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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. If you're going to lock somewhere down it might be best not to tell people in advance. Wonder if any carriers got out in the evacuation rush last night. It's predicted 3000 people will need intensive care by the end of the month. 18000 cases expected. France could be next.
  2. The Czech government will fine anyone who doesn't self isolate after visiting Italy. The Slovak government have banned all flights to and from Italy.
  3. Toilet paper is such a pointless thing to hoard. If you're locked in your own house you can clean with water or the dog
  4. Not sure if true but apparently in the US you have to pay $3000 if you want to be tested for coronavirus
  5. Much of what they say comes down from the World Health Organisation and academic contagion expert recommendations. That shouldn't be forgotten, it's easy to frame it as politicians and media, taking aim at two groups considered free to be discredited and disarmed. Associate an opinion with them and you can get people to reject it. A big risk for UK containment. It is vastly underestimated how well China has done on containment. They've dicked their economy to save lives.
  6. I keep hearing people in real life come out with "it hasn't killed as many people as the seasonal flu" or "only 80,000 cases" or "only 50 people in a country of 60 million" or "the fatality rate is only 2%" or "more people have died in car crashes than of coronavirus" Shall we just not bother containing the virus so that lot can wake up about the danger
  7. They are WHO contagion control recommendations. There have been 3 major global flu pandemics in the last 110 years which killed millions each time. The worst of which killed an estimated 20-50 million in just one year after infecting an estimated half a billion. COVID-19 has the necessary speed of contagion and mortality rates to do similar damage. Failure to control contagion has already been mapped out to make an estimated 400,000 deaths in the UK alone.
  8. Haven't really noticed his legs being gone so far but what has surprised me is that he has been a bit of a nothing player. Especially when considering that the previous two left backs, Willems and Ritchie were often at the heart of attacks. Early days though.
  9. 1000 cases in Italy in a week is quite something. Must have been a lot of people out there who have it but think they've just got your typical cold or flu.
  10. Honey Honey

    Off Topic

    However much it is I hope he gets the money upfront
  11. Are there any cuisines left that are safe to eat???
  12. Read that the source of Lombardy is just one Italian national who came back from China on January 20th with no symptoms. Before even this thread started.
  13. I got an email from the GP practice yesterday saying if you have flu symptoms and have been to a list of particular countries in the last 14 days then do NOT book an appointment to see the GP. That's all stemmed from this person getting an uber to rock up at a hospital. Once it can no longer be put down to travel or contact with a known person who has recently travelled then it will be a whole new ball game.
  14. On the Underground i've seen plenty of looks and comments when someone is wearing a face mask but I haven't noticed any reaction to someone who is of Chinese ethnicity and not wearing a face mask.
  15. Who actually claims him as some sort of English nationalist? Orwell, as I pointed out, argued for transcending nationalism as opposed to transferring nationalism. Not sure there was any need for the xenophobic end to your post unless that was a lame part of the irony. Seems odd to on the one hand try to hit out at nationalism and on the other hand label something foreign that should be rejected.
  16. George Orwell wrote about the curious case of the English bourgeoisie pretending not to be nationalist whilst rim jobbing other nations. Transferred nationalism he called it, whilst arguing those people have not transcended nationalism at all. "God, the King, the Empire, the Union Jack – all the overthrown idols can reappear under different names, and because they are not recognized for what they are they can be worshipped with a good conscience. Transferred nationalism, like the use of scapegoats, is a way of attaining salvation without altering one’s conduct" George Orwell
  17. I don't know the ins and outs of their business but they did say efficiency savings. I think you've probably over simplified economics. It's perfectly possible and common for a growing business to shrink the workforce if it discovers operational savings or if a cost benefit analysis indicates that the freed up cash flow can be invested in an area with a long term growth benefit. Big business ops departments are trying to do this all the time. It's one of the main reasons jobs move to cheaper labour areas despite growth.
  18. Will be interesting to see Rose in low possession smash and grab football.
  19. Enjoying the conspiracy theory. Logo of particular company involved in biological weapon experiments seen in Wuhan.
  20. £200m these days gets you Walcott and Michael Keane I'm afraid
  21. FT saying 90% chance it is happening. Could be done on Tuesday. £200m transfer budget.
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