So, Sean Riggott, Portsmouth defender, was sat in a pub on Friday night. He finds out he has coronavirus while at the pub. With several other people. Several friends no doubt.
The same day earlier in the day pubs were asked to shut and several days before people were told to socially distance themselves.
I despair. People just won't get the idea to stop fucking going out for fun until this place gets locked down with only keeping supermarkets/hospitals open. You just cannot trust people. God knows how many people he's passed it on to.
Gotta remind people (well, shouldn't have to) - at this stage people need to act like they have the virus, not act like they don't have it and take their chances in avoiding it.
It really angers me people can't see the fucking diseased elephant in the room and not use some fucking common sense. For the good of society and the world and not themselves for once.