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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Not sure if that's a fishing attempt or not really.
  2. Welsh Labour saying that Wales could stay in lockdown, even if restrictions are lifted elsewhere in the UK. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52324070
  3. Probably because I did. But it does help others that might not have played the remake yet, even if they played the original.
  4. Wouldn't mind something like that but don't really have a PC for most of them.
  5. Forgot to mention @Mel81x that I played it a bit more last weekend and have now........
  6. I admit to being a sucker for some of the remasters mind, mainly for those I didn't play in the past like the two I mentioned. I did get the Crash trilogy as well because, as you said, nostalgia does a fair bit to you. I did play Crysis on PS3 and remember liking it a fair amount. Just having the options (guns blazing or stealthy with the suit) to meet the objective was great.
  7. Yeah, I'm not a massive lover of the whole remaster thing as it tends to be the 'in thing', especially if it's just a touch up or generally doesn't need one (Resi 4 an example). At the same time, they aren't too bad if you missed them the first time around or just have a fondness (for example, I missed Shadow of the Colossus the first time round but got the PS4 remaster. Same with the Sly Cooper games). However, if they go the whole remake option ala Resi 2, Resi 3 and FF7, that's not too bad I don't think as they do feel like a new game compared to its predecessor.
  8. Better than nothing I guess, especially after EA bastardised it. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-04-16-crysis-remastered-revealed-coming-to-nintendo-switch On a different (and very random) note, a jazzed up version of Star Wars: Episode 1 Pod Racer is due for release on PS4 and Switch next month. I remember liking this on N64 so will be interesting to see how it holds up today.
  9. Confirmed as a remaster of the original for Xbox One, PS4 and Switch.
  10. Fair play. America is a very odd country at times. As for those taking guns, what are they going to do, shoot the virus? Sorry to hear that. Hope he pulls through.
  11. That's a ridiculous amount. Fair play to him. On a different note, nice to see Walesonline (the pro Labour rag) politicising the coronavirus emergency as per usual without mentioning a single thing about our own useless Welsh Government. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/news-opinion/leaders-must-held-account-deaths-18099161 Don't be mistaken. Mistakes have been made by the UK Government and they should have acted sooner, both on testing and tracing and lockdown measures. However, when the rag criticises one (Tory) then doesn't ciriticse ours (Labour) while then using Macron's political spin of apologising for his fuck up as 'treating them like adults'. Also, on top of the newly opened test centre being closed on Bank Holiday and Vaughan Gething blaming it on councils due to 'lack of demand', we can apparently do 1,300 tests a day tops. We were supposed to be able to carry out 5,000 as of now, but we aren't anywhere close to that. On Bank Holiday Monday, we did a grand total of 678 tests, well below the promised 5,000 by mid April and even currently. While one gets heavily criticised (of which some is fair enough) and another gets of scot free (despite health and social care being a devolved issue), you can start to see why I get infuriated quite easily and why I hold a bit of bias against Labour.
  12. Seriously? Got a link as I can't seem to find anything atm?
  13. Which countries? Ironically, this would cause more issues and extend the circumstances longer if there are any mass protests.
  14. Pretty interesting to see that. I haven't really read the media's questions to officials but from what I gather, it's generally the same questions asked or trying to get brownie points than anything. I haven't read Walesonline (which is part of the Mirror's lot and pro Labour) much throughout this so wonder if they've been criticising much while backing our lot. I also heard the amount of people we tested in Wales yesterday. I'll let you have a guess as it's shocking really.
  15. For those with PS4's, Sony are offering Journey and the Uncharted trilogy for free as part of the Play at Home initiative. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-04-14-uncharted-the-nathan-drake-collection-journey-free-on-ps4-later-this-week Both may be old but I'll happily take that, especially as I haven't played Journey or Uncharted 3. Germany and China will have Knack 2 instead of the Uncharted games so.............. sorry about that.
  16. My mate was in ICU a couple of years back and when I went to visit him once, a patient got really abusive to the point of being violent and nurses threatening to call security to calm him down. Absolutely ridiculous really, especially in an ICU as well.
  17. Same here really. I'm working from home for the foreseeable future as I work in NHS Wales, but generally checking the updates from Welsh and UK Governments only. Constantly chatting about it or checking is going to get more depressing as shit otherwise.
  18. You know what it's like here mind. If any government in the UK admitted that, it'd be pounced on immediately by the opposition, regardless of who that is.
  19. To show how much Welsh Labour care, here's a test centre (only opened last week) being closed for today. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52272919 Our Health Minister also promised 5,000 tests by mid April, according to the article. We haven't even hit 1,000 once yet, but I'm sure they'll do what they do best and blame the UK government at some point.
  20. No doubt plenty of people will happily criticise this or be upset that he didn't cop it mind.
  21. UK Government's fault apparently for thick fucking cunts (though grass fires is common there anyway).
  22. Concerning, though considering you still get dickflids giving two fingers to lockdown restrictions (as I mentioned above) suggests that it was partially right. Wonder if we'll hear how many thick fucking cunts went out and about in their cars for the Easter weekend. EDIT: Also, Dyfed-Powys police are saying that the current fines are not strong enough a deterrent. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52254775 For those who want stronger restrictions from the UK Government (with fines going up to £960), the Welsh Labour Government went along and did the exact opposite by having fines not as high as that.
  23. Yeah, I remember the previous version not being the longest as well so should be quick to get through.
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