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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Over 800 confirmed dead after an earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia...death toll is expected to increase to thousands.... this is disturbing to watch... https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1045646566487281664/pu/vid/352x640/xGKOIxG_TgYozK23.mp4
  2. nudge


    Reminds me of the Stanford marshmallow experiment on self-control and delayed gratification... I think you saw it in the beginning of Missions; we also did a similar one when I was still in uni.... it's scary when you think that there's really no difference between children who can't control their impulses and grown ups who supposedly should be wise enough to think about long-term consequences of their actions. What's even scarier is that those people have a say in how the world is governed
  3. nudge


    It's so weird, most people are obviously fascinated with nature and animals and get all excited watching them in wild (just like that example of Benny the beluga shows hehe), yet at the same time they also have no qualms about dumping their garbage and sewage and chemical toxic waste and plastic to ruin the environment. The whole thing with plastic basically just got out of hand and we're drowning in it as a result; but it's a problem that's not that easy to solve now whereas if you consider that millions of people are still living in developing world without running water or sanitation or waste management and businesses/governments still do nothing about it even if they easily could; just goes to show that nobody really gives a fuck - about people OR nature, as long as it doesn't affect them directly.
  4. nudge


    I generally avoid swimming in freshwater, especially in the rural areas of the tropics... nevermind the pollution, it's also ridden with potentially dangerous bacteria and worms and god knows what else Even the ocean is horribly polluted now. I saw sewage running freely into it numerous times in numerous countries, and even medical waste such as used syringes, needles, bandages washed out on the shore after the storm. It's so fucked up.
  5. nudge


    I wouldn't swim there if I were you, something's fishy about that river haha...
  6. Ferrari are just an embarrassing mess... Sauber though
  7. Wonder how Ticktum reacts to these comments now. Will he accuse Horner of being a nobody and will his girlfriend question his dick size?...
  8. Vandoorne is set to join Formula E next season and will drive for a Mercedes affiliate HWA Team.
  9. RP Motorsport, the leading Euroformula Open team, have added David Schumacher to their driver lineup for the remaining rounds of the championship!
  10. Sauber are aiming to be the best of the rest next season, and while it's not going to be easy, I love the ambition though. The current management seems to be doing a great work; the deal with Ferrari and Alfa Romeo has obvious advantages, and it looks like they'd keep at least part for Ericsson's money as well by keeping him in the team.
  11. Nice!!! Kimi + Giovinazzi sounds very interesting; I'm eager to see how Giovinazzi does after finally getting his chance. Sauber has already been working on the new car since July, hope next season will be a good one!
  12. Our new official podcast is great. @Relling you might be interested! I especially recommend #5 with Jürgen L. Born; it's great!
  13. Jesus Christ, that's so fucking embarrassing
  14. Yeah that was extremely stupid and outright dangerous.... I generally don't like pointing fingers at what happened years ago; especially since he was 15 and got his ban and that's it as much as I'm concerned, but I don't like him and his attitude and think he's pathetically childish anyway. What comes across as really salty though is the fact that he's not concentrating on his performances instead; he was out-qualified by both of his teammates in all 3 qualis this weekend, and even both Carlin guys were in front of him in two of them, yet somehow he feels like he's being "robbed of a championship"?... Sore loser.
  15. Ticktum is having a meltdown on social media; basically insinuating that Prema/Mick and Schvartzman are somehow cheating and saying he's being robbed of a championship and that he is "fighting a losing battle as my last name is not Schumacher"; then goes on to call people who question his post "nobodies". What a tit haha.
  16. Well done Schvartzman, finally a win for him! He's been very impressive this season, especially considering he's a rookie too... It's a pity Mick couldn't get 3/3 again, but he's done great at any case and now extends his lead to 49 points. He only needs not to fuck it up completely in the last race weekend and the title will be his! Aberdein defended very well keeping Ticktum behind him for most of the race. Prema wins the team championship again already.
  17. Yep they are the only ones doing 1:24 laps again and again while everyone else is doing 1:25... Ticktum will either overtake Aberdein or crash again
  18. Good start by Schvartzman as he overtakes Mick and defends his lead despite Mick looking a bit faster afterwards. Ticktum up to 4th.
  19. nudge


    What a strange parrot! Really looks like a dinosaur and tries to shag anything that moves
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