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The Liquidator

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Everything posted by The Liquidator

  1. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and now I know your opinion in all your postings are not to be taken seriously.
  2. I need a laugh, educate us with your wisdom....... Who is better?
  3. Why is the finger being pointed at Hazard? It's not his fault the current manager is a fucking idiot. At least the previous manager had the balls to stick him on the bench in some of the games we were set up not to lose. We have the best player in the EPL, alas our last two permanent managers have not found it within themselves to allow him to play in 100% of our games. It's that simple!
  4. Well its taken a while but others have caught up with me (I said it months ago) n mentioned our manager blames everything else for our troubles. As I said back then the quicker we move him on the better. I highlighted our wasting of our best player in the game against Barcelona and Sundays game franked that fact, only this time Hazard made it plain to a blind man how much he detested how he was being used. It didnt help that Pedro's distribution rivaled the company supplying KFC's Chicken these past few weeks, but for a manager to already see Hazard can not play that role a number of times this season, to do it again is quite frankly rookie decisions. Pathetic. With the return leg against Barcelona on the horizon it will be interesting who he plays in the forward role, cause I am certain we will be set up the same. Now I know the manager is getting stick for how we set up, but to be honest, those wankers on sky who pretend to be knowledgeable football experts are the same wankers who called our 1-0 win against the so called last world beaters Man City team (Ivanovic scored) a Mourinho Masterclass. Very little difference between the tactics and like I say, those who have the mouthpiece of Sky are best muted as soon as they open their mouths. Last season was the same, just had Costa, but the manager has fucked that up. Our young CH continues to burn us. Alonso didnt do him any favours for the goal, but the fact remains he is allowing golden chances in most matches. The manager has fallen out with Luiz, so it looks like the boy has freehold over the position for now.
  5. Given your importance to his professionalism one would have thought he would have preferred to have a clean conscious on the lies being written about him, afterall, he already has the history of deciding not to mention match fixing claims in Italy. If it wasnt true can you imagine the payout he would get from ALL the media outlets writing the same story. Lets jog your memory on how forthright they all were https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/40229168
  6. I think you will find the text said no change from the agreement during the winter window. Ray Wilkins said as much on Sky. Training ground incident didnt happen? Yeah, board question is difficult to answer!
  7. Seems people here are being selective in what they remember. The manager losing it with Costa during one training session screaming at him that its always something and he can fucking leave. Plus the text to Costa when he was under the impression he may get a new improved contract only for the manager to inform him there was no change from the winter window agreement he could leave at the end of the season. Which I might add was supposed to be to China. It was then Costa said only Athletico. As a point of order, how many of you think the board were happy to move Costa on?
  8. You obviously havent been around many professional footballers ~ Money is the cure for 99% of their bullshit.
  9. From what I was told Costa wanted to leave for China during the winter window. It was agreed with him and his agent that would be allowed in the summer. When the goal posts were moved between those two windows and the China club were unable to pay double the fee his move fell through. Mendes asked Chelsea for an improved contract as way of compensation to him losing out on the China money which I understand was being considered. It was the manager who wanted him out and made public the agreement Costa would leave in the summer and he was determined there would be no way back for the striker. The other players knew he wanted to stay and if you read quotes from them at the time, they hope it could be fixed. It was because of the Conte stance & making everything public, Mendes informed the club Costa would only leave for Atletico. Costa would still be at the club if it wasnt for the manager. ------------------------------- I must state, at the time I was all for the manager decision cause I sensed Costa downed tools after the winter window and had heard of his antics in training ect. However, pretty obvious now.... major mistake.
