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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 3 hours ago, Rick said:

    You know, fuck all this “allowed out to exercise” bollocks. No. You should only be out to shop for essentials or to take your dog for a walk. If you’re caught out jogging without a dog then you should be given 50 lashes. 

    The number of cunts running up and down my street is beyond a joke. Wouldn’t think we are under a lockdown. Bunch of bastards, exercise at home!!

    If you don't allow exercise, mental health will bottom out. Suicide will rise dramatically.

    • Upvote 2
  2. I think injuring the odd dude here and there doesn't necessarily make you bad. Depends on the circumstances. 
    Super botchy = bad. Nia Jax, Tamina, Brie Bella 
    Super reckless = calm the fuck down. Rollins, Sasha banks. 
    Super stiff = at least it looks good. Sheamus, Low ki, Iishi 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Spike said:

    hall of pain tho and a lot of those guys were never monster heels, and you forgot kane

    hhh was onky good when he was roided to the extreme 99-00

    HHH was sometimes too roided and forgot how to move. He had some decent matches in the 2010 ish era. Vs Ziggler, undertaker, Rollins ect

    Kanes never been a great wrestler for mine. had heaps of worst match of the year awards too. I think i'd put him in the acceptable category. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Spike said:

    Mark Henry was the GOAT monster heel

    Lance Archer bitch. 

    here is a complete list of huge dudes who can actually wrestle. 

    HHH(sometimes, depends on age, cycle and opponent)
    Lance Archer
    The undertaker(many moons ago)
    Kieth Lee
    The fat guy from Guam.

    Batista and a few others were acceptable.  

    • Upvote 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Harry said:

    Watched a feature on 60 minutes tonight in Australia. The focus was what did China know when, and what did they tell the WHO and when.

    Documents and evidence suggesting a problem first appearing in early to mid November, with approximately 6 weeks of keeping it under wraps, followed by advising the WHO around New year's but assuring them it wasn't transmittable from person to person, followed by using a lockdown in late Jan days after 5 million people from Hubei province jetting off for 

    It's not the appropriate time to focus on the China aspect of all this, but their wrongdoing is massive, and the opportunity to ensure this thing never entered these countries in the first place was lost due to China.

    60 minutes took a break from harassing dodgy tradies and junkies to harass the chinese. 

    I'd sooner take Rupert Murdochs word on something than use 60 minutes as a source. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 5 hours ago, 6666 said:

    I never liked Braun to be honest. He was like a bad comic book villain at first which unfortunately got over, then Vince got bored and did what he does with every monster, comedy. He's not as smart or entertaining as Kane of Big Show to make that work either. Reckless in the ring as well, was hilarious when Lesnar rocked him and told him to calm down.

    His shotgun dropkick is gonna hospitalise someone someday

  7. 21 hours ago, Spike said:

    Cornette tore Strowman to shreds, it was hilarious.

    "I betcha he didn't even flip that fucking bus or whatever"xD

  8. 1 hour ago, Gunnersauraus said:

    @The Palace Fan @Spike@Devil-Dick Willie @DeadLinesmanthey are showing Edge and Christian v the Dudley's v the Hardy's from wrestlemania 2000 on you tube. I can't remember if it was that one or the one the year after because they had the same match at the next wrestlemania but one of them was one of the best tag team matches ever.


    Update unfortunately I think it was the one the year after which is regarded so highly not that one

    Yeah the free matches WWE are putting on are a real mixed bag. Classics like Lesnar styles, the wm2000 match, edge vs undertaker, styles vs shane, mysterio vs eddie....

    Undertaker vs cena, Undertaker vs lesnar, styles vs owens xD:congrats:

  9. On 27/03/2020 at 17:04, The Palace Fan said:

    Roman Reigns has pulled out of Wrestle Mania.

    Perfect chance to let Braun win the title in an empty stadium. Everyone wants to criticise him at the minute for his bizarre comment about indy wrestlers. Roman might actually get cheered when he beats him for the title.

    What did the big dumb piece of shit say?

  10. 9 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    I don’t think you can have the economy working normally when you’ve just got bodies piling up in a corner.

    3-4% of a population in population centres, at worst, mostly the elderly. And we aren't some ancient shithole where people live on top of people like spain or italy

  11. 21 minutes ago, Harvsky said:

    Lockdown with some strong degree of job guarantees and business assistance, as per most countries, likely means quicker return to economic normality than the turmoil of having businesses readjust to volatile demand levels and the long term unemployement that creates.

    With the right measures what might be a depression in terms of transaction falls will actually be a pause. Whereas having the virus tear through the economy would cause a real recession or depression.

    You came to the wrong house fool.

    And the virus is tearing through the economy. 

    I'd certainly argue that shops keeping their doors open is better for them by far than forced closure, and that lesser employment hours is way better than millions losing their job, and that their business levels would be more stable than you think. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Harvsky said:

    Wouldn't you?

    If this ripped through the population panic would ensue, mass varied behavioural changes would emerge causing wild negative economic outcomes. Likely to lead to economic turmoil that lasts years not months. Businesses would be destroyed with the absence of government support. Unemployment would last longer. Tourism would end for 2 years, which on its own probably accounts for enough lost transactions to constitute depression. Exports may collapse as buying nations would stop dealing with a country out of control due to risks. Just one large pariah state threatens the whole world.

    Lives versus economy is a false choice.

    No one would be forced out of a job. People would still be using pubs and clubs and shops. Even at a reduced rate, its way better than where we're at now. Everything closed and money printers go brrrrrrrrrrrrr

  13. 6 hours ago, Azeem said:

    Governor of Texas on Fox last night said how grandparents would be willing to die if it means a better economy for their children.

    I was talking about this today. If we went into lockdown week 1, we would probably be back to business as usual (with no international travel though)
    Going into lockdown so late will destroy the economy, which we could avoid if we took no measures against the virus and let it run its course. We would lose about 3-4 % of the population and a greater percent of the aged population. But wouldn't have a repossession or depression. 

  14. We've been in lockdown for 2 days. 

    I fucking hate it, and although gyms are shut, I fortunately train at a small gym owned by pro athletes who refuse to not train, so we get some sneaky seshes in in very small groups. I'm doing uni from home, pubs clubs and anything social is closed. Fuck this shit. 

  15. 3 hours ago, 6666 said:

    Biggest event of the year in the WWE Performance Center. No special entrances, no pyro, no theatrics, no crazy audience, no one reacting to anything. A shame. Feel especially sorry for Drew McIntyre, was finally going to get crowned. That happening in front of no audience is unfortunate. Edge back at WrestleMania as well. No one to shit on Reigns vs. Goldberg. What's the point? Just delay it.

    The biggest tragedy of all. 

  16. A friend of mine got back from italy like 2 weeks ago, and I've been in contact with him about 3 times since and he is currently in hospital sick as a dog being tested. 
    I wash my hands after peeing, and generally before eating or after training. 
    I work in a bottleshop handling money for hundreds of people, I go to a commercial gym and a university. If I'm packing heat I genuinely think I will have infected hundreds of people directly.  

    • Wow 1
  17. 42 minutes ago, Michael said:

    Well Di Santo did have his fans when he was at Werder, I wasn't sure if you might be one of them, lol.

    As for Sargent, LMAO! xD

    He's a decent player, but not even close to being one of the best prospects in the world. No wonder why I didn't realise that Sargent was the player that he meant.xD



    It's because he lives in America where I assume he's hyped beyond jesus

    • Haha 1
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