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Everything posted by nudge

  1. For anyone interested - MotoGP are offering selected races to watch for free
  2. My dad watches more on my account than I do
  3. Pretty much agree with your assessment of each platform's main target audience (i.e. Prime leaning towards more mature audiences overall). Both have plenty of quality content that I watch but in general I feel like Prime caters to my tastes better than Netflix. I also like having the option to subscribe to additional channels for more specific content. There are probably huge regional differences when it comes to content though.
  4. This might be of interest: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/all-topics-z/coronavirus/threats-and-outbreaks/covid-19/preparedness-and-response-covid-19 EDIT: and this one in particular regarding social distancing: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/considerations-relating-social-distancing-measures-response-covid-19-epidemic
  5. Yep he posted a bit earlier today saying the schools are closed and he'll be working from home/online so I didn't tag him
  6. Over a 1000 new cases in Spain. @Carnivore Chris you're ok?
  7. So Zandvoort could be the season opener now. Nice. Also I'm glad I didn't buy the flight and tickets to the Vietnam GP
  8. Handle it better in what sense? Less strain on the healthcare system?
  9. Trudeau's wife tested positive for the virus.
  10. Manifest has turned into a really enjoyable series. @Bluewolf have you managed to watch it? Also @Tommy I think you'd enjoy it.
  11. nudge

    Off Topic

    André is back!!!
  12. That should help the ones in serious condition as they basically reduce the damage to the lungs and respiratory system which happens due to the immune system's overreaction to the virus - they do not kill the virus though. The idea is to use those (or similar ones) together in a cocktail with broad spectrum antivirals that target the virus itself; that's what China and some other Asian countries have been doing as well. China sent a team of doctors and tons of medical equipment and supplies to Italy; hopefully that and sharing what they learned from dealing with the outbreak in Wuhan will be helpful to get it under control in Italy too.
  13. Yeah that makes sense; but I think it's a very risky gamble considering that the course of the illness can be relatively long even in healthy people and that we don't know much about the immunity after recovery - there's some evidence that reinfections do happen (but it could be due to testing failures instead of actual reinfection so it's hard to tell) which would suggest that the duration of immunity could be shorter than we'd expect it to be. Also there's a huge risk of overwhelming the healthcare system to a degree where it's not able to meet the needs of everyone. Your current data doesn't look too bad in that sense; only 20 cases in a serious or critical condition so far apparently; worth keeping an eye on how that develops in the next days. So many unknowns; I definitely wouldn't want to be the one calling the shots in this situation to be honest.
  14. Yeah, I can understand the reasoning behind not wanting to implement drastic measures (especially from the economic impact point of view) but it's the claim that large events don't make much difference that baffles me, especially since social distancing has been touted as one of the ways to reduce transmission (and especially super-spreader events) by pretty much everyone else.
  15. A lot of it might make sense but the part in bold about fluid swapping? Is it just bad wording? It's mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets dispersed in the air and on surfaces so I don't see how he can claim that large gatherings of people standing close to each other don't make much difference. That's exactly how various clusters of infections appeared in numerous countries - being in close proximity to infected people; similar to other respiratory illnesses.
  16. Very unlikely to be Coronavirus. This is more of a guideline but sneezing wasn't a common symptom in any of the cases so far.
  17. Asymptomatic transmission possible, not enough data to tell for sure but there seems to be some evidence for it.
  18. First two cases were officially confirmed on February 21st. Undetected spread was clearly going for much longer.
  19. Italian PM has ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses. Only grocery stores and pharmacies will remain open.
  20. Italy published their numbers. Over 2000 new cases and almost 200 new deaths.
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