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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

    Pipe down Meltzer.

    I hate randy orton so much. Talented cunt who chooses to turn up about 5% of the time I don't know what big shagga dave said about the match, but fuck me it was 30 minutes of glacially paced 4/10 'action' and 2 men groaning. 

  2. Edge vs Randy was a boring piece of shit

    This 4 minute brawl was way better, more exciting and 'dangerous' than that 30 minute snooze fest

  3. Kabuki warriors vs Bliss and Cross. Mediocre, some shit work in the finish though. 2/5. Prediction correct
    Corbin vs Elias. Corbin is too big for Elias's best moves. Elias is too big for Corbins best spots. 2/5. Prediction correct
    Becky vs Shana. Match was good up til the finish. Shana should have won that for sure. 3/5 Prediction incorrect 
    Ladder match. Good work, JOMO is a freak, always was. 3.5/5 prediction correct
    Rollins vs a hamster. KO and Rollins did what they could, but this match desperately needed a crowd. 3/5 Prediction correct
    Bryan vs Zayn. I was hoping Sami would wrestle. He didn't. I'm not even sure he can anymore. 1.5/5 Prediction incorrect 
    Strowman vs Oldberg. What a piece of shit -5 stars out of 5 prediction incorrect. 
    Undertaker vs Styles. This wasn't a match per say but it was entertaining. Prediction correct. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I must say I really enjoyed that Boneyard match.

    100% they'll do something similar with Sting next year.

    But, Is AJ just dead now? Did his contract expire? WTF xD

  5. Which is a shame because Elias can go

    They fucked up Beckys entrance. Badly. How do you fuck it up? Have her theme playing when she rocks up in the truck, have her climb out, then cut to the shot of the ramp, and have her come down.

    Instead she arrives in complete silence, honks twice, then they cut to Shaynas entrance.xD

    I feel like Jim Cornette right now

  6. Cesaro just won on the kick off show. Fuck me this is depressing already. this isn't mania, and it should never have gone ahead like this 

  7. Otis to win
    Elias to win
    Oldberg to win
    Bryan to win
    Miz and morrison to win
    Drew to beat lesnar
    Shayna to win
    Bliss and Cross
    Street profits
    Sasha banks
    Bray Wyatt
    Rhea ripley
    Black to beat Lashley 

  8. On 03/04/2020 at 06:22, 6666 said:

    Watched WrestleMania 25 last night and still can't get over how WWE were claiming it was the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.

    What a shit mania. Baring taker vs HBK

  9. 10 minutes ago, Rick said:

    Did I once say that you "fully believed" in letting the elderly die? No, I said that you were open to it. Somebody who is weighing the pros and cons of anything is obviously open to both sides.

    Also, you literally said in your post that the lockdown had started two days ago and that you already hated it. Then you said that you were still going to your local small gym with a few other regulars. Or did you forget saying that?

    We're still not technically in lockdown. Gyms are closed though. I did use the term lockdown to describe the social isolation measures of the time. you get a pass on that one. 

    The gym I use is a warehouse with no, dumbells, machines ect. Just bars, racks, kettlebells and the good stuff. You must detol down whatever you used, and it's 10 people max per session in accordance with outdoor laws People who needed the gym to continue their pro athletic pursuits can still use it, even to this day, though I haven't since last Wednesday I think it was. 

    You're underestimating the damage to the human body not walking for even just 2 weeks can do (because you're not educated on the fact) or the depression.
    You think it's just meatheads and parkrunners being stubborn. There's a very good reason the government has allowed it and I'm glad you're as far away from in charge as possible

  10. Just now, Rick said:

    You actually said you were raising it for discussion,  weighing up the "pro's & cons" so dont try and back track. You even argued points FOR it.

    And you said you were still going to the gym TWO DAYS after the lockdown started.

    You're in a different country you spoon. 

    And talking about something and believing fully in the merits of, and opposing the alternative, are very very very different. You're so fucking dense light must bend around you.

  11. 2 hours ago, Rick said:

    @Devil-Dick Willie was also open to the idea of sacrificing the elderly to save the economy. And has also admitted that he has continued to use his local (small, not that it makes a pick of difference) gym along with a few others. So yeah, clearly not followed the rules himself so far, and gets abusive real quick to sombody who is concerned about the few idiots that are putting everybody at risk. But yeah, @IgnisExcubitor is the person in the wrong here 9_9

    The fact of the matter is that everybody isn't following the fucking rules, and whether you say its "only a few" doesnt make a difference. The few who are ignoring the rules and guidelines are gonna mke it harder for us to get through. The pandemic will last longer, and the health services are at more risk of collapsing under pressure.

    So you can take your walk, run or biking and shove it. If you cant exercise at home for 2, maybe 4 weeks, to try and defeat this shit then you are selfish.

    I literally raised a topic of interest and now all of a sudden I, an aged carer since age 20 am "Open to the idea of sacrificing the elderly to save the economy"

    You're a fucking melt. 

    PS. The rules say you can go outside to exercise, so shove it cunt. The governments of the world know better than you.

  12. 33 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

    Does it make you feel cool by being abusive, cause it definitely doesn't make your point more correct?

    Beyond that, I stand by what I have said. You CAN exercise inside your homes. This LITTLE sacrifice is necessary. Maybe for a fortnight or a month. And it is way, way, way little than what the healthcare workers and cops are doing, who are actually putting their lives on the line. Or even the guys supplying essential goods.

    We are in an unprecedented situation. It's not my fault if you, and the few others who fancy a walk, can't comprehend. 

    That's my last word on it. You are free to believe and do what you want.

    Unless you live in a mansion you can't go for a walk inside your home. I am also a supplier of essential goods, and a healthcare worker. So don't talk to me about making little sacrifices. 
    I am a healthcare worker, and a PT. You clearly have 0 understanding of the impact of exercise both as a tool to improve physical and mental health, but also our need to exercise to remain functioning physically. 
    Not to mention the mental health benefits of just being outside, much less exercising
    Not to mention the implications of a government enforced curfew where all citizens must remain indoors at all times in spite of their being no immediate danger outside.  

    You're almost laughably hysterical in the face of what is a very simple obstacle to overcome, with minimal but crucial behavioural changes. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:


    Yes, because a few idiots are good enough to screw us all.

    People should ONLY be allowed out to get groceries, medicines or for an emergency. Not for walks or exercise.



    Look at my earlier comments about, mental health, physical health and posture. 
    You're asking people to get fat, depressed and lumbar pain, when people can so easily avoid those things with an hour outside every day, never coming within a meter of others. Theres a reason EVERY western government is allowing outside exercise time. How fucking dystopian a world do you want to live in you fucking prat?

    • Like 1
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  14. 2 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

    A few are good enough to spread this shit everywhere. Case in point South Korea's patient number 31. One individual caused pandemonium. So, it doesn't really matter if the others behave accordingly. 

    That is my point.

    Again read what I have written. It's not about people who have common sense and who will take precaution or follow the rules. It's about that one idiot, or few and not the many.

    No. you blanket said stay at home.

  15. 1 hour ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

    One can exercise at home.

    If everyone or even a sizeable number of folks think about going out to exercise or a walk, you are actually defeating the purpose of the lockdown.

    Only and only step out to get groceries or for an emergency. Otherwise stay inside in your fucking houses.

    Fuck off. You cant walk properly or run outside. Do you know how detrimental sitting around all day is for your posture without walking and stretching to balance it out?
    And again. Mental health. There's a huge difference between never stepping outside and getting even an hour of open world and sunlight. 

    As long as you aren't congregating or directly breathing on everyone else, no harm no foul

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