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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 1 hour ago, DeadLinesman said:

    If I run across the road in traffic and so does my 2 year old daughter and we both make it, the outcome is the same. Doesn’t mean the risk was. Again, this is about overall risk, not just risk of transmission. It’s the wider effects that need to be looked at. You’re dismissing accidents simply because it fits the rhetoric of the argument. You’re statistically more likely to have an accident the further you travel and with length of time travelled. If we’re bringing it down to absolutes and statistics, then you’re statistically highly unlikely to die from Coronavirus. So fuck it, let’s all carry on as completely normal because it’s probably not going to happen to us.

    I didn't dismiss anything. Accidents happen. You're being dumb again. Almost 29000 people have died of C19 in the last few months in the uk compared to 1700 people dying on English roads in accidents per year. They're incomparable.

    The idea of "You should drive short distances to reduce the risk of traffic accidents to reduce the stress on the NHS" is fucking bonkers convoluted garbage. 

  2. Sure, statistically you're more likely to have an accident, purely because you're physically spending more time on the road. Never mind that a huge portion of accidents happen within 10 minutes of a persons home, and that most people won't have an accident at all in a year. You're chances of an accident go from under 1/3rd of a percent to another, larger number at under 1/3rd of a percent. Very good. Then on top of that to need the NHS it needs to be a serious accident. I don't know how you fuckers drive in England, but I've been in 2 car accidents in 27 years of life, both were very minor as a child. As a motorist I've had none. Most people I've ever met/known have never had an accident that needed a paramedic. 

    Thought exercise. 2 identical Stans. Both get in the car at 9 am and go to Tesco. One goes to his local, it's a 10 minute commute. The other goes to one 30 miles away because he feels like going for a cruise. Both arrive at Tescos, spend 15 minutes purchasing groceries and drive home. Both were exposed to the public for the exact same amount of time. You could make that 100 miles if you wanted, I only didn't because you'd be restricted in what you can purchase and bring home before it spoiled.
    That's my issue with the travel bans. The only argument against it (other than shite about accidents, fuck me) is that you'd use more petrol and therefore be more exposed to the public at petrol stations unnecessarily. But social distancing and good hygiene are factors there too. 

    Travel bans only exist so the cops can judge the nature of your trip by looking at the home address on your license. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, DeadLinesman said:

    But if EVERYONE thinks ‘fuck it, I’m going out’, traffic is busier, accidents increase, NHS resources become further stretched etc.

    I’m a massive advocate for mental health having worked in the specialty, but in this case, travel is a factor. You’re at more risk travelling 200 miles for a chippy than within a 5/10 miles radius for groceries. That’s an absolute fact. It’s about the risk factors taken into account during the travel and if everyone thinks fuck it, the risks increase tenfold.

    They travelled 100 miles. It's a there and back 200. 

    Unless you stop at a petrol station the outcomes are exactly the same. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Stan said:

    Idiots for breaking the law? 

    Didn't think I'd be having to explain this one tbh.

    When you're only meant to travel for 'essential reasons' this is not it. 

    Kind of takes the piss. What makes them so special that they're allowed to drive an hour and a half while everyone else (mostly) abides by the rules? 

    They might not catch the virus but that's not the point is it? It's the potential for passing it on. What about when they get to the chippy? What if they have a crash or cause an accident? Taking NHS services away from where they're predominantly needed. 


    Your last paragraph is dumb. Strange what ifs and butts. Anyone can have an accident at any time and those outcomes aren't predetermined by the legality or distance of their commutes. 

    The most confusing law of this outbreak has to be the restricted travel. If you drive directly from your home to your destination then the outcome is the exact same no matter the distance. You left your home, got in a vehicle, arrived at your destination. I understand the restrictions on WHY you can travel (only for essential purposes) but distance? Very odd. 

    Everyone breaks the law all the time. When was the last time you J walked, trespassed, took drugs, streamed something illegally, ect.  

  5. 13 minutes ago, Inti Brian said:

    I hate to be that guy but...


    Whether or not he was serious is another question. You can't allow that to slide though. It's like joking that you have bombs at the airport. You can't. Sorry, grow the fuck up Kangaroo shagger.

