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Everything posted by Stan

  1. As @Inti Brian would say, he corrected his mistake so he's not bad
  2. This is so sad https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52014023
  3. Stan


    How broad is their stuff that's available for free (aside from Wrestlemanias)?
  4. Government rules seems to have changed about working/working from home/key workers since the announcement was made. Seem to be mixed messages and confusion about who can/should work or not.
  5. Germany having more cases than Italy, too. Is that right? Hoping UK stays under Italy's trajectory so we can get rid of the '2 weeks behind them' saying, especially with our lockdown. Just need people to not be or act like dickheads and think they're better than anyone else.
  6. Bad Lip Reading is one of the best things ever Love their NFL compilations.
  7. They've closed some open play areas. Parks are open for exercise but apparently large gatherings will be dispersed through, at first, police persuasion...
  8. Scrabble lovers are absolutely delighted.
  9. I'd describe it as a partial lockdown but a positive step. Just hope this relieves pressure on NHS and has the desired effect to do so. That's the main thing for me as well as reducing number of cases. Think we have to realise it will take such a lockdown period for case numbers to decrease. People can't expect instant results here. Gotta be patient but compliant.
  10. Police have powers to enforce through fines if not complied with. Measures to be in place for 3 weeks and reviewed then. If measures aren't followed, gatherings of no more than 2 to be enforced, weddings, baptisms to be cancelled, places of worship to be shut.
  11. Boris announces: Can only leave for Shopping 1 form of exercise - run, walk, cycle alone or members of household Medical need Travelling to & from work where absolutely necessary
  12. That cow will be eating you for dinner mate.
  13. Think @IgnisExcubitor alluded to it earlier. Was going well then people got a bit carried away.
  14. Boris to make announcement/daily update at 8.30pm tonight.
  15. Cor with that kind of vision did you not see this happening ?
  16. They're having a COBRA meeting and daily press conference/update thing is scheduled for later.
  17. 602 deaths in Italy in last 24 hours. Still high but falls for 2nd day in a row.
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