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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Yeah, I'll be very surprised if the tubes aren't rammed again once lockdown is relaxed. Going to be very difficult in London I think. Also, I think it was @Machado that mentioned before about celebrities telling people to stay indoors could help and while most appear to stay in during lockdown, there have been ones mentioned (such as Jack Grealish and Kyle Walker I think) which happily say to stay indoors and then break it afterwards, as well as the Sam Smith 'breakdown' While this is the Daily Mail so can be taken with a pinch of salt (like most media outlets in the UK these days), this is Madonna being a cunt. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8282397/Madonna-attends-Steven-Kleins-party-days-revealing-coronavirus-antibody-test-results.html EDIT: To add to @Harvsky's mention of Mike Ashley. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8283769/Sports-Direct-House-Fraser-secretly-pressured-furloughed-store-managers-work-week.html
  2. Yeah, can see London being a nightmare, especially the tubes again as everyone will pile onto that in the first instance.
  3. The sad thing about that is it doesn't surprise me as Mike Ashley is a cunt of the highest order. For me, I will go back to the office if I'm told to. However, it'd be a bit pointless as my desk is almost bare (including no monitors or docking station as someone else in my office has them) and at present, I don't see how it'd work in theory, especially as employers in Wales must make as practically reasonable as possible to put in social distancing measures (I mentioned this a little on the previous page I think).
  4. The other issue as well is with us as the public. Are we still going to be careful when restrictions are relaxed to try and minimise a possible second wave (or simply out of fear) or are we going to basically give the middle finger and piss away everything done so far?
  5. Fair enough. Haven't really heard anything in regards to the Channel Islands and was just curious. That's good to hear. Hopefully we can start to get going again, though how we come out of lockdown will be key.
  6. Random question. Have there been any cases on any of the Channel Islands at all?
  7. Yeah, I had the MAG and a bit of ammo....... only to use a couple of bullets overall as I wanted to save them for the final boss and didn't need them. In all honesty, I liked it but was disappointed with how Nemesis was used. Nemesis itself was a monster and as I expected but the way it was being built up to release, it was going to be the next stage of Mr. X and possibly be similar to Isolation's Alien, but it didn't get to that at all.
  8. Finished the Resi 3 remake and am going to have a crack on Streets of Rage 4 now. Been waiting a long time for a sequel.
  9. Completed Resi 3 now @Mel81x. After finishing the game, I've realised I like to make things as awkward as possible for myself when I don't need to.
  10. I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game fully since the third one. I did start Black Flag but never really got into it. Haven't really bothered with the series since.
  11. My ammo's a bit low so trying to dodge more while getting what I need. My mate was liking SOR4 a lot as well, even saying that it could be the best in the series.
  12. Bought the game on Switch in the end @Mel81x. Following the confirmation that the Switch version is more or less identical to PS4 and being able to get it for a couple of quid cheaper (thanks to Nintendo's gold points with any games), it was pretty much a no brainer. I'll aim to give it a go this weekend as I want to finish Resi 3 first (think I'm close as I'm in the labs now) and remember the hospital part being 'the beginning of the end' in the original version.
  13. A mate of mine sent this to me earlier. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1276697/Boris-johnson-coronavirus-lockdown-illegal-court-judicial-review-simon-dolan
  14. Ffs, what an absolute wankstain. It really does show how pathetic our society can really be.
  15. As I've said previously, I agree that they were too slow to react to start with (whether that was based on initial science or medical advice, I don't know) and I agree that they messed up horribly on the PPE aspect as that should have been resolved well beforehand. As they're the UK Government, you'd expect more scrutiny. However, what I'm trying to show is a counter point as while one gets hammered in the media and by the general public (let's be honest, it's mainly because they're the Tories), the other has barely been touched by comparison. Case in point, the PPE. We had more provided earlier today on top of extra a few days ago. Vaughan Gething had admitted that we had a few days left at one point and as health and social care is devolved in Wales, where was the criticism at the Welsh Government by comparison? Using @Stan's previous post, the UK government had fudged the figures to make it look like they hit the target, while the Welsh Government (which is Labour run and pretty much has been since we've had devolution) didn't hit a test target by mid April and simply abandoned it. The UK Government gets laughed it despite the considerable increase while the Welsh Government barely gets criticism. Why? This is where I'm coming from and trying to make a point. I'm aware that a few members on here will rip into the Tories because of what has happened in their areas and that's fine. I know that the Tories are not great and have a questionable past and present (the Rhondda Valleys were very badly hit when the mines were closed). However, based on what I've seen from the Welsh Government since devolution was voted in, I've not seen much better from them. I could go into it more but it'll start to get into a bit of a rant so will stop there. I hope you get an idea of where I'm getting at with this.
  16. Not at all. I just find it hypocritical that one gets hammered for not reaching a target in time while the other, despite criticism from opposition parties, has got off relatively scot free by comparison.
  17. Sneaky but at least they had a target. Our Labour run government just abandoned any testing targets altogether.
  18. You know they will. The irony is that, as I mentioned previously, the Welsh Government has basically abandoned targets after failing to hit the 5k target and while the opposition (mainly Plaid and the Tories) have criticised it, no one else has. It's this sort of thing that just grates on me really.
  19. Yeah, that's a bit odd really, especially as 4 players can be done locally. Maybe in future they might add it but probably unlikely.
  20. True, Nintendo's online is woeful compared to PSN and especially XBL. At the same time, Nintendo have allowed cross play with other platforms, unlike Sony. Also, just saw this published and my mate sent a video over going into detail about. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2020-streets-of-rage-4-switch-xbox-one-port-analysis I think that's pretty much confirmed which platform to buy it on. I guarantee that if I like it enough and it eventually goes on sale, I'll probably get it for the other as well because I'm a sad twat.
  21. I'm still not sure. I'm leaning more towards the Switch because of the portability and that I can get it cheaper with the saved points I have. At the same time, I know I can't utilise the local multiplayer full on Switch as I only have the console joycons (not that it currently matters with the lockdown), whereas I can get multiplayer easier on PS4.
  22. Plaid will join Labour as both are similar in terms of their position. They did it in the last AM elections and I'm sure they'll do the same again if the opportunity arise.
  23. PS4 or Switch. The usual argument of portability or performance mainly. Forgot to mention earlier that there's a slight price reduction until Sunday on both PS4 and Switch as well. Nothing huge but it's nice regardless.
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