    I'm not saying he shouldn't have been suspended or banned. But stop being a huge fucking pussy. If he sent bullets to your house with your name engraved on them, or photos of you eating out somewhere or something, sure, you're a victim and he should go to prison. But theres worlds apart between that and.

    Hey brian, I'm gonna kill you for talking shit on the internet. Because I don't know exactly where you live i'm gonna nuke all of peru you dog

    Nuclear Missile Silo | Titan II ICBM in an underground compl… | Flickr

    Got my strap right here cunt. 

    • Haha 1
  6. Hahahahaha get fucked llama boy. Someone uploading a picture of a gun to a website and saying "im gonna kill you over football stuff" isn't a credible threat against your life. He doesn't know where you live, your full name, he probably doesn't even own the gun he sent a picture of hahaha

    • Haha 1
    • Upvote 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Stan said:

    So they broke the law. Absolutely, and thus they deserve the fine, due to consistency.

    But what makes them idiots? Two people get on a motorcycle each, never even occupying the same vehicle, go on a hour and a half ride to get takeaway fish and chips, and probably petrol I assume, and then go home. Obviously they're not about to catch the fucking virus under those conditions. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Tommy said:

    Yea, I remember now. Was it on this or the old forum? Either way, someone find her and bring her here, STAT. 

    Old Forum. Dortmund were winning every year and you had their doodles in your mouth 

  9. 2 hours ago, Tommy said:

    You mean Schalke? That would be Liverbird aka Teo? Or was there someone else? :35_thinking: And yea, that Canadian is still active on Facebook. Interesting fella for sure. He seems much more tame in person though.


    Edit: I think I now recall that Bulgarian Dortmund Fan. 

    She was definitely Bulgarian Dortmund. MAXMEYER was the other fella. 

  10. Manbearpig and Cannabis were top lads who I miss dearly. 
    Swifty is easily the shithouse WUM i'd have back first before the others. Sometimes I just wanna refer to @DeadLinesman as deadlineboobie in his honour
    That Dortmund fan lady from Bulgaria @Tommy. What was her name? She introduced me to tikvanik which was a game changer in my life. Also that kinda racist right wing metal head dude from I think it was Canada who supported Leverkusen? He was cool too.

    For those attacking 20Legend, goalkeepers wear gloves on their hands because they make saves with their hands. If you use your feet to make saves what's the point in wearing gloves? Any goalkeeper who makes saves with their feet is a disgrace.   

    • Upvote 2
  11. 10 hours ago, Harry said:

    Our premier muscled the fuck out of Scomo on schools and other matters.

    The federal libs broke from their ideological identity to stimulate the economy and radically scale up welfare. 

    The national cabinet was formed and was decisive and effective at implementing shut-down measures earlier than many other nations. Both sides of politics worked hand in hand and were united where other nations and there states were in dysfunction.

    Liberals are still liberals and labour are still labour but we saw the best sides of both of those movements in response to COVID.

    Far from flawless, but we are now being held up alongside South Korea as an example of what getting it mostly right looks like.


  12. 19 hours ago, Harry said:

    I've learned:

    1. It's phenomenally hard to have two parents work full time in a house with 2 young kids and no child carer present. 

    2. Most people do the right thing

    3. I have more respect for my state and federal government than I realised. We have it much better here politically than we realise.

    4. I actually enjoy my commute to work, and get a lot of de-stressing benefit from that quiet me time

    I live in NSW. Our state government let a ship with hundreds of infected land, let off passangers and now dozens of deaths have been confirmed to directly have been a result. And both my state and federal government are using this virus and it's temporary lockdown measures to implement PERMANENT changes to policy to clear forested areas and strip workers rights

    You must have moved to new zealand. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Stan said:

    Not a dumb question at all. Easy answer. Any kind of common sense and having some kind of social awareness and not just being a massive nerd might have helped.  

    It's the arrogance at the start and then fully getting egg on face at the first hurdle. 'I'm so smart'. Fails question 1.


    I've never been to an Ikea, because we don't really have them. I have no idea why anyone would take selfies at a furniture shop however. 

    It's a social intelligence question either way, which isn't gonna be that dudes strong suit. I don't think he was arrogant either. He never claimed to be great or said he was confident in winning. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I was more referring to a nine figure industry feeling the need to lay off so many staff after making out everything was fine during this pandemic. Sure, they shouldn't have whored so many people when AEW emerged, but how much money did they pay that dickhead who hosted WrestleMania recently? The revenue they get should more than cover the talent there.

