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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Schools in Wales will start to open up from 29th June continue up until 27th July and then back to normal (opening wise) in September. Only a third allowed back in school at one time. Good luck managing that. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52895374
  2. Tbh, I think everyone has in one way or another. My one is seeing my sister now and then in my local area while walking the dog when the restriction on meeting someone outside from a different household was only eased the other day. As she lives on her own (albeit with two cats) and has ridiculous OCD (she works from home and barely left the house, though that's being eased a little now. Hasn't done shopping physically though), she's had a couple of breakdowns over the phone to my mam (though she hasn't helped herself as mentioned before). Always kept distancing from her and everyone else though.
  3. Only took 3 months but finally have the Yakuza Remastered Collection. Have installed 3 and 4 so will be looking to start those shortly. I'll have to buy Yakuza 6 when I'm close to finishing and I have Judgment waiting as well. This will be fun.
  4. I hope things get back to normal as well asap, but we're the same here and that's despite being in lockdown still, bar one or two minor parts.
  5. Here's a lovely picture of people by Cardiff Castle who were there to protest against the killing of George Floyd this afternoon. For those unaware, we are still in lockdown in Wales (up to at least a 13th week when they are reviewed again on 18th June) and these sort of gatherings break lockdown rules. No doubt a good chunk of these are the same hypocrites who have been clapping for carers and the NHS while also ripping into Cummings. Amazingly, Walesonline didn't even mention once about how they're breaking lockdown rules, which shows how piss poor the media really are here. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/black-lives-matter-cardiff-floyd-18338910 I'm curious to know if the police stepped in at all though.
  6. We're similar in Wales regarding people not doing much social distancing or just simply being fed up by still being in lockdown. While where I live (as in my actual area and not RCT as a whole) seems to be fine for the majority, I've read that Wales as a whole has been one of the worst affected (based on per 100k), despite being in lockdown for 10 weeks.
  7. Ok cheers. This will be interesting to know for later on.
  8. So roughly about the two months I mentioned before? Sorry about the constant questions but as Italy was considered the centre of the pandemic in Europe, I want to get a simple bit of background before I provide a response in here.
  9. Are they still in lockdown now or have restrictions eased to the point of being able to go out etc.? I've lost track on other countries a bit in regards to who's still in lockdown, who can do things etc.
  10. Can someone remind me how long Italy were in lockdown please? I have it in my head as two months but can't remember.
  11. Does this confirm Margaret Thatcher as a great leader?
  12. Cheers @Azeem. I'll have a look later.
  13. Can you post that on here please? That could be interesting.
  14. Remember when I said about the Welsh Government (or ministers at least) taking potshots and being hypocritical? Here's our Health Minister Vaughan Gething saying he 'would have quit' or 'would have been sacked' if he did the same. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52805994 While I agree that he probably would have had to resign in some form or another (though more likely under pressure rather than him or Drakeford saying so), I find it a tad hypocritical for someone having a dig when they also have been accused of breaking lockdown rules (albeit to a much lesser extent) and amending his own rules shortly after to allow it.
  15. I know that both are culpable, but you know that individuals who happily break rules will then blame others if anything happens to them or their family.
  16. Just remember, it's all the fault of the politicians and no one else's at all.
  17. Apparently the public have been heckling Cummings, while BBC made an article over fears of the future of lockdown. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52793991 He fucked up but if people are actually going out of their way to abuse him (as with any other person) is bad and shows how messed up our society is really. I also question how many of those would have broken lockdown or not kept social distancing themselves in the process. Admittedly I haven't read the article yet but people have been ignoring lockdown rules well before Cummings had his moment, including the chief medical advisor in Scotland and Vaughan Gething in Wales (albeit the latter being minor by comparison but still amending the rules afterwards which says a lot).
  18. Pretty much. Tried our own system just to be different for the sake of it, ditched it as 'issues were apparently resolved' with the UK Government over the UK wide system and we still can't book tests.
  19. Shad Gaspard has died after him and his son were caught in a rip tide while swimming and instructing lifeguards to save his son first. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-52756408 Very sad to hear. RIP.
  20. Utter utter stupid cuntstain (Cummings that is, not you). Why on earth would you visit your parent's house (which isn't exactly down the road) when in lockdown and showing coronavirus symptoms? Thick fucking cunt. Following the chief medical adviser in Scotland and our lot in Wales amending rules when they get caught out, are we in the UK, from top to bottom, really this fucking stupid?
  21. At present, I'm a traitor and basically on my mobile due to work and little time at present with assignment work. If I get a chance, I've been playing Streets of Rage 4 and may start the Link's Awakening remake on Switch.
  22. Surprised PETA haven't been out in force over this. Also, the Welsh Government have been reported to the EHRC due to fears older people's rights could have been breached due to 'slow testing' in care homes, with one care home apparently being threatened by Swansea Bay health board to be reported to higher authorities if they continued to resist taking patients in. The reason they weren't being taken in by the care home? Swansea Bay were not happy about being asked to test patients before being allowed into care homes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52738526 Also, Vaughan Gething had been, admittedly a bit harshly, criticised for sitting down and eating at a picnic bench with his family, which was against lockdown rules as you could only sit for a short period of time and not actually eat there (as people have been moved on for things like this). So it came as no surprised when shortly after this occurred, the Welsh Government amended the rules so that people can now sit and eat when exercising in Wales, with Drakeford denying that they were connected (absolute horseshit). And in probably the most random moment possible, the area that Gething did sit at in Cardiff Bay has been cordoned off, despite people now being allowed to sit and eat. The Welsh Government's reason for it being cordoned off? Littering. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/vaughan-gething-chips-fence-lockdown-18270812 Apparently they're saying that there's been a significant amount of Littering there in the last week and that the area has been cordoned off until more bins are installed. Just for clarification, we're still in lockdown and can only exercise locally, so unless Cardiff Bay is suddenly rammed with people exercising, that's an absolutely pathetic excuse. But of course, there's plenty of time for yet another pot shot at the UK Government, despite having no real plans of our own other than a traffic light system as our exit strategy. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52737372 As I mentioned before, this is primarily about the hypocrisy of the Welsh Government as if this were the UK Government, they'd be hung out to dry by comparison.
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