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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. Tommy

    Off Topic

    Well, English bread is awful though. So white, so soft, so... sweet (most of the time). Can't beat a good German bakery
  2. Tommy

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    Bread? Are you all ducks or something? Peasants!
  3. Tommy

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    Go play with your fucking dragon cards or whatever it is you nerds play.
  4. Tommy

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    Ohhh, well that took a turn.
  5. Tommy

    Off Topic

    Same here, my man. Apparently it's called "Demisexual" in modern terms..
  6. Weird change of topic, but I had some of these today: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabanossi To die for. Poles really know how to make proper sausages @Kloppische !!!!
  7. Tommy

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    Don't let yourself get pressured into something you don't feel comfortable with. A kid is a huge responsibility, and you ought to make sure that everything is sorted out and in place before you make such a decision.
  8. Thanks, and sorry to hear about your brother in law. The pneumonia wasn't the cause of death in her case, I think. Her heart was only functioning on 15%. She was meant to get an artificial one (until she gets a donor heart), if she would have made it.
  9. Don't fuck with me! I have the power of God and Anime on my side! 

    1. football forums


      Love that vine. Speaking of which I just got my Hatsune Miku tickets today!

    2. football forums
  10. Kimi's instagram is everything I ever wanted in life.
  11. Thanks, it was kind of expected though. She had a heart-attack right after Christmas (she was suffering from heart problems for a long time now), and then in the hospital she got pneumonia etc. She was in an artificial coma for a few days now, and we all kind of prepared for the worst. Still sucks, especially for her two sons.
  12. Oh man, I remember when I first watched that video. The little smile of his, like he's so happy to be reminded of his past. May he rest in piece.
  13. Garlic is life. I also love Pizza Quattro Formaggi. With that stinky Gorgonzola Cheese. It smells weird and tastes weird, but it's disgustingly good.
  14. Can't argue with that. Just throw a bunch of garlic on it too
  15. Yup, there was some curiosity from my side to try it when it came out, but I can't even bear to look at it lol.
  16. Heh, I did not see that coming. Not a bad gig at all. Seb must be thrilled.
  17. I'll support Fortuna against anyone. Seeing "Düsseldorf" written on their socks while they're playing in Spain, seeing the "Rheinturm" on the captain's armband. That's real identification.
  18. If anyone's interested: Second half starts in a few minutes.
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