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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Stan


    Just found out that some WM events have already been taped over 25-26th March. Any idea which ones these were?
  2. Some journalists need to be a bit persistent in this scenario too. I know they're on time limits but push them a bit more instead of just accepting any old answer.
  3. Sorry to hear that Hang in there! It's only a temporary situation - is there anyone you can reach out to online if not physically or in person i.e. friends or family? How about neighbours?
  4. Stan

    Members Pictures

    Bottom left is terrible. Absolute bottlejob.
  5. Fed up of hearing people say they've been 'furlonged' as opposed to being furloughed. Get it right people.
  6. Shopping each day is not required nor is it advisable. Should go to shops as infrequently as possible to avoid the social crowding in shops etc.
  7. Maybe he's already on here. It's @Faithcore isn't it?
  8. I like this: The fact they'd regularly meet anyway, but highlighted even more so now in current situation! (Inga/@nudge is it you?)
  9. Maybe one of your front-line is going to leave. I can't see Man City selling him tbh.
  10. I agree with this. The quicker people enact the rules, the sooner we can go back to some level of normality and 'freedom'. I live in a quiet village though where it is possible to be out and about and avoid people (at length, anyway). So I will continue to do this as I'm allowed, per se. I don't believe in going gyms (wasn't aware DDW was still doing that) as it is more difficult to maintain that social distancing in this time.
  11. At least the goats get to have a good time! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52103967
  12. The few idiots are just that though. A few. The very small minority. It makes the news because it's the story to grab attention. Despite their actions, the government rules for the lockdown state we can go out and about for up to an hour a day, maintain social distance but not meet up with friends or family of a different household. I think that's quite clear?
  13. Why the comparison to healthcare workers/cops etc? Bit extreme. We can comprehend where you're coming from, but just plainly disagree . Being able to go outside is a welcome option. For all the reasons @Devil-Dick Willie mentioned (not the abuse ). Yes you can exercise inside homes - I don't think anyone denies that. But being able to go out and about has its clear advantages. Taking away those freedoms for a certain amount of time (even a fortnight is a long time) can have detrimental effects on mental welfare. Fine if you want to exercise and maintain the physical well-being but mentally it's good to get out and about every once in a while.
  14. But people are disciplined? People are willing to use common sense. And yes a few ruin it for others but the few do not represent the rest of the country who are willing to abide by the rules and do what's required.
  15. Some lockdowns aren't full and are only partial though. I think going outdoors and being able to have that 'freedom' is a good thing with the rules and conditions in place to be 2m apart. Being outside has so many advantages and being able to be our and about for an hour can help massively in overcoming the negative side of being isolated inside. You can be in lockdown and still be able to be distant from people while walking around/jogging/running while outside. They're not mutually exclusive (in UK, anyway). Just need a bit of self-discipline and awareness. Some governments have set different levels of strictness on what you can go out for. A lockdown in India is not (I think) the same as a lockdown here in UK.
  16. It's not your call. We've made the decision to unban him. NOT
  17. Glad to hear you're better mate. Not that I've seen.
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52098137
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