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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. What? I thought it was Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 for all of England now? Fair play, no one wants to make this nice and simple.
  2. I don't think they'll rush this myself, but most will rush them out just for the shareholders (basically EA, Ubisoft, Activision, anything under Take Two's banner etc). Consumer be damned and all that.
  3. That sucks. I'm not clued up on other countries but how are the Netherlands generally coping (ie. is the full lockdown required, is it an over reaction etc)? Also (and I can't believe I'm going to post this) : Woman: Excuse me, could I buy some period products please? Tesco: Nah love. The Welsh Government told us not to sell these items as they're non essential. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54685886 EDIT: I will stop as I realise that I've taken up the last page or two, but as a final bit for anyone wanting to understand the quality of Walesonline's proofreading, they did an article with Tesco in St. Mellons explaining why the sanitary aisle was cordoned off. It was apparently due to a break in that the police confirmed. I'm not 100% sure whether the break in has already happened or whether the break in is currently taking place as of this current time (3:50pm).
  4. Pretty much. As I mentioned to DeadLinesman above, we can say what we like about it but you don't act like what that guy did over it.
  5. Fair point you made and I admittedly didn't think that. I was thinking more of a generalisation with the example. Yep. Face masks were made mandatory last month and must be worn in shops and public transport. Yeah, I agree with that really. Think what you like with these restrictions but you don't need to be a bellend over it.
  6. This post pretty much sums up the whole point of why Drakeford's decision on what is and isn't essential is ridiculous (not a dig at you in any way, Rucksackfranzose). As I mentioned before, what is essential to some will not be essential to others, as different people have different needs. To give a rough example of what I mean, here's a snippet of an article that I'll post a link to a bit further down. Drakeford has since come out and said that this will not be reversed (as heaven forbid he could ever make a mistake). However, to make this farcical even better, they're now saying that the rules 'may be tweaked', 'there is discretion within the rules' and that 'a review into how the rules were implemented would be held on Monday'. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54676457 Let's remind ourselves that supermarkets and other shops were not informed of what is essential (and can be sold) and what is non essential (what can't be sold) about 5 hours before the lockdown actually began (hence the whole covering up and blocking of aisles you've seen). When you have to review your very own rules after 2 of 17 days into a lockdown that you announced (and had leaked) a week ago, you've clearly fucked up.
  7. Want more of a laugh? Man in North Wales ripped off coverings of non essential items and is charged with criminal damage and breaching coronavirus regulations. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/man-rips-supermarket-charged-police-19162142 I don't agree with what he did and from what I heard, he ripped into staff at Tesco, which is completely unacceptable in any circumstances. However, it does highlight how pathetic this non essential rule is that you can be charged for criminal damage and breaching coronavirus regulations for ripping off coverings of items. Also, to pretty much show how incompetent we are (and to back up what I mentioned before), we may dip in and out of local lockdowns not just in the new year, but Walesonline reporting that it could continue 'until a vaccine has been found'. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/second-fire-break-wales-likely-19162353
  8. I don't know much about Australia and how they have done with this, but yours sounds more like a local lockdown like Manchester and Liverpool being put into Tier 3. Ours is throughout the entire country, regardless of how good or bad the area has done (as an example, West Wales and Powys have not hit 100 deaths combined, with the likes of Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion having some of the lowest rates in the entirety of the UK. They are locked down with everyone else) . As for the items stuff, Drakeford literally said that those who can stay open but with items not essential could not be sold due to 'a matter of fairness' with other stores being forced to close (his closure in Wales, by the way, and not the UK as a whole). Nothing to do with the NHS being overwhelmed at all (that's what this national lockdown is for). I don't think we can even get things like that via click and collect as well (my mate order bowls prior to lockdown beginning, but because his delivery slot fell after it began, they couldn't deliver it). He hasn't helped by announcing what these non essential items are literally hours before it all began (I thought it'd be like the lockdown back in March). As for the online only bit, you're pretty much sending people to Amazon to make a rich guy even richer really, even if others can still open. The other issue as well is that we are not near the levels seen back in March. Basically, we are having more restrictions now (despite not being the same level) than we had back then. The prospect of rolling lockdowns after this (which they have also said, with one Member of the Senedd (MS) saying that another lockdown is projected to be in January or February, despite not knowing the results of this one) suggests that when shit hits the fan and England won't bail them out, they have no strategy other than going in and out of lockdown constantly, which will cripple us. They say that this will end on 9th November with measures in place after this, but judging by how everything else has happened, I'm not convinced at all and think this will be extended like the local lockdowns, which proved to do nothing, seeing as some areas were in local lockdown for 5-6 weeks in rates barely dropped, if at all. That key thing is a bit odd mind. I know this sounds hypocritical after just saying the above but is that really more essential than others? EDIT: As I mention my part in bold, an article has just been published confirming this from Lee Waters, our Deputy Economy minister. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54681885 This is coming from the same guy who last year said that they have no clue over the economy in Wales. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-48757245
  9. Ironically, by blocking aisles, you're also confine people to certain areas and making social distancing a little harder (obviously the size of them negates it a little but you get the idea). In regards to alcohol, I have no issues with alcohol at all, but to say that clothes (which people generally need for warmth as a baseline) is non essential, but alcohol (which being realistic, we don't really need as a human need) is essential just makes Drakeford look more of a clown.
