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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Ha, no wonder most of the home fans didn't turn up. Team in freefall and losing 4-0 'at home' to your arch rivals.
  2. Stan

    Off Topic

    right, i'm sorry you had to go through that but was it @Cannabis or @LFCMadLad that did this?
  3. bloody hell. can't leave you Germans alone for 1 minute.
  4. I don't want to change this in to a Kante discussion as I know Drinkwater is the talking point but Kante was the most important in that 15/16 team. The fact he could defend and attack in equal measure and do both as superbly as the other meant he could run most games from that midfield point. And not to the detriment of Drinkwater, but Kante could probably play a game by himself in midfield and come out on top. They were the perfect pair. When one would go forward, the other would know to hold back and support in case we ourselves got countered. I actually think Drinkwater would benefit more from going forward and not being restricted to stay back or defend as a priority. He's got a quick mind which means he can read the game well and assess danger, so to speak, so if you were to get countered against, he would know where to be on the pitch and have the energy to get back and support. He'd end every single game absolutely knackered but that's only because he gave so much to the team and almost always gave 100%. Most sensible Leicester fans recognised that when Drinkwater played well, the rest of the team usually did because he's such a workhorse and so tireless in the midfield. He'd work so hard up and down the pitch it meant that the creative players were free to express themselves - much like Hazard can (he'd probably do that anyway tbf) and Mahrez does for us.
  5. In the title-winning season, he was able to do that with the insurance of the beast that is N'Golo Kante helping him out. Last season, he didn't do it as much. But that might just be because overall we were pretty poor so he was restricted from playing his 'natural game' or what he was good at (getting forward at the right time). I don't see him as a holding midfielder but his reading of the game is very good and one of his best qualities. Very energetic and is capable of mixing up his game as a defensive midfielder or getting forward in attacks and providing for the wingers/strikers.
  6. think only @IgnisExcubitor @Mel81x and @Asura may get this
  7. Stan

    Off Topic

    you've got the standard Oxbridge unis at the top of the pile. I know UCL and Nottingham are good for law too. Durham, as well.
  8. Stan


    Think it was around this time last year I, and many others, went batshit crazy about this footage. We're all TEAM IGUANA.
  9. to be fair, in their away game against us, everything was through De Bruyne. Whether it was getting the ball from Ederson from the back, linking up with Fernandinho or Delph or Walker, supporting Jesus, Sterling or Sane - everything went through him. Not saying Silva wasn't involved in any way, but De Bruyne seemed the more important player. De Bruyne was the pivot and the influence for that game and that victory. The goal was just the very tasty icing on top of the cake.
  10. Stan

    Off Topic

    sad to hear that, Spike. Hopefully you can look back on the good times you had with him and have those as your main memories as opposed to him not being here with you any more
  11. Started watching The Punisher. Big fan. Nice storyline, plot. Something to watch while having to wait for next episodes of Peaky Blinders each week.
  12. fair enough, wasn't aware of that. What are the halo's made out of? How resilient, sturdy, resistant to impact are they?
  13. Why do you always mention Chile? They don't always have to come in to conversation! They're not your barometer. What clubs do Tapia, Aquino and Trauco play for now? In order to become world class you have to be at one of the best clubs in the world. Is that seriously going to happen to them within 4 or 4 and a half years?
  14. Considering world class is players like Hazard, Neymar, Mbappe, Dybala, Aguero, de Bruyne, Icardi etc those Peru players have to do some serious good shit in the next few years to get near the levels of those players. Just because they may be the best Peruvians, doesn't make them some of the best in the world, now or in 2022.
  15. that halo thing needs to be fucked off immediately. ugly as fuck that.
  16. Stan

    The Holiday Thread

    quite nice. went there for 5 days/nights and got shingles on the last day so the less said about that bit the better! There's a new town and old town part to Marrakech and we did both. We stayed in an all-inclusive hotel so there wasn't much reason to go out every night. The one night we did was on a Saturday and it doesn't get properly going til about midnight. The old part of the town is great though - so much history to it and it's very busy, lots of hustle and bustle. The riads are amazing and you should definitely find time to go in one and experience it. It's basically like an open-plan, fancy decor, courtyard-esque kind of places. They're beautiful. People are generally quite friendly and hospitable. We weren't too far from some local villages up in some mountains, too. Took a drive down there and that was quite different - when we got there, we go on a walking guided tour up to the top of the mountains and as you go up, there's lots of locals with their stalls and market trading places. Quite nice to see the traditional side of the area. There's places where you can have lunch or some drinks where the tables/chairs are based in a local stream (obviously very shallow) - it's water from natural springs so it's all pure and clean and certainly nothing I've ever done before! At this mountainous place were many small shops where they produce and sell their own argan oil as well, which is one thing Morocco is known for.
  17. Stan

    Off Topic

    bet the Queen dies around the time of the wedding so that it's called off.
  18. Stan

    The Holiday Thread

    Been to Marrakech. Where are you going?
  19. Not always spot on considering its rectified some decisions that the referee missed. For example the handball by Robbie Cornthwaite today was not originally given but what was missed by referee was seen by VAR. The correct outcome and decision was ultimately made. You can't just let teams be on the end of wrong refereeing decisions when there are things in place to correct it.
  20. It got taken away because some images uploaded were quite large in size and there's no way to put a limit on them. And it was pushing the server size to its limits. Any further issues can be sent to @Rab. If you send me nudes of your girlfriends/wives, I will post his address on here so you can send him hate mail.
  21. Stan

    Off Topic

    In all seriousness, thanks for the tips haha
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