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Everything posted by nudge

  1. nudge


    Absolutely. Heard farm rats actually taste similar to chicken anyway... Well at least it pairs well with whisky unlike Nutella!
  2. nudge


    To be fair I haven't tried rats yet but I'm pretty sure a well-cooked one would taste better than Nutella anyway
  3. nudge


    Eewwww. Should probably post it in the "unpopular opinions" thread but I hate Nutella and I don't care for pancakes either.
  4. No haven't watched any other episodes bar the pilot.. Been busy lately but will definitely try to catch up. Not many good new shows out there at the moment and this one was decent enough...
  5. Anne McClain's speech was lovely. Our sincere congratulations to all Earthlings who have enabled the opening of this next chapter in space exploration. To the International Space Station teams, past and present, who stand guard 24 hours a day at control centers from Moscow to Japan, Germany to Houston. Congratulations to the teams at SpaceX and Boeing, who have been working diligently to define what this new era of commercial spaceflight will look like. And congratulations to all nations, private space firms and individuals, who woke up every day, driven by the magic of exploration. This day belongs to all of us. Spaceflight gives us a chance to reflect on the context of our existence. We are reminded that we are human, before any of our differences, before all of the lines that are drawn that divide us. And we are reminded that we are at our best when we are part of something bigger than ourselves. In 1957, just over 60 years ago, history changed when Russia launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite. People across the globe gathered in backyards and looked up at the night sky, hoping to catch a glimpse. A few years later, people of all nationalities gripped hands, hoping and praying for Yuri Gagarin’s successful launch, as he became the first human in space. And in 1969 every TV across the globe was tuned in as Buzz, Michael and Neil embarked on the first human journey to the moon. Today, human advancement of exploration continues, as the first new space vehicle designed for humans in over 40 years arrived at our front door, welcomed by our crew of one Russian, one Canadian and one American, who have been living together as family for three months onboard the International Space Station. These events remind us that we are more alike than different; that we can be united by a cause that is not based on fear, threat or common enemy, but rather on a bold endeavour, an insatiable curiosity to go beyond what is known, and to do what has never been done. We humans were built for exploration, and we are built to do it together.
  6. Yeah I've been watching it for almost 7 hours now The docking was surreal...
  7. They had to tie it up as well as it was moving all over the place Probably bored after a long flight and badly in need of attention Welcoming ceremony starts soon.
  8. The hatch is finally open and Ripley gets her first visitors from ISS onboard the Crew Dragon. Also the little plush Earth (Zero G indicator) is visibly surprised by what's happening. Hihi.
  9. Crew Dragon's docking to the ISS is being broadcast live; currently about 150 meters away from it! Worth watching.
  10. Played 60 minutes and scored a goal (potentially the winning one if things don't change in the last 10 minutes...). Nice comeback!
  11. Fin Bartels is finally back after an injury that kept him sidelined for over a year... Just started for our U23s in the Regionalliga match against Flensburg! Not much impact so far but he definitely looks hungry for football again.
  12. For a moment there you got me all excited thinking that it's the Opportunity that came back to life after being officially pronounced dead!
  13. Yes, watched the live launch coverage when I was having my lunch! Absolutely stunning... Happy that both the launch and the 1st stage landing were successful but the mission is only underway and we still have the full automatic docking to ISS to look forward to. In case of a failure, it can pose a risk not only to the Crew Dragon but also to the ISS and the crew currently there... The Russians seemed to be very concerned about it and it took a while for them to agree on safety procedures with the Americans If everything goes as planned though, the manned mission might be given green light as early as July already. Exciting times!
  14. I've been playing the sequel for a few days now and I'm absolutely loving it... The storyline is even better than the original one and I really enjoyed that too! I like how KOTOR2 is more "morally grey" instead of being purely black or white and the fact that I still don't know what's going to happen (unlike KOTOR where it was kind of easy to figure out the truth about the protagonist's past). Kreia is a brilliantly written character. Thanks again for recommending it
  15. Actually found the whole channel of whoever is behind this! Amazing stuff. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLAObzAhnLKBPS_didragoQ/videos @Rab
  16. One of the movies I've been looking forward to this year.
  17. Big day tomorrow. NASA and SpaceX are preparing for the launch of the Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spacecraft on the Demo-1 uncrewed flight test to the International Space Station. Liftoff from Launch Complex 39A is targeted for 2:49 a.m. EST on Saturday, March 2. This is the first launch of a space system designed for humans built and operated by a commercial company through a public-private partnership on a flight test to the International Space Station. The dummy that will be on board of the Crew Dragon capsule for this first test mission is called Ripley in a nod to the Alien movies The dummy is packed with a range of sensors that will measure forces and acceleration experienced by a future human passenger, as well as the environment around them during the journey to and from the ISS.
  18. Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) It would be unfair to give this movie a rating as I turned it off in the middle of the third vignette as I found it all too nonsensical and boring (and painfully unfunny). A pity as I was looking forward to seeing Tom Waits but there's no way I could sit through over two hours of that.
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