  10. The sad thing is that there are a fair amount of people in Wales who are happy being told by our government that you can't buy this or that, using the 'but the virus' reason you mentioned (hence the actual reason for the lockdown in the first place, 'to stop the NHS from being overwhelmed') and 'it's only 17 days, quit whining and think of saving lives'. It's as if they'd happily jump off a cliff if Drakeford told them, like good lapdogs. The media also don't help as they don't challenge them on anything, while Plaid Cymru are more interested in getting to bed with them in exchange for power. The point is that we're literally being told by our government what is and what isn't essential, which is ridiculous as different people have different needs for different reasons. Drakeford even tried to address this by saying that 'friends and family can do shopping for you' (forgetting that we're banned from meeting others indoors and outdoors) and 'shop online' (which defeats the point of his 'matter of fairness' reasoning for telling supermarkets not to sell non essential items, as people'll order from Amazon and the likes). I don't want to turn this too political, but I hope you (and others) start to realise why, as much as I want to generally try to remain neutral, I generally rip into Welsh Labour more often than not as while the Tories get heavily criticised (and quite rightly), our lot literally have free reign to do as it please and people here will lap it up (as this is proving). EDIT: I forgot to mention that alcohol is classed as essential. Make of that what you will.
  11. As you're probably aware now, Wales is now in a 'firebreak'/'circuit breaker'/'wankbreak'/'lockdown'/'whateverthefucktheywanttocallittobedifferent' and we can now only do pretty much what happened in the original lockdown back in March. However, this was UK wide and the Welsh Government didn't need to do anything. They now have to actually do something and............... fucked it up. Only a few hours before it actually began, our lot only just decided what is essential and what isn't, giving supermarkets little time to actually do much. Therefore, if we go into a supermarket in Wales from now until 9th November, we can mainly buy food and drink only. If you think I'm bullshitting, there's a couple of pics in the below link of 'non-essential' items being covered up. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54662795 Mark Drakeford (on his current power trip) has said that the reasoning for supermarkets being required to do this is as 'a matter of fairness'. Perfectly fine. I'll just go online and buy what is needed instead. Fucking dumbass. Granted, this is scheduled for two weeks only, with the Welsh Government claiming that this will end on 9th November. However, the fact that there are already measures being created on restrictions after this and the possibility of rolling lockdowns (let's not forget that the likes of Caerphilly and Rhondda-Cynon-Taf were in local lockdowns for 5-6 weeks before today, while many others were already in locla lockdowns as well), this will most likely be extended and extended after that date. I need get a little bit of food shopping for my nan and myself. While I won't be going to any of the big stores, I'll post some pics up on here if I see anything this ridiculous.
  12. Welsh Government are telling the supermarkets in Wales that they must close off anything that is non-essential (clothes, electronics etc) as part of their 'firebreak'/'circuit breaker'/'wankbreak'/'lockdown'/'whateverthefucktheywanttocallittobedifferent'. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-54648194 I can understand the reasoning behind this, as other stores that solely sell clothes and electronics (as examples) must close as part of this, but once again, unless the police are going to inspect every single supermarket in Wales on a regular basis (and even then, according to the article, there's no precise list of non-essential goods in said law, so they couldn't do anything anyway), this is once again going to be unenforceable. A common trait of the Welsh Government during this pandemic. Also nice of them to leave it to the last minute and publish a list of businesses that can remain open or must close, despite the leak occurring prior to their 'announcement' on Monday. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54647422
  13. I admittedly haven't been following this fully, but is the amount being demanded by Burnham more or less than other areas such as Liverpool are receiving? If it's less then I can understand why he'd be pissed and he's fully right to question it. However, if they've received more than others then you have to question whether it was more a case of what Greater Manchester actually needed or whether it was a political power play as Dodger mentioned a little.
  14. That took long. Welsh Government confirming that they want to continue pissing with people's lives by mentioning that further 'firebreaks' (despite not being or even knowing if the current one will be successful) cannot be ruled out in the new year. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-54614002 All while the cheeky cunts play party politics (again) and tell the UK Treasury that people in Wales could be made redundant if they don't change the support for workers during our lockdown. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-54607893 Let's remind ourselves. The Welsh Government order this 'firebreak'/'circuitbreak'/'wankbreak' /lockdown for Wales (no one else) and now expect to jump the queue for support.
