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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Admittedly, I haven't played it again since my initial post. As it's the Easter weekend, I should have time to play it more.
  2. Welsh Government once again trying to play politics and considering further lockdown measures, including preventing people from leaving home to exercise. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52245811 This should be a united response you absolute fuckwits. I hope people on here start to understand why I fucking hate Welsh Labour so fucking much. If they were in blue, they'd be torn apart.
  3. That should have been done ages ago in England. Other than Cardiff and Vale, all car parking for hospitals in Wales are free.
  4. Say what you like about the governments in the UK, but it's because of thick fucking cunts like these that we'll stay in lockdown for longer. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-52221688 It really isn't that fucking hard to follow simple guidance. Also, as I mentioned previously (and probably contradicting the first sentence), why are the Welsh Labour Government desperate to play party politics of this when there's a further meeting between the four nations this afternoon? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52230010
  5. Nice to see Welsh Labour break ranks and extend the lockdown. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52215421 While it's inevitable that the lockdown will be extended regardless, this should be united between the four countries of the UK and not for political brownie points or 'to be the first and for others to follow suit' as they often try to do.
  6. That looks good and faithful to Streets of Rage 2 to some degree (such as the enemies, Axel's special etc). One part I didn't like though is the regenerating health opportunity. I hope the sadist in me can switch that off. Apparently the game also has the pixelated retro characters as well. That's SOR2 Axel for me then.
  7. Streets of Rage 4 to apparently be released on 23rd April. Two player online and four player offline. Free on Xbox Gamepass.
  8. The best thing about Resi 6 was my save being corrupted. I'd already done Leon's part and was in the early stages of Chris's when it happened. Meant I had a reason to never play it again.
  9. Fair play, the thick fucking cunts have fucked this badly. Why do you need that much toilet roll to wipe your arse?
  10. I actually have a copy in GC but never got round to playing it. Same with Resi 4 on Wii and Resi 7 on PS4. Somehow, I played Resi 5 fully and partially of 6 (though that was a god send).
  11. Resi 1 (original on PSX), Resi 2 (both on PS) and Resi 3 (original and playing the remake, both PS).
  12. Is it bad that I've only played three of those five and completed two?
  13. Interested to see where they got the higher rates from. I know testing is low and those who actually have coronavirus is likely to be much higher, but struggling to see how the death difference can be that much bigger when every death has to be recorded and I'd assume a cause of death as well, unless they're only recording hospital deaths etc. Maybe I'm not thinking fully. Who knows.
  14. The media should be fully aware of confidentiality anyway. Not that it stops them of course.
  15. Apparently messages on Twitter hoping that Boris dies. Probably from thick fucking cunts that stockpiled and don't listen to guidance.
  16. Yeah, I remember Nemesis dropping things of you put him on his ass. I don't think it's the same in this version. I can dodge but trying to keep running and looking at Nemesis behind you is a pain in the ass.
  17. I used the shotgun a little in the power station area simply because it was starting to piss me off with the Deimos and dieing too often. Thankfully I've got most of the good stuff except for a safe.
  18. I just jumped straight to hardcore as I did in the Resi 2 remake. Ammo hasn't been a massive issue so far but keeping your health up is difficult, especially with Nemesis on your ass.
  19. Just noticed the Welsh Government have made exercising more than once a day illegal and potentially a criminal offence. While the idea is to minimise contact with others unnecessarily, how exactly will this be enforced? EDIT: Also, when you're constantly being told to stay at home by chief medical officers, then one pisses off to a second home. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-52171694 It's no wonder we have failed as a society.
  20. Yeah, nailing the dodge is tough overall. The quick step helps you get out of trouble rather than running. Idiot here of course just went straight for hardcore though I don't like having no ink ribbons and saving whenever you fancy.
  21. The sad thing is that it'll be fully blamed on the UK government and not the thick fucking cunts as @The Palace Fan mentioned.
  22. Started it earlier today and I'm liking it so far, though Nemesis is an utter bastard as you can't outrun it, so trying to dodge it while running forward is a twat.
  23. Unfortunately, I don't think it will. People have already proven how much of a thick fucking cunt they are as is.
  24. Yeah, the general consensus so far is that it's not as good as the Resi 2 remake and the Resistence add on is a bit meh. At the same time, Resi 3 wasn't considered as good as Resi 2 back in the day anyway and I liked Resi 3 regardless.
  25. Hopefully getting Resi 3 through the post, so will look to start that this weekend.
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