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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Also this thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1239150215678103552.html
  2. I wonder what's the reasoning for that? Here they extended the service and added "contactless delivery" where they leave the stuff you ordered at your door in order to reduce exposure and limit the number of people going to grocery stores.
  3. 3233 new cases and 349 new deaths in Italy...
  4. Oh absolutely - and it's probably true for most Western countries. If there's one country that's capable of pulling that off then it's definitely Singapore, they're essentially a police state anyway.
  5. This is how Singapore implements measures to ensure that people who are self-isolating stay at home. @Bluewolf
  6. People need to work in order to feed their families though. You can make office workers work from home; industries that mostly rely on manual work have no such option. Not to mention that without thousands of people doing their daily work the society couldn't function and would eventually collapse. The whole food production and supply chain, waste collection & management, power networks and supply, water supply and sanitation, telecommunications, and so on and on and on. It's incredibly naive to think that most people can afford to just stay at home and everything will be fine.
  7. Well you're obviously a mile ahead of the toilet paper and pasta hoarders! Substitute meals through drinking and get some sleep if you're still hungry. Also known as a regular diet of college students around the world
  8. Not too bad considering the almost 2000km travel distance... Joking aside, it's mental indeed.
  9. I just order online and get everything delivered to my door once a week or so. The time slots for deliveries get booked out much faster now than they used to but in general it works well... Always did that even before this whole thing started; saves both time and nerves.
  10. And at the same time, nobody's stocking up on alcohol. Amateurs!
  11. Yeah, it could easily get out of hand if situation worsens. I can also see the divorce rates going through the roof now that families are forced to spend most of the time together in confined spaces
  12. Yeah as it relies on people's conscientiousness, responsibility and willingness to cooperate - apparently there are many lacking even the very basic understanding of it haha. Frankly it's one of the reasons why the whole country has been placed under quarantine as it enables the authorities to punish those who don't comply hoping that it will deter the others from doing the same.
  13. Well here it mostly applies to those who are confirmed positive and quarantined or those who are in hospitals as presumptive cases awaiting confirmation. We had a few cases where people ran away and they've been found and detained. Those who are required to self-isolate after returning from risk areas are definitely harder to track. Definitely more of a threat measure but I could well imagine that if someone's tested positive, ran away and went to any mass gatherings and those would be then connected to new cases emerging, they'd be in a big trouble for sure. Also non-essential businesses have been ordered to close so if someone doesn't comply and stays open, the owner also faces charges.
  14. Up to 3000€ fine and potential jail time up to 3 years (if other people get infected as a result) here.
  15. It's not a common symptom. I think in China it was only present in around 5% of the cases. Same with runny nose.
  16. I think it could be related to those oldest ones not being a part of the workforce, having less social contacts and being the least likely to actively participate in social life and activities. Less exposure = less chance to get infected.
  17. Cheers The company I work for specialises in medical consulting, but I just work with data and don't have any formal medical education (with the exception of some public health and neurophysiology modules). No - just age distribution in all confirmed cases!
  18. In China, the majority was between 30 and 69 years old (almost 78% of all confirmed cases). Here's the more detailed distribution: In South Korea, it is mostly people in their 20s, 50s and 40s. In Italy it's mostly people over 50, although there's a significant percentage of younger ones too. I think the takeaway here is that pretty much all age groups are affected except children who doesn't seem to be very susceptible to it and are often asymptomatic. The differences between countries are probably the result of under which conditions the local outbreak originated. E.g. in South Korea the main cluster was that crazy religious cult; I think that's why they seem to have more younger people affected than the elderly.
  19. "Quit treating the elderly" is misleading but in general there's triaging and rationing care (happens in wars all the time too) and there have been quite a few similar reports coming from Italian doctors/nurses/politicians in the media; Italian authorities also published guidelines for the criteria that doctors and nurses should follow if the circumstances worsen suggesting that older patients would not be considered for intubation and ventilation in order to allow capacity to treat younger patients. It also isn't surprising - what are you supposed to do if you simply don't have beds in ICU and the medical equipment anymore? It's happening in hospitals that are affected the most. Plenty of reports online... https://www.businessinsider.de/international/italys-doctors-are-forced-to-prioritize-saving-the-young-2020-3/?r=US&IR=T https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/who-gets-hospital-bed/607807/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-italy-hospitals-doctor-lockdown-quarantine-intensive-care-a9401186.html https://www.ft.com/content/34f25036-62f4-11ea-a6cd-df28cc3c6a68 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/world/europe/12italy-coronavirus-health-care.html Some numbers and data: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2763188 Also read this twitter thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1237142891077697538.html A while ago I posted a harrowing testimony of an Italian doctor posted on his social media account which was then printed by numerous newspapers; a long and hard read. It's scary as people are dying preventable deaths because the health care system is overwhelmed.
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