  15. Something I forgot to mention that we won't be able to cover the cost of businesses and staff like the furlough scheme when this lockdown happens (length dependent of course). Drakeford even said as much when our main one happened. While Australia is able to do what it needs to do economically, Wales can only do it to an extent In regards to the part in bold, this is partially why the lockdown is not making sense. While our cases have almost hit four figures, our deaths have hit around 20 odd at most in a single day (as an example, we had 950 new cases but only 3 deaths). This has pretty much been the case since the beginning to middle of September. And as I type this, we are offically going into lockdown as of Friday from 6pm and will continue until 9th November, exactly like the leaked letter mentioned. Nice of Welsh Labour to inform their union buddies first before the general public are informed. No gatherings of people at all (except for those who live alone, who can join one other household), exercise is permitted, all non-essential shops to close (there goes my dad's job), primary schools to stay open, (as well as Years 7 and 8 in secondary school) and even universities and colleges (despite our lot blaming students of an increase in cases ). https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54598136 This is developing so more is likely at some point. The universities and colleges staying open for students is laughable when those in Years 9 to 13 (you know, those to sit GCSE's and A Levels) will not be able to have that education. £300m will be provided to businesses affected by this, to which businesses covered by a small business rates relief will get £1k payment, while small and medium sized retail, leisure and hospitality businesses which must close (by the Welsh Government) will receive a one off payment of up to £5k. Jesus fucking Christ. We've regressed back to March and April. Given how our government act, this will probably continue until the new year and they'll beg the UK Government for more cash. EDIT: Today's figures. 626 new cases and one death. Make of that what you will.
  16. That's what local lockdowns should have done and considering the majority of Wales are under these restrictions (even one that went into local lockdown on the basis of single figure cases at that time), it's clear that they haven't worked. The issue for us is that Wales is highly dependent on hospitality and tourism, which this lockdown (as well as slow relaxing of restrictions) would start to cripple us, especially as we also have a travel ban in place from hot-spot areas of the UK. The only way I could see this being ok is if the 'circuit breaker' shows a significant reduction (despite some saying that it'll have no benefit and just cause more detriment to people) by the time it's supposed to end and all local lockdown restrictions are removed. Unfortunately, this is the Welsh Government and as shown with Caerphilly, I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to extend it week by week until the new year (so that Drakeford can continue his unnecessary iron grip on Wales), blame England/students/the community/Bluewolf/anyone but themselves, beg for more money from the same government they've played politics against and continue to do so if it gets rejected.
  17. You can still swim down so you're banned. This 'circuit breaker will likely cover all of Wales. Even the remaining 7 with no restrictions. EDIT: According to the latest figures from PHW (just released), there were 950 people who tested positive and 3 deaths. The deaths in general have been in single figures and low double figures since the increase in cases began.
  18. Not particularly. Caerphilly was the first to go into a local lockdown on 8th September and while cases did drop a little bit, they increased again and Caerphilly has continued to be extended by a further week ever since. As of now, Caerphilly is still in a local lockdown after six weeks. 15 of our 22 areas in Wales (as well as Llanelli and Bangor themselves, making it more confusing) are in local lockdowns and from what I've seen, it's not made a huge difference. Let's not forget though that they passed the buck onto you lot and put a travel ban in place, despite no definite proof at all.
  19. Not sure how much the UK has overall, but Wales currently has under 1,000 a day so far. We're looking likely to go into a 'circuit breaker' (also know as a second national lockdown) for two weeks on the basis of absolutely fuck all.
  20. That's not surprising really. Bet our MP's have happily done it, despite happily wanking over everything done to piss with people's lives here.
  21. A leaked letter making the rounds on the net that Wales will go into a 'circuit break' lockdown from Friday 23rd October until Monday 9th November. Nothing will be confirmed until Monday, but considering this is from a director of a union, I wouldn't be too surprised if this is true. My mate mentioned this to Chris Bryant who, unsurprisingly, hasn't said a thing since. Goodbye to our tourism and hospitality sectors, and most likely my dad losing his job as a result of these cunts. No doubt our Welsh Government will politicise this by begging Westminster for more cash when the time comes and spin it against them once again if nothing happens.
  22. Just had a quick Google as well and saw a fair few articles that this was unenforceable. I did mention this to my old man but he was having none of it. That's basically typical of our government really. I mentioned a few months back that the clown made it a legal requirement for all workplaces to have social distancing in place as much as reasonably practical, saying that police could come to workplaces if needed. Police responded saying that they should not be acting as work inspectors and was also unenforceable as well.
  23. Well there goes the hospitality sector in Wales, despite people saying that a circuit breaker will make little difference. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-54552761 No doubt they'll beg for more money from the UK Government when it all goes tits up and spin it once again if they don't get much, if anything at all.
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