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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. Twitter rumour (salt, pinch) that Bolsonaro has been removed by military coup
  2. I think it includes care homes. 588 is the total that happened in the last 24 hours in France.
  3. I imagine closed businesses and offices will be allowed to open first with a limit on people. Any re-open strategy would have to be around test and trace to avoid 2nd peak. Mass reagent global supply ready mid-May.
  4. Give it 3 years we will be top and you'll have Joelinton up top
  5. Can't see lockdown being lifted in anyway til mid to late May at this rate.
  6. Europe's pariah state, Sweden, may stop counting deaths when the patient has coronavirus but their underlying health condition is the momentary cause of death. For example, let's say you have hypertension, then you get coronavirus which ends up being taxing on the body, blood pressure spikes further until you have a heart attack. They'd count hypertension and heart attack as cause of death, even though you would never have died then without coronavirus. Strictly against WHO rules. A political move to cover up the emerging basket case of Scandinavia tag.
  7. Same pressure that is the reason we are in lockdown. We'd be like Sweden if Vallance had his way. If you can't defend your position internally and externally it won't hold. There's no shortage of experts globally challenging UK govt. Is there a source for Germany not testing anymore? And if so is it because they've test and traced all suspects already?
  8. I've noticed fewer people walking but more cars on the road. The bloke upstairs is also in and out all day and even late at night.
  9. Since the post you quoted the government have announced 100k tests per day by end of April. That makes it all a matter of will and the timing of that will. Though some noises of concern in Germany that they are wasting testing resources on healthy people with no symptoms. Time will tell.
  10. Apparently Norweigan Authorities are advising that they should prepare for their movement to be restricted for the rest of the year. That herd immunity would likely take several years.
  11. It's inevitable in London as people crawl out of their grotty little cupboards for some light.
  12. Social media is going to blow up on Sunday with pictures of rammed parks and beaches.
  13. About 800 were care home deaths from previous days. Which puts actual deaths on the day around 500, same as previous two days. Italy have has 500+ deaths a day for nearly 2 weeks now and still going. UK now has 500+ 2 days in a row. The problem with looking at US stats is it is so vast it isn't really comparable to a European country. If you look at the state level New York is about as bad as the UK. Other states are catching up but you're going to have peaks spread out over the next 6-8 weeks there probably. The most eager country to get back to normal life could easily be the last one that can do so.
  14. Anyone go out for the 8pm clap for the NHS? I found it weirdly emotional. People cheering, clapping, banging pots and pans. Someone even let off fireworks.
  15. Not really. With everything in the news and if I hadn't had experience with asthma I'd probably have found it scarier. What I found weirdest was that I was mentally bright as a button. No fatigue. No tiredness. No headaches or can't be arsed feeling you get when you have a cold or flu. I had a nap during working hours one day that was it. Didn't take much if any medicine, didn't feel the need to. If it wasn't coronavirus that I had then it is one hell of a coincidence to have a chest infection, possibly bronchitis or walking pneumonia three days after lockdown! To hear Dan with the same thing just adds to me being convinced I had it.
  16. I'm all recovered now. First symptom was sore throat, breathing and cough started 2-3 days after. Worst of it lasted about 4 days, at times I felt it just wasn't shifting but by day 11-12 from the first symptom it was almost gone. I found my breathing and cough improved if I went outside for a light walk and got some fresh air into my lungs.
  17. This sounds similar to what I had. Fortunately I had an inhaler that I use in hayfever season so the chest pains and breathlessness were managed. I did have a cough. Sounded like a 60 year old smoker. No fever however the NHS rather than ask if you have a fever are asking if your chest and back are hot to touch. Mine was. Is there someone who can check yours? On one of the days I was doing physical activity that raised heart rate. When I stopped you could hear my lungs expanding and contracting, like a ticking time bomb. It was one of the most disturbing and scary things I've experienced so whatever you do stick to FM!
  18. If they mobilised they can get there. South Korea can do it and are the same size as England. We aren't bothering because the aim is to create a test everyone can buy from Boots and Superdrug instead. Once the peak in lockdown is reached it will likely take 3-6 weeks to open things again. Then it's a case of what is the strategy to stop or isolate a second wave. How do you do that without test and trace?
  19. Sir Patrick Vallance would love that. He's probably modelling how soon it would all be over if he knock's on everyone's door under the age of 60 and breaths on them Seriously though it's too early to say but anything less than test and trace is a recipe to getting screwed.
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