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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Yeah, I pretty much agree with all of that tbf. It's not a dig or anything with what I say, it's just frustrating really.
  2. Not sure if you're trying to fish here or simply ignoring everything else but it basically proves my point that the UK Government gets heavily criticised (which is fine as they're the main lead for the UK, even with healthcare devolved to the other nations, and should be scrutinised when needed), yet Vaughan Gething and the Welsh Government gets off scot free once again, despite waiting unnecessary time and money (which Vaughan Gething doesn't care about). My colleague (the one that Gething basically gave the middle finger to) was not happy in the slightest, as you cna imagine. We now have the capacity for 5,000 tests a day (which, if you remember, was scrapped in mid April and any targets abandoned), yet struggle to hit even half that amount. There is a Daily Mail article which has mentioned what I said in the past but, because it's the Daily Mail, it'd most likely be discarded as 'an attack on Labour'. This is not intended to be an attack on Labour, but it really annoys me how the Welsh Government can literally do anything it pleases without the slightest of scrutiny by comparison.
  3. This got mentioned in our daily meeting and when I asked for clarification, I had confirmation that a colleague of mine in the same department as me was working flat out for three weeks to get it up and running to link up with Amazon, only for Vaughan Gething to scrap it in favour of the UK wide one. Nice of Vaughan Gething to show his appreciation and dodge the question as well. If this was Matt Hancock, he would have been absolutely slaughtered by the media and opposition.
  4. Hit and miss for me working from home. I like being able to get up slightly later than normal and practically rolling to my work desk, while being able to have more freedom as well. Not needing to drive into work has been great as well as it cuts down on my fuel costs, as well as the general travel to and from work. At the same time, the colleagues I work with were a good laugh and we can bounce off each other so that doesn't help. As @Harry mentioned as well, the likes of social lunches and possible beers after work are gone as well.
  5. That's what should happen. Unfortunately, common sense doesn't exist with some managers. My mate and his old man (they work at the same place) are being asked to go into work now despite being able to work from home with no issues. His missus is a healthcare worker as well which doesn't help matters.
  6. Remember when I said that the Welsh Government have a habit of doing things differently for no real reason other than 'to be the first' or 'to stick it to Westminster', even if it makes no sense whatsoever? Wales decided to go its own way in regards to an online portal for booking coronavirus tests for key workers due to the system 'having limited value' as it would only provide information on whether someone had a test. This is despite Scotland and Northern Ireland signing up to the UK wide system. The Welsh Government has now decided that 'data issues' have now been resolved and will now scrap its own online portal in favour of the UK Government system. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52697923 When asked about the length of time spent setting up the website, Vaughan Gething mentioned in the article that he was 'really not bothered about getting into how much we spent on developing a different portal at a point in time'. So that's time and likely money wasted for a system to now be scrapped and not giving a rat's arse. I wonder if this gets brought up in my meeting tomorrow regarding the Amazon link as I think my system was meant to link in with them for demographic reason.
  7. Didn't @Dr. Gonzo point out that Sweden is more spread out mind? Bit stupid really from the anti-lockdown lot really.
  8. True, though I would have expected this on Walesonline (seeing as it's more local) and other media outlets (on BBC at least anyway).
  9. Not sure in all honesty. The Welsh Government are due to publish their exit strategy this morning so we might hear something then. If this is true then fair play to them, but considering the tweet is from 'The Left Wing Society' and published by the Mirror (not even Walesonline has published it and that's a subsidiary), that doesn't look too reliable. Also, not sure if it possibly falls under a small part of this article to a degree, but the Welsh Government won't be giving business relief to those with rateable values £500k and above. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52094877 While there's obviously no clear link, you'd imagine that those businesses based in tax haven would be the same ones not eligible for the relief.
  10. Bit of a meh article but I'll post it here anyway. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-52662119
  11. Sure you did. In fairness, the North does have a decent amount, though that could be more due to the area BCU covers compared to the south.
  12. More in the south and south east. Basically from Swansea to Newport and the surrounding valleys are the main density areas. The north has Wrexham and other towns but not as much as the south. I read somewhere that my area (Rhondda-Cynon-Taff) apparently has the highest amount of cases per 100k population in the UK, let alone Wales. However, that might have changed since then. Here's the death chart based on health board area.
  13. While Wales has had its fair share of deaths, looking at the country by health board area shows that mid and west Wales has much less deaths.
  14. You couldn't handle the greatness of Enckleman up front you wusspuss.
  15. You're not allowed in. Piss off. Also, what daft twat even suggested this option? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-52636160
  16. Unfortunately yes, people are that thick, which has been proven enough during the pandemic.
  17. Unfortunately, the thick fucking cunts won't understand that and still do it regardless. Those from England were still driving into Wales when we were in lockdown anyway.
  18. Nowt wrong with the pokemon games really. Would rather that than play Call of Duty in all honesty.
  19. Bit like Carnivore Chris mentioned above, if I need to do shopping it's either the small Tesco Express or Nisa nearby. After hearing the abuse my sister has had from the thick fucking cunts (from what she said), I can't be arsed with any of the main stores.
  20. Also, is it just me or is this a contradicting statement?
  21. While I haven't seen it so much where I live, my mate has seen it up where he lives in the valleys and people are breaking lockdown rules. I can only see that getting worse out of frustration, despite us being in lockdown for another three weeks. But at the same time, part of the blame would be on the public if they don't do social distancing at the very least. I'm generally trying to avoid people left, right and centre atm (a bit over the top but better safe than sorry I guess) but when other's simply say 'fuck it' and do as they please, what else can you do? It's the scenario of 'damned of you do, damned if you don't' really.
  22. There were two concerning parts of this for me. The first was being allowed to drive to other destinations for exercise. As well as wondering why you need to drive to do some exercise in the first place, we have had people from England coming to Wales for stupid reasons but this could cause us more problems in terms of policing the roads if traffic increases. The second part was encouraging people to go to work if you can't from home, but avoiding public transport. Unless you have a car, that's impossible to do. At the same time, hasn't this also been the message from the beginning anyway (work from home if possible and avoid public transport if possible)? While there wasn't much of a plan overall (I think people were expecting a fully detailed plan for all areas inside 15 minutes), at least there is something for consideration and that England can at least have a tiny bit more freedom, so long as they don't upgrade to ultra thick fucking cunts (which unfortunately, I'm not holding my breath). It's more than what we got from the Welsh Government at least (which I mentioned on the previous page as allowing exercise more than once a day and allowing garden centres, recycling centres and libraries to apply for reopening. No dates or plans for anything else). I'd imagine more will be detailed afterwards.
  23. Without trying to sound horrible as I know some on here do play UT, if you're spending that much on a yearly basis to get random virtual cards, you deserve to be fisted by EA in every way imaginable. My mate told me once that he spent a couple of hundred on Simpsons: Tapped Out for premium characters and donuts, but because he never made an Origin account and he changed phone, he lost the lot.
  24. My sister lives about two minutes drive from me but I've seen her once in the past two months. That sort of thing could be fine. However, as you mentioned about distance limits and in the article, that could be an issue. Using the above example, my sister lives two minutes drive from me, while my mum loves two hours in Exeter. Would the latter be too extreme and even so, could it even be enforceable?
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