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Everything posted by nudge

  1. The Race are also running one E-Sports competition today with numerous drivers. Max wins the first race
  2. Tomb Raider - 6.5/10 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - 7.5/10 Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 5/10 Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 6.5/10 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - 10/10 Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back - 10/10 Star Wars: A New Hope - 10/10 Rogue One - 8/10 Solo - 7.5/10
  3. And ginger! And chilies! But yeah, those are supposed to be just complementary natural products that might help with some mild stuff or provide some health benefits when consumed regularly long term. Don't use it for serious accute illnesses or together with any medicine you're taking as the active components in the natural products might interact with the chemotherapeuticals and result in unexpected side effects.
  4. To be fair @Bluewolfwasn't that far off with his poodle shit suggestion
  5. Yep, turmeric has proven health benefits especially in reducing inflammation. The issue is its poor bioavailability but it can be improved by enhancing agents (black pepper is one of those). Won't help with the virus though haha.
  6. Outrageous! He was demonstrating great thinking skills AND keeping the hygiene levels high
  7. Like that kid in Leeds who brought a bottle of hand sanitizer to school and was selling it for 50p a squirt thats the real entrepreneurial spirit
  8. Yeah a lot of drivers from various racing series joined it. Good idea but I personally just have no interest in watching.
  9. This is quite an interesting look. Countries With Fastest Growth Of COVID-19 Cases - seems that Spain is overtaking Italy at this stage. (Testing differences not accounted for.) https://studylib.net/coronavirus
  10. Not going to happen anyway. The whole Spain is under quarantine.
  11. Just found this: https://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/193054/Meeste-coronapatienten-op-IC-zijn-jonger-dan-50-jaar Most of the coronavirus patients in the ICU in the Netherlands are under 50 years old.
  12. I'm more of a crazy dog lady
  13. There have been a few similar cases in China and South Korea too but it's inconclusive and it's suggested that it's likely a result of errors in testing rather than an actual reinfection. Can't rule it out though... and we don't know much about the length of immunity after recovery anyway so it's indeed a bit scary.
  14. Just a small correction - it's not different strains but rather different viruses belonging to the same family.
  15. Dutch researchers find first antibody which neutralises SARS-CoV-2. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.11.987958v1
  16. It's probably worth noting that those new cases are the results of the tests that happened some 5 days ago as it takes them that long to confirm the results (backlog due to high number of tests performed). So hopefully if the containment measures are working we should see a drop in new daily cases in about a week. Fingers crossed.
  17. Will check it out, thank you! Yes I also always found it fascinating and wanted to move into the field when I was done with my Master's, but for various reasons that never happened. Python and data science in general is useful for my current job so it was a good reason to start the course anyway, the AI & ML part is just for my own interest though just struggling with the time a bit. I usually work 50+ hour weeks and have some other commitments, so it can be tricky to find additional 15-20 hours sometimes, especially since the practical problems are quite challenging and I'm often mentally exhausted after work. But I love it. Nearly finished with the introductory course now
  18. I chose to give an inconclusive answer because I'm not sure
  19. Doing a MIT course program on data science and programming using Python, with a hope to dive into artificial intelligence/machine learning afterwards
  20. Nationwide quarantine is expected to be announced here sometime next week (reportedly once the first local transmission is confirmed) so I still have to buy more beer tomorrow just in case. Other than that, nothing has changed for me personally, really. I spend most of time at home working and studying anyway and don't get in contact with many people as I was supposed to stay here just temporarily (well it will definitely be longer than I expected now though). My favourite pub has closed yesterday as a precaution anyway so there's no temptation there either haha. I normally used to eat out almost every day but I reduced it to a minimum now and just cook at home or get food delivered/takeaway. Do grocery shopping twice a week or so; just like always. Other than that, just washing hands often but I've always been doing that anyway as I wear contacts so it's kind of routine... Doing pretty well otherwise. My workload has been pretty heavy lately and I also spend additional 15-20 hours on the course I'm currently doing online as well. Got some clarity in personal relationships too. Missing racing though.
  21. Yes; they already closed all 16 temporary makeshift hospitals in Wuhan. Businesses and public transportation start resuming slowly.
  22. He's not a chicken like me when it comes to horror movies
  23. They also sent a few doctors who managed the oubreak in Wuhan as well as 30 tonnes of medical equipment and supplies to Italy too.
  24. Much worse He regularly narrates me the whole detailed plot of pretty much every series he follows and gives regular updates on the new episodes. Have to admire his dedication. Even has a cool notebook where he keeps notes on his progress watching every show and what not He's a bloody pro I tell you; much better at streaming/downloading/finding stuff online at 78 years of age than most of the people in their 30s
  25. Trust me, I'm an amateur compared to him Can't even recommend him anything or choose a movie to watch together because he's bloody seen them all!
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