  10. I still feel the major contributor to the drop in standard of our team this season is the manager. He was unable to control Costa & if we are to believe those who are said to be in the know at the club, the manager made it impossible for the board to fix the situation, a situation the board did not want to end with selling the player. Conte alone put us in the weaker position and the constant whining and overall depression he has poisoned our season off the pitch, it must also be flagged he allowed Tammy Abraham to leave as well for the season. We the fans would have bent over backwards supporting Abraham and the managers decision to go with him over Costa, knowing its about the bigger future picture. The managers choice of a one footed Spanish Yellow card collector up to now looks a bit of a Turkey. For me, we are at our most weakest up front and the continuation of playing Hazard as the CF (Sod the bullshit false nine) is as poor a decision making as I can remember. For me, Barca at home could have been a masterstroke by the manager if he had the balls to drop Hazard and play someone who can hold the ball up. He didnt and that is another nail in his coffin for me. Manager needs to be moved on, straight after the Barcelona game if it isnt a positive result, although if they got rid of him now id be happy. ---------------------------------- Transfers: I happen to think over the past 5 seasons we have operated the best in the market in buying players. Alas, during that time, we have also allowed some of those signings to move on who are now coming to fruition as the players we obviously, at one time thought they were. Costa Fabregas Hazard and Kante have all been Blue Chip signings and none broke the bank in signing. Dave has become probably pound for pound one of the best EPL signings in the last decade. The problem is, since this manager arrived, of those blue chip players only Kante has joined the club and the manager has managed to lose a player (Costa) who should have his picture next to the line, you dont realize what you have until you lose him. All other signings look to need, at least, time or in some cases, to be moved on as quickly as possible.
  11. Well thats two games against very average sides who used to be fodder for us who we have taken the lead against only to fold up and allow them to get wins over the very recent performances. Leading at the new Highbury and pretty much dominating United on their own patch early on, we have managed to lose both games with lack luster 2nd half performances. Lets face the facts, United are miles from being a genuine title contender and Arsenal are probably further away, yet we could not put either away, so what does that make us? Why? Well it does not help when our manager starts the wrong players. I always say any player signed from abroad gets the first season, anyone from here gets 6 months.... so anything they do well during that time period is all good and you hope they learn quickly during that time so by the back end, we can see there is better performances ahead. Morata is not learning and at the time of writing I am of the opinion we need to be looking to get our money back n spend it elsewhere more wisely. God he was shit. Pathetic. I am sure like the rest of you I could write plenty on other players who need replacing, but at least Willian is playing at the best standard he has since signing.
  12. As my fellow Chelsea fans who frequent this thread know I defend William and I am one of the few Chelsea fans who have done since he arrived via Tottenham medical table a few seasons ago. To say he can be rather "Marmite" is an understatement, but more than a few Chelsea fans are starting to see his importance to the team. He is playing as well as he has ever done for us just now and I hope he continues as it would be nice if a few more Chelsea fans come over to our side of the Marmite! ----------------------------------------------------- It's very important the fans get behind Christensen over the next few games. The media, while not all pointing a finger at him as the reason Barca got anything out of the game, have done enough to make him feel as uncomfortable as you would expect. The manager defended him after the game and spoke glowingly of his contribution this season. I very much liked that and hope everyone supports the kid. He obviously has a wonderful upside, one we hope to come to fruition with us.
  13. Just to add a little. Hazard continues to be the best player currently playing in the EPL because he can do things nobody else currently playing in this country can. The examples of players put forward as possible better have all done some things we have seen Hazard do in the past. I am yet to see any of those players get anywhere close to the body of work Hazard has produced in a Chelsea shirt. Granted if our manager continues to play him as a CF, (False Nine is a name given to a player who cant fucking play as a CF) then his worth to our club will only go downwards as far as a fee for him. Hazard has been a great player for us and I for one would not begrudge him a move to Spain if it were to come to fruition. FOOTNOTE: Just watching Liverpool Youth Play Man Utd youth in the UEFA youth league, under 18 level. I watch alot of youth football on Chelsea TV and feel watching the two above teams that our under 16's would give them more than a good game. How times have changed.
  14. I feel we wasted our best player tonight. I fully understand the set up of the team as a defensive unit, but if you are going to do that you must have a player up front who can hold the ball. Dopey Linekar is calling it a brilliant game plan that just failed. I call it playing our best player facing the wrong way, exactly what Barca would have hoped. Sorry for young Christensen. Obviously lots to like about him, but he got us burned tonight.
  15. HAHA ~ Have you seen the team? Question, which one of our players will be sent off so Barca get their helping hand? It's as thou Cüneyt Çakir has been hand picked. I hope I am wrong, but after seeing the team he has picked, I have a VERY bad feeling about this. We shall see.
