying to the public to get them to vote against their own economic interests is something that should be fucking frowned upon??
  17. Tbh I think Brexit is a bad idea, especially not being in the single market, but at this point it's going to happen and there's nothing that can be done about it. Britain is going to get fucked no matter how you slice it, so I'd prefer the party that ideologically is fundamentally backwards to me. Ideologically I actually like Lib Dems on paper the best, but after that Cameron-Clegg coalition revealed that lib dems don't actually have principles and stand by their ideological beliefs... it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever vote for them again.
  18. Farage only knows how to troll. Ask anything more of him and he can't do it.
  19. I think so - judging solely based on Firmino being given the #9 shirt.
  20. Fucking hell. I'm surprised nobody fucking decked him. Even if you're a racist cunt and agree with what the fucker said, I can't imagine being too pleased with a delusional moron throwing a tantrum on the bus. I'm shocked he was allowed to go on his little tantrum for so long. Honestly though, what a waste of oxygen. A full grown man, but really a racist little child who thinks he's a big boy.
  21. Vettel is a prick. That was a good GP though.
  22. You say nobody is going to let him... and that's what people said about him being president. He's also got conflicts with the Constitution oath he took, but nobody is doing anything to stop him. Saying world leaders don't have the power to exercise the power granted to them is just inaccurate. Look at Trump and the Paris Climate Agreement. That's the entire world impacted by his decision because 1.) He could make that decision; 2.) America is the biggest polluting nation. Having Boris Johnson as PM would be a disaster for this country. Especially if he was in any way involved with the Brexit negotiations. We're going into negotiation with no leverage, we don't need a moron the EU hates for lying to get people to vote for something they didn't understand. I don't have any faith in Maybot. Yet that's more faith I'd have in Boris the clown. I hope the Conservative and Union Negotiating Team (anyone got a good acronym??????) can prove to not be a fucking disaster for Britain. Tell you what though, I'm not hopeful about that at all.
  23. If it didn't concern the future of the UK's status in the world... it would be SO FUCKING HILARIOUS to watch Boris Johnson sat at the negotiation table with the EU. The guy is out of his depth in anything other than being a massive twat.
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