    In regards to "one or two surprises". Some of those lower midcarders had been around forever. Then you have Rusev, Rowan and The Good Brothers who have been in big storylines recently. 

    Gallows and Anderson and Mike Chioda are the only surprises. Rusev has wanted out for ages, and rowan was built up to have a dumb fucking spider, only to have it squashed immediately before it ever did anything.

  15. 2 minutes ago, The Palace Fan said:

    The list of releases and furloughed staff so far today is absolutely shocking.

    Hahahaha not really. Only 1 or 2 surprises 

  16. It's SO fucking big. 

    For reference I've been as far south as Melbourne, as far north as brisbane, as far west as Bourke and I live as far east as east goes. I've covered like, a quarter of the country 

  17. On 01/01/2020 at 21:06, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    My top 10 singles matches of last year. The only non 5 star DM match on the list is the war between Naito and Ibushi that Meltzer refused to rate, claiming that if he gave it the rating it deserved people would die trying to emulate it. So it seems big shaka Dave and I have similar tastes. Also, I never expected Cody to make a match of the year list. The American night'meh', codeine Rhodes. But he proved me and many other wrong, and all he had to do was fuck up his brother.

    10. Dustin vs Cody. AEW.

    9. Iishi vs Takagi G1 climax NJPW. 

    8. Tanahashi vs Omega NJPW

    7. Okada vs Sanada New japan cup NJPW

    6. Osprey vs Okada G1 climax NJPW

    5. Walter Vs Tyler Bate NXT UK

    4. Adam Cole Vs Johnny Gargano for the vacant NXT title NXT

    3. Naito vs Ibushi, the one where Naito kills Ibushi dead at Dominion NJPW

    2. Sanada vs Okada G1 climax NJPW

    1. Osprey vs Takagi best of super jnrs final. 


    If you're bored at home watch these one by one on Dailymotion. Expand your mind bro. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    I think he had another match which was regarded as one of the best matches ever as well. I can kind of understand why aew aren't pushing him to much as they seem to be worried about pushing people involved in management or links to people in management but I think he could be pushed a bit more. If AJ styles goes to aew he could have a good feud with him as I think they have history.  Saying that the tag team match at revolution was brilliant. Not sure if you saw it but it was the best match I have seen in aew. Don't watch WWE or any other brands so don't know if it could win match of the year but was very good. Out of interest how do the young bucks compare to the WWE tag team division? Do they have any better tag teams?

    His other best match ever was one of the prior matches against Okada. the 2nd one. 

    Kenny is amazing. I disagree on this subject with JC. The bucks are one of my favorite, but also least favourite teams. I think they're excellent, but they could be even better. Some of their NJPW tag matches were fantastic, but fuck me they never sell properly. Matt just sorta goes "Oh my back hurts ouch" And then hits a triple locomotion suplex :dam:That tag match was awesome, one of the best iv'e seen. Certainly not 6 stars though.


    They're right up there with WWEs best teams.

  19. 1 hour ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    @Devil-Dick Willie what is the match that Kenny omega had that is regarded by some as the best wrestling match ever? Might as well watch it while I have some spare time.

    Kenny Omega vs Okada 2/3 falls at dominion. It's on dailymotion for free in 2 40 minute parts. 

    I recommend watching the other 3 matches they had in chronological order to kill even more time and build the event. 

  20. My mania ratings

    Kabuki Warriors vs Bliss and Cross 2/5
    Corbin vs Elias 1.5/5
    Becky vs Shayna 2.5/5
    Zayn vs Bryan 1.5/5
    Rollins vs KO 3/5
    Morrison vs Kofi vs Jimmy 3.5/5
    Oldberg vs Strowman 0.5/5
    Boneyard match. 4/5

    Harlot vs Rhea 3.5.5
    Black vs big black 1.5/5
    Otis vs Dolphin 2.5/5
    Edge vs Orton. 0/5
    Street profits vs 2 randos. 2/5
    Bayley vs 4 randos. 2.5/5
    Fiend vs Cena 4.5/5
    Drew vs Lesnar. 1.5/5

    What a piece of shit mania. 

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