  16. I am surprised he is still breathing & one cant be sure of how much truth to be given to his words as the `quotes come from Marca, but I can hand pick 5 or so games in my time which were fixed and this gentleman performance would be in that top 5 with ease. You cant have as poor a game without being influenced off the park. Now he admits his poor game full of mistakes. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-5405553/Infamous-referee-admits-mistakes-cost-Chelsea-2009.html
  17. Wasnt very good, but a much needed 3 points. The fact that a very mediocre man utd side are second in the League says a lot about the quality of teams below man city this season, which I guess, those with intelligence were saying much the same last season when we ran away with the title.
  18. New manager obviously in management position elsewhere till end of season? Last night was bad
  19. Wow, I have 100's of Chelsea friends and I am involved in a private Chelsea board with over 2000 members and never have I heard anybody, infact, I am struggling to think of any media pundit-outlet to praise anything Gourlay did once he stepped up. Very original Cicero. I dont agree, but appreciate your point of view. Your latter question is answered like this. Our Roman history is littered with new coaches concentrating the players minds to silverware, including the Interim one completing our set of European trophies. While we reached a new low losing out to Arsenal a week or so ago, a club we have played with like a Cat toying with a Mouse for over a decade, I believe, and it seems Conte is in agreement, we are further along than any other club other than City. New signings or for me, once these current signings get a season under their belts we should be fine. Without Conte dragging the club down each time he gets near a microphone, we will do as we always do. Against that, it must be said I believe the owners eyes are fixed on payment of the new stadium, plus I was told he is set on getting residency in Switzerland. Obviously undertaking a project like a new stadium shows he is still 100% into the club, but how we are paying for it, his none writing off money at the end of each season of late and his surprise choice of a new central Europe home are all factors that may paint our silverware future a little slower than we are used too. However, I stand by a change of manager will again have us repeat recent history.
  20. I think there is truth to what you say on Conte's time at the club, but the steps you tap out can hardly be pointed at Jose 2nd time around who asked for two players after his first year and got them both. The player decisions he made on letting go were from what we are told were against the advice of those in other high positions at the club. For me, the board\whoever were responsible for bringing players who now frequent other top English clubs after being let go by Jose cant have blame pointed towards them after they saw all the wonderful work they did taking in young talent being turned away before flowering to fruition elsewhere. For years I heard Chelsea fans asking for young players to be brought to the club\brought through, instead of the expensive finished articles. Following Jose we have another manager who wants finished articles, someone who, from what his history shows at almost every club he has managed turns blame to anyone else he can throw crap at hoping it sticks. Do you know I think Juventus have played him like a poorly tuned Banjo with their left back. They have toyed with us knowing full well Conte will be driven insane by his choice not gained by the club. They know his weakness and have exposed it for all to see. I have seen you write in the past you put more blame on the board than the manager for not being prepared. Well it wasnt them who failed to control who has turned out to be our most important player, forcing the club to sell him and replace with the managers choice who the last 3 months has fallen short of what is needed to lead the line in the PL. I feel, its the manager who has caused the major problem of this season, nobody else. You see, I no longer believe in a manager needs to around a good length of time to be successful. You complain of all these sites media outlets ect leading with prices on Chelsea's new manager, which filters down to the weak minded on football boards like this and elsewhere to fuel up and believe they can beat us over the head with another change. Me? just makes me think new manager means, another trophy is on its way, which I might add come to Stamford Bridge more frequently than the managers.
  21. I agree. I felt we were outplayed outcoached and for sure out scored with a tinge of embarrassment. In games where team set up like this in the past we always had Drogba to move the ball up too, latterly Costa. It was painful watching Hazard trying to move under balls he was far too short for, yet the manager failed to do anything about it.
  22. Conte to extend stay by 3 years? The guy has spun around like the old Battling Tops game from the 70's in the last week ~ I have to say, I quite admire what he has done, however, while he has openly put the ball in the owners side of the court, it's unlikely he would change their mind on him. I am still of the mind he should be moved on. I am not sure who he would talk to at the club on a extension, I am told he has spoken to Marina since before Christmas. Anyone agree with his claim we would just need 3 world class signings to compete for the title next season?
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