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Everything posted by nudge

  1. While I doubt the accuracy of China's official numbers, I don't really find it hard to believe that Italy's death toll might be higher. Firstly, because of the number of ventilators available - Italy simply hasn't got enough. Around 5000 reportedly; and it's estimated that's only about a quarter of what they'll need. China's last reported official number from 2011 was almost 60000 ventilator units (we can probably assume they produced at least additional 10000 a year; also produced 15000 new ones during the outbreak alone). Another reason could be the different strains of virus. It's suggested that two known strain exist - a less aggressive S strain and a more aggressive L strain which seems to be circulating in Europe.
  2. Errr..... you're aware you're posting in a F1 thread?
  3. Personally I'm quite looking forward to the potential triple- and quadruple headers
  4. To me the word colleague implies a degree of camaraderie whereas a co-worker just indicates a person who works at the same office. I was certainly not meaning the former when I talked about annoyances
  5. I'm the opposite. I'm much more comfortable working at home and don't get annoyed/distracted by noise, coworkers or any other stuff so I'm by far more efficient. I also love being able to plan my working hours myself.
  6. A good informative thread on the antivirals used for treatment so far. Unrolled thread here for more convenience: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1240148729317011458.html
  7. Might be partially related to the fact that one of the early clusters started in a hospital... Probably a lot of vulnerable people got exposed there contributing to such a huge number of fatalities.
  8. I just read a report on a sample analysis (355 cases); over 99% of those who died in Italy suffered from other illnesses. Here are the exact numbers: Ischemic heart disease: 33.0%, Atrial fibrosis: 24.5%, Stroke: 9.6%, Hypertension: 76.1%, Diabetes: 35.5%, Dementia: 6.8%, COPD: 13.2%, Active Cancer in the Past 5 Years: 20.3%, Chronic Liver Disease: 3.1%, Chronic renal disease: 18.0% Percentage of those who died with 0 other diseases: 0.8%, With 1 other disease: 25.1%, with 2 other diseases: 25.6%, with 3 or more other diseases: 48.5% Link to the official report: https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Report-COVID-2019_17_marzo-v2.pdf Doesn't make it less terrifying though.
  9. 4207 new cases and 475 new deaths in Italy. Tomorrow they'll most likely overtake the total reported death toll in China.
  10. Those pandemics just look so cute and fuzzy... Even better with googly eyes!
  11. That infographic is so weirdly beautiful!
  12. Don't take the number of confirmed cases as an accurate indicator of how widespread the virus is. Some countries simply aren't testing as much as some others.
  13. The new research clearly shows that SARS-CoV-2 is NOT a laboratory construct or a purposefully engineered virus. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9 So hopefully that puts an end to the various conspiracy theories from all sides.
  14. EU decides to close all Schengen borders for at least 30 days.
  15. Similar in the supermarket today; one crazy lady even freaked out and starting screaming at another customer who was just standing there (at least a meter away) minding his own business What's funny is that crazy lady is probably herself one of those who normally stand waaaaaay too close and even ram their trolleys into your back while you're queuing at the checkout Wankers.
  16. Must say I love the empty streets and parking lots though.
  17. Alan, I moved your post into the Schland thread; think that's exactly the place for it I'm actually more busy with work now when I was before the outbreak Other than that, we're currently on a two week quarantine; everything's closed except grocery stores, pharmacies & pet stores. Restaurants are only allowed to do deliveries or takeaways. My personal plans have been all affected by it heavily but I was following the events ever since the start in China and kind of expected it to happen so it didn't caught me by surprise...
  18. Went to a shopping mall today for some groceries and fish food; it's all empty and dark with some music playing from the loudspeakers. Eerie as fuck
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