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Everything posted by Stan

  1. 'RIP Sorry for your loss. Hope their recovery goes well.'
  2. This guy is not too far from me. An absolute hero in more ways than one. £2m raised for NHS https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-52278746
  3. Short-sightedness from them. And downright selfishness, too.
  4. Worldwide updates: - India extend lockdown til 3rd May. Shah Rukh Khan to donate 25,000 PPE kits in Western State of Maharashtra - Pakistan borders to remain closed for 2 more weeks - Austria re-opening some small shops. 3m social distancing still in place, masks mandatory - 6-month old baby in hospital with COVID19 in UK - Hokkaido, in Japan, now going through a second wave after lockdown restrictions were relaxed - Trump is still being an absolute nutjob - In Kenya, an MP & a magistrate were caught in bars drinking & flouting strict rules. As @Bluebird Hewitt would say, thick fucking cunts - Portugal keeping border with Spain shut further until 15 May unless for goods/commuters.
  5. Well, their initial plan was to let the virus flow through the population so it is working in their eyes...
  6. Is it bad to think our government would show not even an ounce of honesty compared to Macron's statement there?
  7. Stan


    Heard only good things about this. Must watch it and make use of my Prime subscription for once The stuff I've heard about Smith is great as well. Excited to watch it.
  8. The closest I guessed for the years was one year out. Some cars I just guessed at .
  9. I expect you F1 addicts to get 100% on this https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/52228527
  10. Of course he'll be humble and grateful. How can he not be? If anyone is upset that he 'didn't cop it' then they're just cunts really, as has been said before. While it's good to know he's recovered and now resting back at home, the reality for thousands of other people across the country is that there are still nearly 1000 people dying a day and case numbers continue to be shockingly high. Might be a shot in the arm for some but for others, the stark reality is that relatives/friends, even hospital workers are dying on the frontlines trying to combat the virus. There's nothing to criticise about that speech. But what can be criticised (and I think it is fair to do so) is the treatment of migrant workers (some in the NHS) that were somewhat targeted back in 2016 amidst the pre-Brexit debates. And now the tables have turned - immigrants working in the NHS were saving the life of the Prime Minister who wanted to restrict their movement a mere few years ago. Not to mention as well he is member of the party that voted against pay-rise to NHS workers as well...
  11. Is anyone saying it's the government's fault for this though ?
  12. It wasn't her video, per se. As @Danny said she was using it as comparison to how Ireland reacted in the same scenario - shut down their national Saints day!! While UK carried on holding events with 1000s of people. I still don't see where she says China are blameless here - in fact I don't recall her specficially mentioning China at all. So I'm now wondering where the agenda is? Where/when did the WHO claim the virus wouldn't be a global problem? Genuinely missed that if that has happened Who's blaming families going for walks? In UK that's just what has been advised so they're not going to be the direct spread are they if they're walking and being socially distant as advised? I don't get how countries not acting quick enough is a separate blame. There's culpability all over the place, literally. You're right in that China perhaps could have acted quicker and definitely should have listened to that whistleblower doctor who sadly lost his life shortly after. But then just because China acted slowly and lacked responsibility, doesn't absolve other countries in the aftermath of the spread. Nothing to do with being scared but sometimes each individual country has to take responsibility for their own actions as well. Blame the government all you want, I don't disagree with that bit. But then to not blame people for having parties when it's explicitly been said not to do specifically that. In relation to the above paragraph, people have to be responsible as well. Just because some shit happened before (the bat-eaters in China) doesn't mean you can carry on doing what you want (the house parties in UK) because you think someone else is to blame. That's like saying someone caused a gas leak in your street but you're gonna carry on cooking on your stove because you're hungry. You have to use your common sense and think about the bigger picture. Also, while people having a party in whatever place may not be immediately the brightest idea, it's the knock-on effect of that. Say there's 20 people in that house. It only takes one person there to have the virus. They come in to contact with all 20 people. Boom. Virus is now having a field day. Those 20 people now go back home to their families, some elderly. Virus is thinking they've hit the fucking jackpot here. Knock off some elderly people, stick some other relatives in hospital and take up some beds and ICU rooms in a hospital. Now that one person originally at the party has caused that... I'm not sure what else to say about it because you seem hell-bent on blaming China and only China. And therein lies the issue. I'm not saying they shouldn't have any blame. Far from it. But it's how other countries and perhaps governments/individuals within those countries that have reacted (poorly in some parts) who have also been a catalyst for the spread.
  13. I thought deaths went up for Spain yesterday. Case numbers dropping quite a lot is of course good though.
  14. Ironic you say 'lefties' then say its nothing about political agendas? I don't think she's totally discounting China. Just that people as well could have helped themselves by minimising risk and not going round in groups. Some people should not totally be absolved of blame. That's not to say China aren't to blame if you do, but maybe the spread of the virus could have been restricted.
  15. Jail perhaps harsh but I'd have confiscated their car and made them walk back that length of distance. Less costly to the taxpayer and more punishing probably!
  16. TWATS https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-52261055
  17. Stan

    Members Pictures

    This is better than James Corden!
  18. This reminds me of some great 'nature is healing' memes on Twitter in the last couple of weeks
  19. On a day of sad news of deaths, including the above, this is good to hear:
  20. I know there's some jest in the post but quite different profiles of the country to copy them (if people are serious about wanting to). Totally different demographics and population levels.
  21. Bocelli, live from a church in Milan streaming worldwide.
  22. I feel this too hence a lot of the songs I prefer from them are from the 00s. I'm still a fan of them and enjoy their music every now and then but used to be a much bigger fan back then. Grohl is definitely an inspiration for rock music as well, even if he takes his inspiration from others. His talents are ridiculous. There can't be many others that are as successful as him performing in different ways - drummer in Nirvana, Them Crooked Vultures, guitarist for/with several bands, vocalist. And have that longevity as well.
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